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Measuring the Impact of Services & Interventions on Student Success

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring the Impact of Services & Interventions on Student Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring the Impact of Services & Interventions on Student Success

2 Piedmont Technical College
Presenters Piedmont Technical College Carol Paguntalan Director of Academic Advising Jessie Estep Intervention and Support Counselor Zeolean Kinard Special Projects, IT ZogoTech Michael Taft Founder and CEO Carol and Jessie introduce themselves Z introduces herself and Michael

3 The Tool - ZogoTech We were looking for a comprehensive solution when we procured ZogoTech Integrates data from other sources – Banner, National Student Clearinghouse, Tutoring software, etc Point in time comparisons (enrollment – major, campus, course) Cohort tracking (FTIC, pilot groups, grants, QEP) Provide alerts based on student behavior (Students in developmental classes, Web only classes, L term classes, M or U at mid-term, etc) Evaluates effectiveness of interventions/services ( will demonstrate ow we track this) Centralize communication/service data (will demonstrate) Empowers end-users Modules: Scorecard with KPIs and drill down to program level data Reporting/Analytics Student Navigator

4 New Student Advisement Career Planning & Counseling
Departmental Impacts New Student Advisement Career Planning & Counseling Faculty Institutional Impact Communication Ad Hoc Reporting Documentation Training Changed Culture Democratization of Data Focus of Presentation ZogoTech Student Navigator Comprehensive student tracking and intervention tool Used by faculty and staff Share notes Communicate with students Identify “at risk” students Identify students to track and follow their progress over-time Z ZogoTech is the tool that we use. It has changed the culture at PTC – data in accessible to the end user

5 ZogoTech - Student Navigator
First we want to share with you what the Student Profile that is provided in the Student Navigator The first page presents specific academic information on a student pulled from multiple sources onto one page; including alerts The remaining tabs are pulling data that is used to effectively advise or provide guidance to students from other sources, mostly the SIS – but data that is typically placed on many different forms

6 Example with multiple contacts

7 Example of retaking classes






13 CSI College Student Inventory Form C
Ruffalo-Noel Levitz

14 Uses & Impact Carol Explain our definition of Services and Interventions Ask question of the audience – we are interested in hearing how you measure the impact of the services that you offer and track student interventions How many are you doing this on your campus?

15 Enter notes based on advising service provided
New Student Advising Enter notes based on advising service provided Case Management Review students needing contact by reason or filter No contact within time range M or U at midterm Has not had degree plan created Upcoming birthday Review persistence or retention status Can compare with similar groups Helps with referrals Carol and Z have contacts as Advisors Contact table w/ reason=Degree Plan (149) Explain the way that we get to information about a group of students is through filtering and reports Examples to demonstrate Add a contact Show currently enrolled students who are FTIC (alert) with a degree plan and then show those without Show those enrolled students with a M or U at midterm (fall) Show the New student list with enrolled in current term filter 862 of the 1187 have persisted (72.62%); can drill into more data – how many completed all attempted credits? How many completed with a 2.0 GPA, etc….

16 New Student Advising (cont.)
Tracking Students who attended enrollment events Students who attended orientation Batch Contacts Sending an Saving a contact Staffing Number of walk ins during low staff holiday week Reasons during peak times Carol Z has a small list to upload Demonstrate entering a batch contact; sending an Staffing – Z has excel document that can be shown

17 Case Management – Title III Grant (2012 – 2017)
Document contacts Store lists Cohorts uploaded Calculation of ROI Tracking of outcomes Jessie Jessie has a few contacts entered

18 Case Management – Title III Grant (Tracking Outcomes)

19 Tracking Early Alerts Jessie

20 Career Planning – Enrolled vs. Not Enrolled
Applicants who were undecided and whether they enrolled or not + if they received career planning Jessie

21 Career Planning – Decided vs. Undecided on Application
FTIC, enrolled students who were either undecided or decided at application + if they received career planning Jessie

22 Identify students who had stopped out for 1 or 2 semesters
At-Risk Students - SAP Identify students who had stopped out for 1 or 2 semesters Document contacts to those students Track future enrollment Jessie

23 Return on Investment (ROI) for Registered Students (Spring 2018)
At-Risk Students - SAP Results: Contacts attempted between October 2017 – February 2018 (fall term) Next cohort will be “Not Here in Fall 2017” Students “Not Here” in Last 2 or More Terms (Not Enrolled in Spring, Summer, or Fall 2017) Contact Attempts Interventions Provided Spring 2018 Registrations Anticipated Registrations Last Term: Spring 153 37 2 21 Last Term: Summer 72 25 13 17 Totals 225 62 15 38 24% conversion rate 85% total conversion rate (53 registrants from 62 interventions) Jessie Return on Investment (ROI) for Registered Students (Spring 2018) Total Credit Hours Tuition per Credit Hour Revenue 95 $167.50 $15,912.50

24 At-Risk Students – Other Populations
Life scholars with M or U at mid-term (Fall 2017) Academic Probation (AP) warning SAP Warning College Student Inventory (CSI) Jessie List (favorites) – Fall Life Scholars Demonstrate 1. who returned spring; less than 3.0 GPA (Table filter Student); 2. Who returned spring with less than 15 attempted hours (table filter Student Term table)

25 Reports

26 Management Reports – Services provided

27 Contact Reports – How we spent our time (Student Success Center)
Jessie 25% Outreach – Intervention 14% Advising –Intial 12% Advising – Current 11% Academic Counseling 10% Early Alerts

28 Integrate Degree Works Data points
Next Steps At PTC Integrate Degree Works Data points Integrate Placement Tracking and Reporting Complete the pilot using the Ruffalo-Noel Levitz CSI data to determine Value of the “Overall Risk Indicator” and “Receptivity” scores Value of the “Recommendations” Z Two areas of “data silos” DW % program courses complete; does an educational plan exists; is the student on track with their plan Placement – graduates that have gotten a job and where; who we haven’t heard from, etc Employers who hire our graduates by program to match students who are nearing graduation to employers; “democrazation of data”

29 Predictive Analytics Who needs to see this information?
Next Steps Continued Predictive Analytics Decisions to Make Who needs to see this information? How will this information be used?

30 Zogotech Analytics Michael

31 Zogotech Analytics (cont.)

32 Zogotech Analytics (Guided Questions)


34 Contact Information Carol Paguntalan Jessie Estep Zeolean Kinard Michael Taft Toll-free: x Web:

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