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Management of Flame- Retardant Plastic Waste: PBDE Monitoring

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1 Management of Flame- Retardant Plastic Waste: PBDE Monitoring
Dr. Asmuwahyu, Enviplast, BBKK-UNDP Team and B4T-UNDP Team , Presented at Electronic Industrial Waste Management and Waste as Industrial Resource. 8-9 January 2018

2 Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether, PBDE
A group of chemical substance containing brom, added to product including EEE- plastics as flame retardant. Toxic, persistent, bioaccumulative , and endocrine-disrupting chmicals PBDE levels in environment increasing , widespread in world, positively detected also in surface soils from various location at Surabaya- Indonesia ((Ilyas M, et al 2011). Source: Chemosphere 83 (2011) In 2009, commercialPenta and Octa-BDE, as Persistent Organic Pollutant, added to Stockholm Convention, and ratification has been signed by Indonesian government. In 2017 by Technical Meeting of Stockholm Conv. Deca-BDE considered as POP

3 Approximate quantity of PBDE compared to Non Halogenated Flame Retardant
Type Quamtity (weight %) Halogenated (PBDE), 12-18 Alumunium hydroxide 60 Magnesium hydroxide Melamin cyanuric 40-50 Recorsenol bis (diphenyl phosphat) 15-30

4 UL 94 Compliance: Test of Fire Standard for EEE
Criteria condition V-0 V-1 V-2 Time after flame for every specimen t1 .... 10 sec 30 sec Totak time for five speciments 50 sec 250 sec Tima after flame dan afterglow for evry specimen after exposing to flame 2nd time 60 sec Is after flame or after glow reach to the clamp ? no Cotton burnt ?

5 Composition comercial Penta BDE
Catagories PBDE TriBDE TetraBDE Penta BDE HexaBDE HeptaBDE Content Traces (BDE-17 and BDE 28 Major (BDE-47) Major (BDE-99) Minor BDE 100 and 85 Minor (BDE 153) traces (BDE 154 Traces (BDE-183 Reported content 0.53 % 33 % 58 % 8% 0.5 % Source:. La Guardia, M.J., Hale R.C. and Harvey, E. (2006) Detailed Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Congener Composition of the widely used Penta-, Octa- and Deca-PBDE Technical Flame-Retardant Mixtures. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(20) :

6 Composition of commercial OctaBDE
Catagories of PBDE Hexa-BDE Hepta-BDE Octa-BDE Nona-BDE Deca-BDE Content MInor Major (BDE-183), traces (BDE-180 and 171) Major (BDE-197) Minor (BDE-203 and 196) Minor (BDE-206 and 207) Traces (BDE-209) 11% 43 % 35 % 10 % <1 % Source: La Guardia, M.J., Hale R.C. and Harvey, E. (2006) Detailed Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Congener Composition of the widely used Penta-, Octa- and Deca-PBDE Technical Flame-Retardant Mixtures. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40(20) :

7 Source of PBDE to the Environment
Electrical and electronic Waste : e –waste, WEEE Non e-waste: example Polyurethan foam use in matras, furniture, upholstery in vehicle. End of live Treatment of product containing PBDE: antimony recovery from plastic containing PBDE.

8 Release of PBDE into Environment, Need of Monitoring.
Concern with release of PBDE into environment Leaching from landfills: Given high octanol-water partition coefficient, it is considered very unlikely that significant amounts of PBDE will be water leached from soil in landfills. However, Norwegian and Canadian screening studies have measured concentrations of PentaBDE in the leaching water from landfills (Fjeld et al. 2003, Danon-Schaffer et al 2014). Open burning of e-waste , incineration (Danish EPA, 1999 , UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/20/Add.1) PBDE entering disposal of end-of-life phase from various EEE waste.

9 Monitoring DecaBDE in Recycle from WEEE
Although, production and use of Penta and OctaBDE has officially stopped (in 2004) and DecaBDE later-on is restricted (REACH, 2017). DecaBDE debrominate under various condition . It is necessary that article containing Deca BDE , including its recycled should be monitored for its possible debromination result. .

10 IEC 62321-6. Determination of PBB and PBDE in polymer and electronic
Determination of certain substance in electrotechnical product-part 6 Determination of polybrominated biphenyl and polybrominated diphenyl ether and electronics by GC-MS, IAMS (Ion Attachement-MS) and HPLC-UV. The method has specially been optimized for the concentration range between 100 ppm and 1000 ppm due to the requirement of RoHS Compliance.

11 Brominated screening, by BBKK using ATR FTIR method
No Nama sampel Material Brominated (%) Mainan Anak 1 Ring plastic PE 0.039 2 Funny Blok MBS PP 0.159 3 Mix Brick Toys (Building Block) merk Doll ABS 0.005 4 Betty Dolls PVC 0.836 5 Gasing Petarung (Tor Blade) a. bagian pelapis transparan 0.017 b. bagian tarikan 0.144 6 Magic cube Kopolimer PPE 0.415 7 Rubiks 0.125 8 Cube merk Dispor Kopolimer Styrene acrylonitril 0.089 9 Hand spinner Pemutar tidak terdeteksi (tt)

12 Example of Brominated screening on several toys suspected from WEEE by BBKK-Ministry of Industry
No Toys Material Est % brom* 1 Colored Rings PE 0.04 2 Doll PVC 0.84 3 Rubic ABS SA white Colored 0.13 Non 0.47 4. Car remote control SA PPE 0.61 5 Spinner 0.41

13 Screening analysis by BBKK on EEE produced before 2009.
No Sample Materials Screening Brom content 1 TV casing HIPS/ABS Non 2 Computer Monitor casing ABS 3 Motor casing PP 0.2 % 4 Mixer casing PBT 5 Carpet PU 3.2 % 6 Cable PE 1.9 %

14 Selectivity, Sensitivity and Limit of Detection on PBDE analysis.
Analysis PBDE by Advantage Drawback GC-ECD Purchase cost Easy of use Maintenance cost Selectivity depends on retention time Sensitivity depends on Brom content GC-EILRMS Good PBDE in EEE.Moderate selectivity High Limit of Detection ,>5ppm GC-NCILRMS Good PBDE in EEE and WEEE Good sleectivity Better Limit of Detection than EILFMS GC-HRMS (Tandem) Very good selectivity and sensitivity, very good for PBDE ini environmental and tsuue High purchase cost. Very loww Limit of Detection. around 0.1 ppb

15 Sensistivity of MS determination for PBDE
For analysis of PBDE in plastic, Low Resolution MS is sensitive enough to detect the present of PBDE at level more than 5 ppm. Scaning can be done from 400 to 1000 m/z or using Selected Ion Monitoring to improve detection limit. For analysis of PBDE in an environment compartment or in tissue samples needs more sensitive MS.. Single Ion Reaction Mode, SRM with needs Tandem MS. Monitoring at least 2 most abundant isotop cluster of the precursor, molecular Ion. With this technique , level of around 10 pg/g or 0.01ppb can be achieved

16 PBDE analysis at B4T- –Ministry of Industry , with GC-MS

17 SIM Selected Ion Monitoring PBDE for Quantitative analysis GCMS
PBDE , based on GC retention Ion specific quantificatioIon Ion Confirmation Tetrabromodiphenylether 486.71 483.71 Pentabromodiphenylether 583.62 565.62 Pentabromodipnenylether, higher brom isotop mass 586.62 Hexabromodiphenylether (M-2Br) 483.69 481.69 Heptabromodiphenylether (M-2BR) 581.60 583.60 Octaromodiphenylether (M-2Br) 64151 639.51 Nonabromodiphenylether (M-2Br) 719.42 721.42 Decabromodiphenylether (M-2Br) 799.33 797.33

18 PBDE in EEE and related waste , WEEE,
PBDE, used mainly in plastic consumed by Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) .). Waste of EEE possibly sent to recycling facility due to high demand plastic materials. The recycled plastic containing PBDE than used to produce article in which no flame retardancy is required for example toys Based on FTIR Screening , almost 90 % of sample of imported toys from China contains Bromine functionality group (report 2017 BBKK-UNDP Team , BBPI -ministry of Industry) !

19 WEEE plastic in Recycling ?
Polymer of used EEE, produced befor 2005, may contain PBDE, for example CRT (Cathode Ray tube) TV housing and Computers. Imported used EEE need to be monitored The polymer fraction from recycling of WEEE, which is relevant to TV or Computer Monitor casing are mainly ABS or HIPS but also as mixed plastic fraction. PBDE –or halogenated monitoring: Bromine screening must be performed. Confirmation analysis by GCMS needs to be considered if neccessary

20 By systematic Monitoring , Limit the use of WEEE in:
Food packaging, food container Kitchen equipment Water pipe for drinking water. Silo, sorage and piping for food . Polymer part with direct contact for food . freezer imterior. Toys Labelling system for an article: No halogen Confirmed made from recycled WEEE set up an electrical and electronic waste standard management Certification for WEEE recycler? .

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