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(before Pluto lost its planet status) 

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1 (before Pluto lost its planet status) 
The Nine Planets (before Pluto lost its planet status) 

2 Earth Gaea, Mother Earth

3 Closest planet to the sun
Revolves around the sun quickly—in 88 days Mercury (Hermes) was the messenger god, noted for speed

4 Brightest planet Surrounded by a lovely color Venus (Aphrodite) is the goddess of beauty

5 The red planet Associated with blood or war Mars (Ares) is the god of war

6 The largest planet Has its own circling moons Jupiter (Zeus) is the chief of all the gods and some of his lovers are symbolized in the moons

7 the second-largest planet
To ancient astronomers, it was the farthest away Saturn (Cronus) was pushed out by his son Jupiter.

8 A more recent discovery, next in line to Saturn
Uranus (Heaven) was the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Jupiter

9 Greenish in color Has two moons like the prongs of a trident Neptune (Poseidon) is the god of the sea.

10 Outermost planet Farthest away from the sun Pluto (Hades) is the god of the underworld, of darkness

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