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Presentation on theme: "APPLIANCE EFFICIENCY RULE DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Rule 9B-44 October 18, 2007."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mo Madani, Manager Florida Department of Community affairs Building Codes and Standards Office Building Codes and Standards Office 850-487-1824 850-487-1824

3 Purpose and Effect of the Rule Increase the efficiency of consumer products by 15% compared to current standards in accordance with Executive Order 2007-127

4 Executive Order 07-127 Initiate rulemaking of the Florida Energy Conservation Standards, Chapter 9B-44, FAC, to increase the efficiency of applicable consumer products authorized under S. 553.957, F.S., by 15% from current standards Initiate rulemaking of the Florida Energy Conservation Standards, Chapter 9B-44, FAC, to increase the efficiency of applicable consumer products authorized under S. 553.957, F.S., by 15% from current standards Implementation by July 1, 2009. Implementation by July 1, 2009.

5 Energy Conservation Standards S. 553.957, Florida Statutes Covered products: Latest Effective Date Refrigerators and freezers1993 Refrigerators and freezers1993 Lighting equipment1989 Lighting equipment1989 Showerheads1988 Showerheads1988

6 Florida criteria for regulating other covered products Average per occupancy energy use of a product exceeds 80 kWh for any 12 month Average per occupancy energy use of a product exceeds 80 kWh for any 12 month Improvement in the energy efficiency of products is technologically feasible. Improvement in the energy efficiency of products is technologically feasible.

7 Improvement will improve the enforceability of the code. Improvement will improve the enforceability of the code. Standards must be reviewed within 2 – 4 years after their adoption and, if warranted, revised. Standards must be reviewed within 2 – 4 years after their adoption and, if warranted, revised.

8 Enforcement and Penalties Authority to investigate any complaints and report results to the Attorney General. Authority to investigate any complaints and report results to the Attorney General. QA - periodic inspections of manufacturers, distributors, or retailers to determine compliance. QA - periodic inspections of manufacturers, distributors, or retailers to determine compliance. Violation of any provision of this law is a first degree misdemeanor, punishable by fine. Violation of any provision of this law is a first degree misdemeanor, punishable by fine.

9 Federal constraints Federal law preempts state standards for federally covered products that are not identical to the federal standard except: - If it has been granted a federal waiver.

10 Waiver petition criteria: State needs to present evidence that the regulation is needed to meet unusual and compelling State or local energy interests: State needs to present evidence that the regulation is needed to meet unusual and compelling State or local energy interests: Interests are substantially different in nature and magnitude from rest of U.S. in general. Interests are substantially different in nature and magnitude from rest of U.S. in general. The costs, benefits, burdens and reliability of energy savings from the state regulation make it preferable or necessary when measured against the cost, benefits, etc of alternate approaches to energy savings or production, including reliance on reasonable predictable market-induced improvements in efficiency of all products subject to state regulation. The costs, benefits, burdens and reliability of energy savings from the state regulation make it preferable or necessary when measured against the cost, benefits, etc of alternate approaches to energy savings or production, including reliance on reasonable predictable market-induced improvements in efficiency of all products subject to state regulation.

11 Covered Federal Products Latest Effective Date Refrigerators/refrigerator-freezers/freezers2001 Refrigerators/refrigerator-freezers/freezers2001 Room air conditioners2000 Room air conditioners2000 Central air conditioners and heat pumps2006 Central air conditioners and heat pumps2006 Water heaters2004 Water heaters2004 Furnaces1992 Furnaces1992 Dishwashers1994 Dishwashers1994 Clothes washers2007 Clothes washers2007 Clothes dryers1994 Clothes dryers1994 Direct heating equipment1990 Direct heating equipment1990 Gas cooking products with electric supply cord1990 Gas cooking products with electric supply cord1990 Pool heaters (gas)1990 Pool heaters (gas)1990 Television sets [Reserved] Television sets [Reserved]

12 Covered federal products, cont. Latest Effective Date Fluorescent lamp ballasts1990/2009 Fluorescent lamp ballasts1990/2009 General service fluorescent lamps & General service fluorescent lamps & incandescent reflector lamps1994/1995 Faucets1994 Faucets1994 Showerheads1994 Showerheads1994 Water closets1994 Water closets1994 Urinals1994 Urinals1994 Ceiling fans & ceiling fan light kits2007 Ceiling fans & ceiling fan light kits2007 Torchieres2006 Torchieres2006 Medium base compact fluorescent lamps2007 Medium base compact fluorescent lamps2007 Dehumidifiers2007 Dehumidifiers2007

13 Contract with the Florida Solar Energy Center Identify potential energy efficiency standards for products and systems components that use electricity. Identify potential energy efficiency standards for products and systems components that use electricity. Identify energy efficiency improvements and anticipated costs of implementing and enforcing standards to include, but not be limited to: residential pool pumps, pool heaters, spas and commercial and residential appliances. Identify energy efficiency improvements and anticipated costs of implementing and enforcing standards to include, but not be limited to: residential pool pumps, pool heaters, spas and commercial and residential appliances. Attend public hearings to obtain public input. Attend public hearings to obtain public input. Report input for inclusion in report to Florida Legislature 2/1/08. Report input for inclusion in report to Florida Legislature 2/1/08.

14 PUBLIC INPUT REQUESTED Which product standards should Florida establish or upgrade? Which product standards should Florida establish or upgrade? (costs/benefits to be provided) How should the standards be enforced? How should the standards be enforced?


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