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Chemistry End of year Review

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1 Chemistry End of year Review
Name____________________ Block_____________________ ****IF you turn this packet in after your exam and you have evidence of notes and review you will receive a up to a 5%grade increase for the 4th nine weeks You must respond to all prompts/answer all questions. Highlight reading/information pieces. Write your answers/Notes directly onto the sheets No extra sheets

2 Properties of water Knowledge and skills What are the physical properties of water? Describe each.. Describe how the properties of water allow it to dissolve ionic substances 1. It is polar 2. It is involved in many hydrogen bonds 3. It is a molecule AND a compound 4. Cohesive 5. Adhesive 6. Has a High Specific Heat (takes longer to cool/heat) 7. It has a high heat of vaporization 8. It is less dense as a solid (that's why ice floats) 9. It is the universal solvent 10. When it evaporates, it takes heat with it Create an acronym

3 Knowledge and skills list:
In your own words What is the difference between a heterogeneous mixture and a homogeneous mixture? Define the following terms: mixture, heterogeneous, homogeneous, suspension, colloid, solution, solvent, and solute.

4 Knowledge and skills list: How can you differentiate between a mixture and a pure substance
How do you know what elements will form diatomic molecules?

5 Knowledge and skills list: Identify what type of mixtures these are, and identify the components of each mixture in terms of compound, element, diatomic molecule etc.

6 Evolution of atomic theory
Knowledge and skills: Describe how the work of Dalton, Thompson, Rutherford, and Bohr contributed to the atomic theory… Explain why their contributions is important and how collectively this demonstrates the art of science Notes:

7 Knowledge and skills: Know the properties of a wave. Understand how frequency and wavelength relate to each other. Identify the types of electromagnetic radiation from a diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum

8 Knowledge and skills: Understand that when heated electrons in metal ions absorb energy and move to higher energy levels; and they release energy as light when they return to their original level. Diagram Bohr's model in terms of energy levels of electrons.

9 Knowledge and skills: Distinguish between alpha, beta and gamma particles Identify the species (isotopes or radioactive decay particles) in a nuclear equation Write formulas for elements in isotopic notation Balance an equation for a nuclear reaction in which alpha or beta decay occurs.

10 Knowledge and skills: Explain the concept of half-life for radioactive atoms Use half-life in calculations of remaining amounts of isotopes

11 Knowledge and skills Using your notes Compare and contrast nuclear fission and fusion

12 Knowledge and skills How can you distinguish between metals, nonmetals, and metalloids according to their properties

13 Knowledge and skills: How can you distinguish among an atom, a molecule, and an ion?
Explain how the charge of an ion is determined? Draw a model of each below and EXPLAIN how the answer given to the problem below was calculated Problem Identify the number of protons and electrons in the Sc3+ ion. Answer The Sc3+ ion contains 21 protons and 18 electrons

14 Knowledge and skills: Explain why chemical equations must be balanced in terms of the law of conservation of matter Notes:

15 Knowledge and skills: Give the details of atomic structure, include all for the atomic parts, where they are located and what charges they hold Notes:

16 Knowledge and skills: Describe the relationship between atomic number and number of protons, how the weight of an atom can be determined and how many electrons can be determined.

17 Knowledge and skills: Identify the 1) elements in each of these compounds, the number of atoms in these compounds and the amount of molecules of these compounds .

18 Knowledge and skills :Be able to classify properties as physical or chemical

19 Knowledge and skills: Explain what happens when an electron gets excited…Think about your flame lab Notes:

20 Knowledge and skills: Compare and contrast ionic and covalent bonds, which type of molecules will form ionic and covalent bonds Notes:

21 Knowledge and skills Describe the difference of reactivity in elements and what role valence electrons play in this. Notes:

22 Knowledge and skills: write the correct number of valance electrons for each family, the ion charge for each family the, electron shell level for each period…also identify were your reactive metals are located, and your metals, non metals, and metalloids.

23 Knowledge and skills: How do you calculate molar mass
Knowledge and skills: How do you calculate molar mass? AND solve problem AND Create a flow chart showing how to go from moles to grams…. Notes:

24 Knowledge and skills: Solve problem and Create a flow chart showing how to go from grams to moles

25 Knowledge and skills: Solve this stoichiometry problem
The octane present in gasoline burns according to the following equation: 2 C8H O > 16 CO H2O (a) How many moles of O2 are needed to react fully with 4 moles of octane? (b) How many moles of CO2 can form from 1 mole of octane? (c) How many moles of water are produced by the combustion of 6 moles of octane? (d) If this reaction is to be used to synthesize 8 mole of CO2, how many moles of oxygen are needed? How many moles of octane?

26 Knowledge and skills: Solve this stoichiometry problem

27 Knowledge and skills: What is oxidation and what is reduction?
Explain how you can identify what is being oxidized and what is being reduced? How do you know?

28 Knowledge and skills: Explain state of matter in terms of kinetic energy…on the picture below describe how temperature is effecting changes of states of matter. List in increasing order of kinetic energy. Notes:

29 Knowledge and skills: How can you identify an endothermic or exothermic reaction in terms of energy? (hint look were energy(heat ) is placed in the equations.

30 Knowledge and skills: label a heating curve for water

31 Knowledge and skills: Explain this diagram, What are the effects of concentration, temperature, surface area, and catalysts on reaction rates.

32 Knowledge and skills: Specific Heat Capacity (C or S ) - The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius is called the specific heat capacity of the substance. The quantity of heat is frequently measured in units of Joules(J). Another property, the specific heat, is the heat capacity of the substance per gram of the substance. The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g° C Calculate the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of 250g of water from 20oC to 46oC. q = m x C x DT q = 250g x 4.18J/goC x 26oC q = 37,620J or 38kJ

33 Knowledge and skills: Identify the type of reactions in the problems given below

34 4HCl(g) + O2(g) ⇆ 2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g) + 114.4 kJ
Knowledge and skills: Describe how the rate of chemical equilibrium will shift when altering the various environmental and physical conditions. 1) In the equilibrium reaction: 4HCl(g) + O2(g) ⇆ 2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g) kJ Predict the direction of equilibrium shift if the following changes occur. a) oxygen is added b) HCl is removed c) H2O is added d) Cl2 is removed e) Temperature is lowered

35 Knowledge and skills: Identify which law these are below
Knowledge and skills: Identify which law these are below. How do you know?

36 Knowledge and skills: Identify which law these are below
Knowledge and skills: Identify which law these are below. How do you know?

37 Knowledge and skills: Identify which law these are below
Knowledge and skills: Identify which law these are below. How do you know?

38 Knowledge and skills: You need to know what PV=nRT really is… read the analogy below and really learn what PV=nRT is all about

39 Knowledge and skills: Explain pH in terms of Hydronium ions
Knowledge and skills: Explain pH in terms of Hydronium ions. Make sure you know the pH scale and what is considered acidic neutral and basic

40 Knowledge and skills: -Understand how to measure energy content of various fuels
-Differentiate between types of systems. -Describe entropy as a quantity that measures the order or disorder of a system

41 Knowledge and skills: -Using your notes What are intermolecular forces
Knowledge and skills: -Using your notes What are intermolecular forces? Create a chart to compare.

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