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AeroMetric, Inc. Presents: An Airports GIS Lecture Series

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1 AeroMetric, Inc. Presents: An Airports GIS Lecture Series
4-States Airport Conference September 16, 2013 AeroMetric, Inc. Presents: An Airports GIS Lecture Series Airports GIS: Project Creation & Data Submittal Presenter Todd G. Johnson, Airport Solutions Specialist Click Here To Start

2 AeroMetric, Inc. Presents: An Airports GIS Lecture Series
4-States Airport Conference September 16, 2013 AeroMetric, Inc. Presents: An Airports GIS Lecture Series Airports GIS: Project Creation & Data Submittal Presenter Todd G. Johnson, Airport Solutions Specialist

3 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Presentation Topics Airports GIS Program Update (as of 16 Sept 13) Why Do YOU Need to Understand Airports GIS? What Are the Benefits of Using Airports GIS Why Should YOU Use Airports GIS? Types of AGIS Survey and Data Collection Projects Airport Project Scenarios – Group Participation What Can You Do to Prepare for Your eALP Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

4 FAA airports GIS Project creation & data submittal
FAA Airports GIS Program Update (as of 16 Sept 2013) FAA airports GIS Project creation & data submittal Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

5 FAA airports GIS & the new Design/As-Built Workflow
FAA AIRPORTS GIS NEWS WIRE FAA airports GIS & the new Design/As-Built Workflow FAA SW Region eALP pilot airports creating eALPs on AGIS test (beta) system AC 150/ B Change 1 should be published by FAA very soon Minor editorial corrections Updates to CAD standard guidelines – i.e. line types, lineweights, and color definitions to align with National CAD Standard/FAA-STD-002g Addition of TERPS symbology to Chap 5 Tables Removed all references to the DMT tool Values updated due align with AIXM updates – aeronautical information standards Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

6 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
“Why Do YOU Need to Understand Airports GIS?” Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

7 Airports GIS

8 FAA airports GIS Project creation & data submittal
FAA Airports GIS Transition Policy for Non-Safety Critical Projects Aug 23, 2012 FAA airports GIS Project creation & data submittal Requirements of AC 150/ Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist “Today, airport sponsors must follow AC 150/ data collection standards and data submittal requirements for: - Any project changing safety-critical data as identified in Table 4-1 of the AC - including runway end position, profiles, and NAVAIDS; - The collection and processing of all data resulting from design, construction, or planning activities, requiring the development of or revision of existing instrument approaches; - Projects modifying the non-safety-critical data in the airport layout plan; and - Projects involving only non-safety-critical data, unless the airport falls into the transition period specified in the Airports GIS Transition Policy…”

9 FAA airports GIS Project creation & data submittal
Transition Policy Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist “For projects involving safety critical data (Table 1), all NPIAS airports are required to incorporate Airports GIS immediately. Master Plans or ALP updates that include aerial photography or obstruction surveys must be in conformance with the current versions of AC 150/ and -18.”

10 FAA airports GIS Project creation & data submittal
Table 1 Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

11 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
How many people DO NOT KNOW how to create, or have never created, a project in Airports GIS? Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Audience Poll Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

12 Federal & FAA Guidance/Requirements
CFR Title 14 Part 77.9 states that any person/organization who intends to sponsor any of the following construction or alterations must notify the Administrator of the FAA: When requested by the FAA Any construction or alteration located on a public use airport or heliport regardless of height or location FAA Advisory Circular 150/ B states that the “…use of these guidelines is MANDATORY for the collection of geospatial airport and aeronautical data funded under Federal grant assistance programs. “ Mandatory terms such as "shall" or "must" used herein apply only to those who purchase the collection of geospatial airport and aeronautical data using Airport Improvement Program (AIP) or Passenger Facility Charge Program (PFC) funds, or those who seek to demonstrate compliance by use of the specific method described by this AC.” (Extracted from Page 1 of AC 150/ B)

13 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Because We Have the Technology Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

14 The FAA’s Airports GIS Data Integration Plan
ATO SOAR II AMD Airports GIS 5010 eALPs/MPs AeroNav Services NFDC Mods to Standards

15 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
What Are the Benefits of Using Airports GIS? Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

16 What Are The Benefits of Airports GIS?
Eliminate Duplicate Surveys ↓↓ ($) Reduce Costs for Airport Data Collection ($) ↓↓ Provides a Centralized Repository for ALL Airport Data Single Source for Managing Critical Airport Projects Helps the Airport & FAA Manage Airport Safety Critical Data eALP Development, Coordination and Standardization Data Supports Other Essential Lines of Business Supports FAA NextGen / Airport Mapping dBase What Are The Benefits of Airports GIS? So why does the FAA want us to use its Airports GIS system? There are several reasons why the FAA Airports GIS system was created: To eliminate duplicate surveys Surveying the same thing twice costs twice as much – Sometimes there are several surveys taking the same airport data on different contracts…this needs to be fixed This also results in a reduction of unnecessary spending costs The use the FAA Airports GIS system also provides: A centralized repository for airport data management, review, and coordination It provides a single source for airport project management and data delivery Allows the FAA to better manage all airport Safety Critical Data Helps support several FAA offices, to include: AeroNav Services – Instrument Procedure Design The National Flight Data Center (NFDC) The OE/AAA Program Helps support several FAA initiatives, to include: FAA NextGen Initiative– Next Generation National Airspace System Airport Mapping Databases – Charts and Publications

17 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Safety and Liability Scenario Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Why Should YOU Use Airports GIS? Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

Ultimately, the FAA wants to keep things like this from happening! Runway Extension Scenario Standard runway with no obstacles within the 40:1 approach/departure surface. No modifications have been made. GREAT LANDING CHARLIE! 40:1 Approach/Departure Surface RUNWAY

Runway Extended The airport has extended one runway end by 500 ft. due to identified RSA issues, and did not coordinate the construction through the appropriate channels. The previous “tree” obstruction now penetrates the runway’s 40:1 approach/departure surface! Let’s see what happens… 500 ft. RUNWAY

Excerpt - FAR Part 77 - Airport owners must have their plans on file with the FAA Minimum Requirements are planned runway end coordinates, elevation, and type of approach for any new runway or runway extension. Penalty for Failure to Provide Notice Persons who knowingly and willingly fail to give such notice are subject to criminal prosecution. To assure full consideration of future airport development in 14 CFR Part 77 studies, airport owners must have their [airport improvement] plans on file with the FAA. The necessary plan data includes, as a minimum, planned runway end coordinates, elevation, and type of approach for any new runway or runway extension. Penalty for Failure to Provide Notice. Persons who knowingly and willingly fail to give such notice are subject to criminal prosecution.

21 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
What Types of Projects Can Be Created in Airports GIS? Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist Ah dunno! GIS whut? Who’d a thunk it?

22 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Airport & Project Types Airports gis: project creation & data submittal There are THREE types of projects that can be created Most Common Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist Shortest Type Longest Type

23 Airports GIS Project Examples
New Airport Survey Project (Reviewed by FAA) Airside/Landside construction in or near airport safety critical zones Taxiway Construction or modifications in or near airport safety critical zones Airport Airspace Analysis (AAA) data & features for existing/non-modified runways PACS/SACS installations or relocations Master Plan survey project that includes safety critical “As-Built Data” Existing Airport Data Project (Not Reviewed by FAA) Airport Planning Data – Does not require FAA review New airport facility construction outside critical areas Support buildings, terminals, roads, utilities, etc. Apron construction or modifications Any “Non-Safety Critical” survey or airport planimetric data Any survey data that is NOT REQUIRED to be reviewed and approved FAA Design/As-Built Airport Data Project (Reviewed by FAA) New airport or runway construction Runway shifts, extensions, or modifications NAVAID installations/relocations (includes both radiating and VGSI)

24 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Airport & Project Types Airports gis: project creation & data submittal There are THREE types of projects that can be created Most Common Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

25 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
New Airport Survey Project Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Most Common Type of Airports GIS Project Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

26 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Airport & Project Types Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Existing Airport Data Project Most Common Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist Shortest Type

27 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Existing Airport Data Project Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Shortest Airports GIS Project Type Step 1 - Project Creation / Assign Access Step 2 - Survey Data is Submitted Step 3 - Project Creator Accepts the Data Project Complete Submitted Data Must Meet the Following Requirements Existing or Translated Data Must be compliant with ALL current FAA AC guidelines, specifications, and accuracies FAA Spec 405/most WAAS data is not AC-18B compliant Data must be traceable back to the original survey Source documentation must show the who, what, where, when, and how If submitted data contains any “Safety Critical Data”, must have proof that it went through the NGS review process Planned Data Does not require NGS/FAA review The only way to get this type of data in for eALP Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

28 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Airport & Project Types Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Design/As-Built Airport Data Project Most Common Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist Shortest Type Longest Type

29 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Design/As-Built Airport Data Project Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Longest Type of Airports GIS Project Could last 2-years or more Used for New or Modified Instrument Procedure Design (IPD) Some Examples of Design/As-Built Airport Projects New runway construction Runway extensions, reductions, shifts, or relocations New NAVAID installations or relocations Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist Its own separate 2-hour lecture

30 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
PROJECT CREATION SCENARIOS Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Airport Project Scenario #1 Full Master Plan PACS/SACS to be installed New Airport Airspace Analysis (AAA) No changes to airport safety critical features New Project Planned Data = Existing New Project w/ MP Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist PACS/SACS installation is ALWAYS it’s own NEW Airport Data Project! Which Airports GIS projects types should be created? New Airport Survey Project? Existing Airport Data Project? Design/As-Built Airport Data Project? 2 1

31 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
PROJECT CREATION SCENARIOS Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Airport Project Scenario #2 RSA Issues Construction Project  Offset runway 500’  2 Years Out PACS/SACS to be installed MP Update (ALP) AIP Funded Project Design/As-Built Project New Project New Project Planned Data=Existing Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist REQUIRES AIRPORTS GIS Which Airports GIS projects types should be created? New Airport Survey Project? Existing Airport Data Project? Design/As-Built Airport Data Project? 2 1

32 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
PROJECT CREATION SCENARIOS Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Airport Project Scenario #3 New Apron Construction AIP Funded Project Landside = Existing REQUIRES AIRPORTS GIS Submit only non-safety critical data, and/or NGS validated safety critical data, and/or planning data to an Existing Data Project Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist Which Airports GIS projects types should be created? New Airport Survey Project? Existing Airport Data Project? Design/As-Built Airport Data Project? 1

33 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
PROJECT CREATION SCENARIOS Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Airport Project Scenario #4 Audience Participation Projects Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist Which Airports GIS projects types should be created? New Airport Survey Project? Existing Airport Data Project? Design/As-Built Airport Data Project? ?

34 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Questions on previous topics? Airports GIS Project Types Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

35 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
What Can You Do to Prepare for Your eALP? Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

36 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
FAA AC 150/ B Compliant Airport airspace analysis (AAA) Airports gis: project creation & data submittal The airports starting block for getting AIRPORT SAFETY CRITICAL DATA into Airports GIS! Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist This data used by FAA AeroNav Services for: Instrument Procedure Designs (IPD) & reviews (Approach & Departure)

37 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
FAA AC 150/ B aaa Safety critical features Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Table 4-1 Airport-Related Safety Critical Data Airport Airspace Part 77 and Obstruction Identification Surfaces (OIS) Reportable AAA Obstacles/Obstructions Significant obstacles within Approach/Departure areas Obstacles within circling areas On-Airport Navigational Aids (NAVAIDS) Runways, Runway Ends/Threshold Locations & Elevations Includes all published take-off & landing distances Touch-down zone elevations (TDZE) Displaced landing threshold locations/elevations Heliport Data - Locations/Elevations Including TLOF/FATO Airport Elevation/ARP Must survey end points and centerline profiles of all landing surfaces to validate airport elevation Data used to create base elevation of AAA surfaces Not a complete list – must include several non-safety critical features/data to support AeroNav Services IPD Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

38 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Airport airspace analysis (AAA) Pre-AAA Obs Mitigation (LiDAR) Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Hailey (Sun Valley), Idaho - Part 77 Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

39 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Topics Covered Airports GIS Program Update (as of 16 Sept 13) Why Do YOU Need to Understand Airports GIS? What are the Benefits of Using Airports GIS Why Should YOU Use Airports GIS? Types of AGIS Survey and Data Collection Projects Airport Project Scenarios – Group Participation What Can You Do to Prepare for Your eALP Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

40 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Online Educational Resources FAA Airports GIS Video Training Series FAA NextGen Implementation Plan for 2012 (eBook) Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

41 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Final Questions & Answers… Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist

42 AeroMetric, Inc. Presents: An Airports GIS Lecture Series
AzAA Spring Conference - Page, AZ April 7, 2013 or AeroMetric, Inc. Presents: An Airports GIS Lecture Series Airports GIS: Project Creation & Data Submittal Presenter Todd G. Johnson, Airport Solutions Specialist

43 Airports gis: project creation & data submittal
Review of Existing Airport Safety Critical Data Airports gis: project creation & data submittal Compliance Presented by: Todd G. Johnson Airport Solutions Specialist Keep Reject

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