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Vehicular Communication and Optimal Cooperative Positioning

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Presentation on theme: "Vehicular Communication and Optimal Cooperative Positioning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vehicular Communication and Optimal Cooperative Positioning
Asghar Tabatabaei Balaei University of New South Wales

2 What is cooperative positioning? How does DSRC help?
Outline DSRC How does GNSS work? Why is GNSS not enough? What is cooperative positioning? How does DSRC help? Effect of network parameters on positioning performance Precise position and reliable Communication

3 Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC)
High-speed, short-range, low-latency wireless communications between vehicles IEEE p standard for wireless access in vehicular environments Rapid connection establishment and network acquisition System Components onboard units (OBU) Road side units (RSU)

4 At least four satellites with atomic clocks Global coverage
How does GNSS work? Multilateration TOA At least four satellites with atomic clocks Global coverage Unlimited number of users GNSS Signal Environmental noise

5 Why is GNSS not enough? GPS RF Interference

6 Cooperative Positioning

7 Localization Block How dose DSRC help? On Board DSRC Unit Memory
Monte Carlo/Particle Filter Estimator Ranging & GPS Block Memory Adhoc Information Communication Block Computation Unit

8 How Dose DSRC help?

9 Effect of network parameters on positioning performance

10 Precise position and reliable Communication

11 Summary Cooperative Positioning is needed to improve the positioning accuracy in the vehicular environment Communication constraints affect the level of accuracy that we can get from cooperative positioning

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