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Think you are a map wizard? Enroll at Hogworts school … if you dare!

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1 Think you are a map wizard? Enroll at Hogworts school … if you dare!

2 Title: Hogworts Map skills! All of us will: describe how 6 figure grid references are used to pinpoint locations on maps. Most of us will: interpret contours lines height and relief Some of us will: create an accurate cross section from contours on a map. ClassworkWednesday, 17 October 2018 Key words; 6 figure grid reference Relief Contours

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4 Write the 4 or 6 figure grid references for the following places on the Hogwarts map 1.Hagrid’s hut 2.The Gatehouse 3.Whomping Willow 4.Hogsmeade Station 5.Eragog 6.The Shrieking Shack 7.Honeydukes sweetshop 8.Mervillage 9.The Quidditch pitch 10.A unicorn 11. The place where you could enjoy a butter beer! Extension: find another location and write down its 6 figure grid reference the test your partner. 1.Hagrid’s hut – 173 482 2.The Gatehouse – 135 491 3.Whomping Willow – 170 469 4.Hogsmeade Station – 122 487 5.Eragog – 181 495 6.The Shrieking Shack – 131 454 7.Honeydukes sweetshop – 121 473 8.Mervillage – 142 488 9.The Quidditch pitch – 162 488 10.A unicorn – 185 485 11. The place where you could enjoy a butter beer! 119 473

5 eature=related 1. What do you notice about the relief of the land around Hogwarts? 2. How do geographers show relief on a map?

6 Contour Lines – Lines on a map that join places of the same height They show the height and relief (shape) of land. On most OS maps the lines are drawn every 10m. Several contours together make up a pattern which show the steepness and shape of the land. The contours have been drawn on the main sketch for you. Remember the closer the contour lines, the steeper the slope

7 1. Match the contours with the corresponding landscape. Extension: Try to draw your own landscape profile and the contours that represent it.

8 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m B A 1.Write down the elevation (height) of: The Shrieking Shack, Quidditch stadium, Hogsmeade Station, Whomping Willow, Gate House, Post office, Unicorn, Gawp, Hagrid’s Hut. 2.Rank them into order of elevation; highest to lowest. 20m 10m 20m 30m 10m 20m 30m 40m 20m 30m 40m Extension: What is the feature in the north-east of the map shown by the ‘V’ like contour lines.

9 Draw a profile of the line A-B on the Hogwarts map 50m 40m 30m 20m 10m 0m 50m 40m 30m 20m 10m 0m Draw on the Hogwarts castle and the Quidditch stadium.

10 Team hill building! In Tables… You have 1 newspaper and a section of selotape Your task is to build the tallest free standing hill with correctly labelled contours at 50 M intervals at a scale of 1 cm = 10 m elevation. It must have flat newspaper sheets on the sides. For every correct contour line I will add on 50M of height. 100m bonus for ones that look the most realistic shapes. You have 20 minutes. GO!

11 Did your team work? Was there a leader? Did s/he help the team? No leader – did that work? Did everyone play their part, if not why not? What problems did you face in the task, were they overcome, if so how? STR – about your team work EBI – about your team work

12 On a post-it note Write… 1 thing that you already knew 1 thing that you have learnt today 1 thing that you would like to find out



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