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The Success of the Kalamunda Circuit

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1 The Success of the Kalamunda Circuit
Good afternoon. Murray and myself are going to talk about the Kalamunda Circuit mountain bike trail, how it came about, it’s success, and what we envisage for the future of the trail. We are here today representing WAMBA, the West Australian Mountain Bike Association, which is the 100% volunteer run state mountain bike trail advocacy organisation. “If you built it, they will come”

2 Murray Wynne Jake Hannah
Trail builder and volunteer co-ordinator for the Kalamunda Circuit WAMBA committee member Munda Biddi Trail Foundation board member and ride guide for 9 years 2011 finalist in the Australian Bicycling Achievement Awards in the Volunteer of the Year category Currently working as a Construction Supervisor on the Munda Biddi trail Has been riding in the Perth hills for 18 years Secretary of WAMBA Started riding in Scotland around the time the 7Stanes project was being built Has mountain biked extensively in the UK, Morocco, Spain, Indonesia and New Zealand for over 11 years Riding in the Perth Hills since 2006 Organised the Kalamunda Circuit trail opening in 2012 My name is Jake Hannah, and I am joined today about Murray Wynne. This information about us is in the conference booklet.

3 Murray Wynne Jake Hannah
Mountain bikers However all you really need to know about us is that we are die hard mountain bikers like most of the people who have been involved with making the Kalamunda Circuit happen, we are volunteers 2. Volunteers

4 Where is the Kalamunda Circuit?
UWA The Kalamunda Circuit is located part in Beelu National Park, part in the adjoining state forest in the shire of Kalamunda, just to the East of Perth

5 What is the Kalamunda Circuit?
It is a 22km singletrack mountain bike trail suitable for Intermediate to Advanced riders. There are several options and short cuts available when riding the trail, but in generally takes most people 2-3 hours to complete, making it ideal for a half day trip.

6 IMBA Trail Difficulty Rating System
EASIEST EASY MORE DIFFICULT VERY DIFFICULT EXTREMELY DIFFICULT White Circle Green Circle Blue Square Black Diamond Double Black Diamond The has been built adhering to the International Mountain Biking Association standards. Most of the trail is rated Blue with some Black Diamond trail features. As you can see, this places it in the middle of the range of trail difficulties available. I will now pass you over to Murray who will explain a little about the history of the trail and how it came about.

7 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2004 – Trail Proposal Martin Shurlock, WAMBA trail advocacy officer, put in a submission to CALM (now DEC) to: Realign the existing Kalamunda Circuit away from the Bibbulmun walk trail Build a sustainable mountain bike trail Back in 2004 Martin Shurlock, the Trail advocacy officer for WAMBA submitted a proposal to the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) to realign the Kalamunda Circuit of the Bibbulmun track and to create purpose built sustainable mountain bike trail.

8 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2006 Trail Corridor Marked DEC gave approval for volunteers to mark the trail corridor 6 month process of selecting a path and taping the route By 2006 had DEC approved the marking of the trail corridor which took approx 6 months. Marking the trail corridor involved selecting a path through the bush and marking the trees with tape on the proposed alignment.

9 2008 - DEC Surveys complete DEC complete surveys for: Dieback
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 DEC Surveys complete DEC complete surveys for: Dieback Rare flora and fauna Aboriginal sites Construction commences! DEC completed their survey of the proposed trail alignment for dieback, rare flora and fauna and aboriginal sites and trail construction commenced in 2008.

10 March 2009 – First section of trail complete
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 March 2009 – First section of trail complete 3km of trail complete from Mundaring Weir Rd to Camel Farm (“Slippery When Dry”) By March 2009 the trail was complete to the Camel Farm from Mundaring weir road.

11 Feb 2010 – Prison crews lend a hand
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Feb 2010 – Prison crews lend a hand Karnet Prison Crew assisted with construction: 26 days working on the trail 6 prisoners per visit Major contribution to the construction of the Kalamunda Circuit Starting in February 2009 Karnet prison crew assisted us with the construction. They spent 26 days working on the trail with about 6 prisoners each visit and were a major contributor to the construction of the KC so we owe them huge thanks for their assistance.

12 Sept 2010 – Lottery West tender
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Sept 2010 – Lottery West tender WAMBA invite tenders for the construction of the southern section of the Kalamunda Circuit Made possible by $35,000 Lottery West and DSR trails grant In September 2010 WAMBA invited professional trail builders to tender on the southern section of the KC with the money being supplied by Lotteries WA and DSR

13 Dec 2010 – Trail signs go in Northern section sign posted by DEC
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Dec 2010 – Trail signs go in Northern section sign posted by DEC Standard IMBA trail ratings used Riders start to ride the trail in serious numbers December 2010: Northern section of trail sign posted and this seems the start of the invasion of riders.

14 July-Sept 2011 – South section constructed
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 July-Sept 2011 – South section constructed Jamie Campbell commences construction on the south section Three months to construct 8km of trail WAMBA run naming competition for new trails: Rocky Balboa Mercury Street Muffin Tops Horny Devil Between July and September 2011, Jamie Campbell who won the tender constructed 8 kilometres of trail on the southern side of MWR over approx 3 month and he was paid with the grant money from lotteries WA and the DSR. WAMBA organised a trail naming competition for the 4 distinct trails Jamie built (previously volunteers chose names for trail they had constructed). Getting riders involved in this way, and naming short sections of trail is very important to give a sense of ownership of the trail. This helps with volunteer numbers at maintenance and building days. It also makes those car park discussions about which trail is the sweetest much easier.

15 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 July 2011 – 1000 Volunteer hours! In July 2011 we exceeded 1000 volunteer trail building hours on the Kalamunda Circuit Total hours so far: 1480 130 volunteers involved Volunteer hours to exceed 1500 on Sunday at trail maintenance day We have had over 180 volunteers that have put in more than 1600 hours work to build and maintain the KC. I would like to thank all the people that have volunteered and worked on the KC. Especially Paddy and Cam who are at virtually every trail building day. Also the regulars that come along and the people that have come out once, all your help is much appreciated. It has been a pleasure meeting you all. I would also like to thank all the partners of the volunteers, especially my wife Claire who support us in our passion to build and maintain the KC.

16 Oct 2011 – Trail counter Trail counter installed:
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Oct 2011 – Trail counter Trail counter installed: Thanks to the assistance of Andy Kemp (DEC) Placed on Camakazi trail 407 riders per week between Oct 2011 and Feb 2012 1066 vehicle movements per week along Paulls Valley [Data from Shire of Kalamunda] Since October when we installed a trail counter on a one way section of trail we have averaged 407 riders per week. A traffic survey placed outside the Calamunnda Camel Farm is recording over 1000 vehivle movement per week ie 500 cars visiting the area.

17 March 2012 – South Section Signed
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 March 2012 – South Section Signed Kalamunda Circuit volunteers install south section sign posts All 22km of the trail is now signposted

18 March 2012 – Trail officially opened
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 March 2012 – Trail officially opened Trail opening party organised by WAMBA: Sponsored by Cycle Instead Bikeweek 50 new riders tried the trail 40 beginners took part in skills and maintenance clinics from AvantiPlus Cannington Demo bikes Free sausage sizzle VIPs from DEC, DSR, West Cycle, Cycling WA, WAMBA, PMBC, Kalamunda Shire WAMBA AGM In March the trail was officially opened. The opening was held at the Calamunnda Camel Farm, who have been a great supporters of the project and mountain biking in general. Most weekends there are over 100 cars per day in their car park, overflowing on to the road

19 Kalamunda Circuit Opening – photos courtesy of Travis Deane
Whilst I hand back to Jake, here is a slide show from the trail opening day. Our thanks to Travis Deane who captured these pictures and many of the others in this presentation.

20 Promoting the Kalamunda Circuit
Back to me We have used many methods to promote the Kalamunda Circuit and engage the mountain biking public – something that is important (to organise volunteers trail building and help us lobby for more trails) but can be hard to do as there is no requirement to join a mountain biking club or pay or register before you ride. The ways we have gone about this include: Websites such as the WAMBA page and Perth mountain bike club forum and newsletters. Murray has a database of 180? adresses for trail building and the WAMBA newsletter is received by over 800 people. Facebook – a great way to instantly communicate news, photos and videos. The WAMBA facebook page has over 450 followers and the Kalamunda Circuit page over 270 WAMBA have published a free, accurate trail map of the trail which is available to pick up at the Camel farm or download from the WAMBA website. The map is regularly updated to reflect changes in the trail such as new trails and closures, for example in the case of controlled burns Conventional press such as travel magazine Scoop and Travis Deane does all he can to promote Western Autralian news in AMB WAMBA have cultivated stronger links with the Munda Biddi trail foundation including contributing articles to their ‘Messenger’ newsletter The trail opening was sponsored by Cycle Instead BikeWeek, which also allowed us to access their advertising streams, including a feature article in the West Australian newspaper We have had these T-shirts printed to promote the trail and help raise funds for maintenance Lastly, WAMBA have become heavily involved in the DEC partnered EveryTrail website. EveryTrail…..

21 EveryTrail QR Code Back to me
We have used many methods to promote the Kalamunda Circuit and engage the mountain biking public – something that is important (to organise volunteers trail building and help us lobby for more trails) but can be hard to do as there is no requirement to join a mountain biking club or pay or register before you ride. The ways we have gone about this include: Websites such as the WAMBA page and Perth mountain bike club forum and newsletters. Murray has a database of 180? adresses for trail building and the WAMBA newsletter is received by over 800 people. Facebook – a great way to instantly communicate news, photos and videos. The WAMBA facebook page has over 450 followers and the Kalamunda Circuit page over 270 WAMBA have published a free, accurate trail map of the trail which is available to pick up at the Camel farm or download from the WAMBA website. The map is regularly updated to reflect changes in the trail such as new trails and closures, for example in the case of controlled burns Conventional press such as travel magazine Scoop and Travis Deane does all he can to promote Western Autralian news in AMB WAMBA have cultivated stronger links with the Munda Biddi trail foundation including contributing articles to their ‘Messenger’ newsletter The trail opening was sponsored by Cycle Instead BikeWeek, which also allowed us to access their advertising streams, including a feature article in the West Australian newspaper We have had these T-shirts printed to promote the trail and help raise funds for maintenance Lastly, WAMBA have become heavily involved in the DEC partnered EveryTrail website. EveryTrail…..

22 Potential Market: Population of 1.74million within a 40km radius
On the doorstep of Perth International airport 12 months a year riding conditions Connects to the Munda Biddi Trail 20km 40km To give an idea of the potential: Cycling, and mountain biking in particular, are fast growing sports in Australia. It is the new golf. The Kalamunda Circuit is located within a 40 minute drive of the 4th largest city in Australia. Looking beyond Perth and WA, Kalamunda is only 20 minutes drive from Perth airport. Tourism is already developing strongly in the Bickley valley with new wineries offering B&B as well as more established businesses such as the pub, campsite and youth hostel at Mundaring Weir. With a more trails and a bit of promotion it is nor hard to envisage riders travelling from further afield than Perth to ride the Kalamunda Circuit and associated new trails.

23 A Victim of Its Own Success
Kalamunda Circuit is at capacity Lack of easy (Green) trails Lack of harder (Black) trails (and shuttle-able trails) DRA to the east of Lockwood Rd Access to major funding Even before the trail was completely sign posted and officially opened we saw unprecedented numbers of riders. Car parks in the are and the trail themselves are at capacity every weekend. We also have a drastic lack of easier and more challenging trails. This implications for beginners are more obvious – they could be injured or put of mountain biking for life by attempting a trail above their fitness or skill set. Having advanced riders on the trail – due to a lack of Black trails – adds to this issue as there then becomes a huge ability and speed difference between them and beginner riders. Mountain biking is also an Olympic sport – skills are not able to develop. One of the reasons for constructing the KC is to provide a superior alternative to unsanctioned trails, some of which lie in highly sensitive DRA or RPZ. At first we saw a drastic reduction in riders in these areas, however anecdotal evidence suggests that they are gaining in popularity again – partly due to riders attracted to the area by the KC exploring, but mainly older riders returning to these trails as they look for variety. To create a network worthy of a city of Perth’s size would require kms of trails.  Sadly, volunteer labour can't match the demand for trail in the timeframe required. Professionally built trails can, but are expensive. As a volunteer organization, accessing funding is our main sticking point. To develop this area to its potential would requires serious money. We need help to obtain this funding.

24 Rider Survey In July 2011 WAMBA conducted a survey of nearly 400 riders and asked them what trails they wanted in the Perth hills. The response was overwhelming unified; everyone wants more trails, the ability to ride varied loops and trails that require a variety of skill levels.

25 Rider Survey “Trails with hard, medium and easy features and having trails all linking up together so you can ride a different route each week.” “Development of some longer distance singletrack loops - ideally linked all the way into Kalamunda.” “Trails which interlink, so you can do short or long rides. Also getting a change of trails to keep it interesting.” “More downhill and freeride trails. More flowy single track” These quotes from the survey illustrate this just as well.

26 P P P WAMBA’s short to medium term trail developments:
Munda Biddi Touring Route FJ X Files Asher Rd Camakazi Camel Farm Skills Track P Fern Rd Joeys Line Munda Biddi Slippery When Dry Camel Farm Green Link Dugite Paulls Valley Rd Lancaster Mundaring Weir Rd Black Stump Green Loop P Pump Track Munda Biddi Touring Route Black Stump The Dell P Horny Devil Zig Zag Zinger Mercury St New Downhill trail New blue trail Gunjin Rd WAMBA’s short to medium term trail developments: 5km green loop (Lottery West small grant) Skills loop at the Camel Farm Pump track Green link trail Lancaster – nearly complete New black descent approved – construction about to start/waiting for funding Zinger being legalised for Kalamunda 50 race KC extension to the top of Mt Gunjin (398m) Large Lottery West application for redevelopment of Gunjin away from DRA Munda Biddi Rocky Balboa Lockwood Rd Muffin Tops XXXX ● Mt Gunjin

27 And beyond that: KC in blue in the middle Munda Biddi in red Heritage rail trail and Kalamunda Rail trail in Green Helena Valley and Piesse Brook offer lots gradient Trails out to Pickering Brook Kalamunda to KC area Mundaring to the weir – old Mundaring loop Towns of PB, Kal, Mundaring can see some of the economic benefit of 400+ hungry, thirsty visitors every weekeng

28 Conclusions The Kalamunda Circuit is a huge success
There is an urgent need for more trails We have an opportunity to make this area very special

29 Questions and Video

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