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Greek Myths.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Myths."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Myths

2 What is mythology? Some people use the word myth to mean fake, but…
Mythology is the study of stories that were used to explain the world and other human experiences.

3 In the same way, Greek Myths…
Were used to explain: the creation of the earth, death and the afterlife, and human experiences: love, jealousy, revenge, & war. They were also used as entertainment and were only told orally because most people could not read.

4 Gods & Goddesses Greek Myths include gods & goddesses.
A god or goddess is immortal. This means that they can never die and that they live forever. The immortals could not die but they did make mistakes and had human emotions such as: jealousy, love & anger.

5 Myths also include mortals
Mortals are men and women who live on earth. To be mortal means that you can die. Sometimes the gods like to help, punish or even have romantic relationships with the mortals.

6 The Immortals Here are some of them…

7 The King of the gods God of the skies Zeus
Greek culture link The King of the gods God of the skies

8 God of the Underworld (Land of the Dead)
Hades Zeus’ brother God of the Underworld (Land of the Dead)

9 Poseidon Zeus’ brother God of the seas

10 Hera Zeus’ Wife Goddess of motherhood and child birth

11 Aphrodite Zeus’ daughter Goddess of love

12 Greek myths also include…

13 Odysseus After fighting in a war for 10 years… He spends 10
more years trying to return home

14 Hercales (Hercules) He is part-god and part-man
Completes 12 dangerous tasks

15 Monsters and other creatures
There are also… Monsters and other creatures

16 Centaurs rude, aggressive half- horse creatures

17 Satyrs Satyrs are half-man and half-goat.
The leader of the Satyrs was a god called Pan

18 Cyclops One-eyed monsters
The most famous one, Polyphemus, fights Odysseus in his cave.

19 Nymphs female nature spirits

20 In our world today there are many references to Greek myths
In our world today there are many references to Greek myths. Knowing these famous stories and characters will help you to better understand the world around you. They are also fun to learn!

21 Greek Mythology in advertising…

22 More Mythological Images in Ads…


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