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WORLD HISTORY READERS Level 1-④ The Pilgrim Fathers.

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1 WORLD HISTORY READERS Level 1-④ The Pilgrim Fathers

2 A plaque telling the Pilgrim’s story
The Church in Europe Where did the Pilgrims come from before they arrived in America? A 16th century church in Kent, England Why did the Pilgrims leave their home countries? They left because they wanted to be free to practice a new and different religion. They didn't want to be part of the traditional English church. England and the Netherlands A ship near the New World A plaque telling the Pilgrim’s story John Calvin ( ) What was their new religion based on? It was based on the  teachings of John Calvin.

3 Mayflower II, Massachusetts
The First Voyage – Ⅰ How many people traveled to America on the Mayflower? Mayflower II, Massachusetts The Mayflower Steps in Plymouth (UK), where the Pilgrims left 102 people (73 males and 29 females) Was it an easy journey? Did everyone survive the journey? The first half of the journey was easy but not the second half. There were storms and strong winds. No, one person died, and one child was born.

4 The First Voyage - Ⅱ How long did it take the Mayflower to sail from England to America? The Plymouth Rock near where the Mayflower landed An image of the landing of the Pilgrim fathers 66 days (from September 6, 1620 to November 11, 1620) A partial map of Massachusetts Where did the pilgrims build their first colony? In present-day Massachusetts

5 An Agreement with the King
Signing the Mayflower Compact Why was the community set up by the Mayflower Pilgrims special? It was the first British colony allowed to have self-rule (with the power to make its own laws) by the king of England. King James of England ( ) How did this work? The settlers made an agreement with the king of England that all the settlers would work together to form a community based on democracy and elected leaders.

6 Death in the Colony What happened during the first winter?
Replica of a home used by the first Pilgrims That first winter, many settlers lived on the Mayflower as they built their homes. Many of them also became weak from the journey or disease in the village. Of the 102 original Pilgrims, only 44 survived that first winter. A replica village in Plymouth, USA Who took care of all the sick people? The healthy people did. At one point,  only 6 or 7 people were healthy and had to care for all the rest.

7 First Settlers and Leaders
Who was the leader of the first colony? William Bradford William Bradford was the first leader of the colony. Under him, the settlers agreed to peace with the Indians, and the colony could grow in peace. Soon they could develop their small village into a town. The first European settlement in the New World was St. Augustine, founded in And the first English settlement was Jamestown in Virginia in 1607. Were there any people in America before the Pilgrims? A replica of an American Indian house Yes, before the Pilgrims settled, the American Indians were there for thousands of years and had their own culture, language and customs.

8 A First Thanksgiving How is Thanksgiving in the US related to the Pilgrims? A re-enactment of the first Thanksgiving The story is that the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest with a feast—a thanksgiving. And it was shared with the Indians. To this day, Americans have a holiday called Thanksgiving. An artist’s idea of the first Thanksgiving

9 A Growing Colony How did the colony near Plymouth, Massachusetts grow in the years that followed? The harbor where Fortune most likely arrived Dexter’s Mill, 1637 The second ship, Fortune, arrived in Plymouth at the end of 1621 with 35 new settlers. By 1630, there were about 300 people, and by 1643 about 2,000 people. A settler’s home Cape Cod today What made this colony successful? The Pilgrim fathers built one of the first permanent settlements in the New World because they settled in families and intended to stay. Their spirit and determination helped build a foundation for the colony.

10 Vocabulary American Indian n. church n.
a member of any of the first groups of native people living in America church n. a group of religious believers or the place where they worship

11 Vocabulary death n. enactment n. the end of life
the process of acting something out

12 Vocabulary feast n. leader n.
a large meal, usually to celebrate something special leader n. a person in control of a group, country, or situation

13 Vocabulary Pilgrim n. replica n.
one of the people who traveled by boat from England and created the first settlement in New England replica n. an exact or very close copy of something

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