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Thinking About a Pool Table For Your Home?. First and foremost, What size table do you want?

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking About a Pool Table For Your Home?. First and foremost, What size table do you want?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking About a Pool Table For Your Home?

2 First and foremost, What size table do you want?

3 Second, Purchasing a pool table is really an investment and you get what you pay for so don't go buy a super cheap table.Make sure your table is made from a hardwood to keep dings and scratches to a minimum and 2 - 3 pieces of 1 inch slate for the top.

4 The old felt type cloth would roll up after a while so there seemed to be a never ending process of picking and cleaning crap off the table because a brush just would not sweep it clean. Third, Lets talk cloth....

5 Lastly, Please have someone that is knowledgeable move or assemble your table - doing it yourself to save a few bucks could prove costly later. An here Any Assembly will professionally assemble, level, and refelt your pool table. Billiards, Foosball & Air Hockey are all leisure sports shouldn't your pool table and installation be as well?

6 2707 N Rolling Rd, # 109 Windsor Mill, MD 21244 contact@anyassembly.comhtt ps:// (410) 493-4488 contact@anyassembly.comhtt ps:// Contact Us

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