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Analyzing Artifacts Presentation / Student Directions.

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Presentation on theme: "Analyzing Artifacts Presentation / Student Directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analyzing Artifacts Presentation / Student Directions



4 What do you notice about this picture?
Archaeological Site Based on the depressions in the earth, scientists believe this is the site of ancient buildings. Source:

5 Based on the depressions, scientists believe this is how the site looked long ago!
Archaeological Site

6 Where is this archaeological site?

7 Artifacts Found At The Archaeological Site

8 Let’s Analyze Artifacts!
Directions: Work with your group to make a guess about what each object might be. Record your guesses on the chart.

9 What did your group think?

10 Artifact Clues… Directions:
Record the size & material of each artifact in the appropriate spot on your chart.

11 Made of Copper Only 1 ½ inches long

12 Made of Stone Approximately 8 inches across

13 Made of Bone About 2 Inches Long

14 Made of Wood Approximately 6 Inches Long

15 Let’s Re-Analyze Artifacts!
Directions: Think about this new information as you work with your groups to make a second guess about what these artifacts might be.

16 What do archaeologists think?

17 A copper ring headed pin
Used to close the outer garments of men and women

18 A Simple Stone Lamp The carved indentation would hold animal fat and a wick

19 A Bone Needle Used to Sew

20 Carved wooden piece Possibly a fitting for a ship.

21 Historical Evidence Shows…
These artifacts were not made by Native Americans and it was not a Native American site. It was a site built nearly 1,000 years ago by people from Scandinavia. Scandinavia

22 What conclusion may be drawn from this historical evidence?

23 Conclusions: This site proves that explorers from Scandinavia came to North America 500 years before Columbus arrived!


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