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Revelation Part 4 Lesson 12.

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1 Revelation Part 4 Lesson 12

2 First Resurrection Define it: It’s NOT the rapture?
Is it possible that the first resurrection takes place in stages? Christ the first fruits I Cor. 15:20 Jerusalem saints/ believers at Christ’s crucifixion when the tombs opened Matt. 27:52-53 (If Christ is the “first”, then how are these included? Do they die again?) The “dead in Christ” I Thess. 4:16 Those beheaded/martyred during the Great Tribulation for the testimony of Jesus and God’s Word, and didn’t take the mark Rev. 20:4

3 First Resurrection Those who are part of it are blessed, holy and priests that will reign with Christ Rev. 20:6 The second death, the Lake of Fire, has no power over them Rev. 20:6 Righteous Jews who died before Jesus came the first time, will rise at the end of the age Dan. 12:13 Jews who are alive and rescued WHEN Jesus comes again Dan 12:1 So, when does the first resurrection happen?

4 Abraham’s Bosom When Lazarus died, he went to be comforted in Abraham’s bosom Luke 16:19-31 AFTER Jesus’ resurrection and at His ascension, He “led captive a host of captives” Eph. 4:8 Was this the souls of those righteous that had died before Jesus’ coming? Where did He lead them? ……..To heaven! These would HAVE to be part of the first resurrection simply by definition.

5 Second Death Define it: The Lake of Fire Rev. 20:14
The beast and false prophet will be thrown into it when Jesus returns to earth Rev. 19:11, 20 The devil WILL be joining them AFTER he is released from the abyss/BP and the 1,000 year reign is completed Rev. 20:10 The dead will be judged; that is – those whose names are NOT in the Lamb’s Book of Life – after the 1,000 year reign and thrown into the Lake of Fire forever Rev. 20:15 Death and Hades are the last to be thrown in at the Great White Throne Judgment Rev. 20:11

6 Hades Luke 16:19-31 Story of Lazarus and the rich man
The rich man died and was buried (vs. 22) He was in Hades, in torment and could see Abraham and Lazarus FAR AWAY (vs. 23) He was also in agony and flame (vs. 24) A great chasm (wide space) was FIXED between them which no one can cross (vs. 26) In a place of torment (vs. 28) Moses and the prophets were available to the rich man – they are available to ALL men (vs. 29) “If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.”

7 Hades Once an unbeliever is there, he cannot escape or be comforted
The unbelievers will face the “judgment of the dead” at the Great White Throne, and then be thrown into the Lake of Fire: forever This IS the second death Hades is the OPPOSITE of Abraham’s Bosom “It is the abode of departed spirits, the “unseen place”; the realm in which all the dead reside; a dwelling place of infernal regions, dark and dismal full of misery and disgrace.” Strongs

8 Matthew 24 – 25 When Jesus returns He will judge the nations who are alive at that time Matt. 25:32-33 The goats, unrighteous, will go away into eternal punishment Matt. 25:41 The sheep, righteous, will inherit the kingdom Matt. 25:34 The righteous of the nations, the sheep, enter the kingdom at the 1,000 year reign All the nations are righteous, then, at the beginning of the 1,000 year reign, but the children born during that time are NOT all righteous. Faith has been and forever will be by choice.

9 Revelation 20:7-10 Some from the nations will be deceived by Satan when he is released after the 1,000 years Those nations will go against Jerusalem and fire from heaven will devour them Rev. 20:9 Where do these nations come from? Rev. 20:8 From the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog Like the sands of the seashore THEN Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire, forever

10 People during the 1,000 years
Is. 65:20 These people, in Jerusalem, might be some of the unrighteous born during this time Rev. 21 – 22 Righteous of the Nations The righteous of the nations are DIFFERENT than the Bride of Christ because she comes down from heaven Rev. 21:2 They will be in the new earth and walk by the light of the new Jerusalem. Rev. 21:24 They can enter the city, because their names are in the Lamb’s book of life. The leaves of the Tree of Life are for their healing Rev. 22:2 The Bride EATS the fruit in the Paradise of God Rev. 2:7

11 I Corinthians 15 Chronology of resurrection from I Corinthians
Christ’s resurrection is called “first fruits” vs. 20 First fruits indicates a harvest to come Those who are His at His coming vs. 23 His coming: For the church that is the rapture For those of Rev. 20:4 it is His 2nd He will reign UNTIL all enemies are under His feet, DEATH being the last enemy vs. 25 Beginning of His reign: Beast and false prophet are thrown into the Lake of Fire Rev. 19:20 During His reign: He abolishes all rule, authority and power I Cor. 15:24

12 Review At the end of the 1,000 year reign, those of the nations who gather against Jerusalem are devoured by fire from heaven Rev. 20:9 THEN, the devil will be thrown into the Lake of Fire forever, never to be released again Rev. 20:10 Death is cast into the Lake of Fire AFTER the 1,000 year reign Rev. 20:14 The second death IS The Lake of Fire THEN, comes the end, when Jesus delivers the kingdom to God the Father God is NOT subjected to the Son but the Son to the Father I Cor. 15:28

13 Questions Do people still die during the 1,000 year reign?
Is the rapture different than His 2nd coming? Do the rapture and the 2nd coming happen one right after the other? Who are Gog and Magog and why do THEY gather with the nations from the 4 corners of the earth? What will YOU be doing during this 1,000 year reign? When is the Judgment seat of Christ? When is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? When do I get a reward, or do I? What do I do with it? WHAT is it?

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