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externalities – scale economies – UK airports

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1 externalities – scale economies – UK airports
Introduction The impact of aircraft noise and air pollution on scale economies of UK airports externalities – scale economies – UK airports Modelling and simulation Monetary esimates from previous literature Augusto Voltes-Dorta Department of Economic Policy Universitat de Barcelona Chikage Miyoshi Department of Air Transport Cranfield University

2 1. Air Pollution and CO2 NOx SOx HC CO2
Monetary value (price per metric ton) Emission Factors (ICAO Air Quality Manual) €4.7 - € 26 in 1999 prices (ExternE, 1999) €7.2 - € 54 in 1999 prices (ExternE, 1999) €4.2 - € 36 in 1999 prices (ExternE, 1999) £70 t/C in 2000 prices (UK Gov.) Aircraft movements data (OAG) Emission Costs

3 1. Noise Monetary value (WTP per dB reduced)
Noise Contours and Population Counts Aircraft movement data Day/Night split Runway modal split Departure/arrival tracks Coordinates, elevation, etc…

4 Cost Function Specification
2. Social Cost Function Cost Function Specification Noise Modelling and simulation Avg cost per km2 of noise contour Emissions Price per ton of CO2-eq Capital UK Airport Statistics – Univ. of Bath Capital cost per m2 of terminal Materials Materials cost per check-in desk Passengers Commercial revenues ATMs X Cargo X Labor Labor cost per FTE Social Costs 16 valuation scenarios 2 outputs 5 Input prices

5 Stochastic Frontier Analysis
2. Data and Methodology UK Airport Database Stochastic Frontier Analysis 27 UK airports Quasi-balanced panel 381 observations Bayesian Inference

6 Average Airport: 2 million annual passengers
3. Scale elasticities and MES Average Airport: 2 million annual passengers

7 3. Individual airports Most airports still enjoy social scale economies Low-Cost operations increase airports’ MES Externalities reduce airports’ MES between 10-50% Full-service operations appear to reduce airports’ MES Scale elasticities decrease with airport size Only Heathrow falls into diseconomies of scale

8 4. Recap Impact of externalities on scale economies of UK Airports.
A Social Cost Function is estimated Previous literature is used to monetize Noise and Air Pollution. LCCs appear to increase returns to scale in airport operations. Airports’ MES drop 10%-50% when externalities are included. UK Airports, except Heathrow, enjoy Social IRS. Contribution to debate on UK Aviation policy

9 Thank you

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