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Energy is Drawing the Map

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1 Energy is Drawing the Map
Freddy A. Mercado November 1 - 4, 2013

2 Points of Presentation
Not: Pro Oil or Pro Green – Just the facts Critical of US policy – World Picture Alarmist – not time to hit the bunker! Yes: The truth of energy consumption The pressures to get more energy How it is affecting global decisions How is it drawing the map around the world

3 Who has it? Who wants it? Oil, Natural Gas and Coal reserves: Link
World Electric Energy Production Counter: Link Energy use consumption: Link Energy production: Link Energy Import: Link Population density detail: Link Video Summary : 2012 (3 min) Video Summary 2013 (2:11 min)

4 Nuclear for energy? Japan dependency on oil before Oil Crisis in 1973 for Electricity: 66% 5 nuclear reactors in 1973 In 2011 Oil for Electricity: 10% 50 nuclear reactors in 2011 provided 30% of Electricity Had planned to add another 24+ nuclear reactors Had planned to provide 60% Electricity with Nuclear Japan will close ALL nuclear reactors by 2040 Japan will not close ALL nuclear reactors by 2040 All are shut down now for “Maintenance” in 2013 Switzerland to phase out nuclear power by 2029 Nuclear generates 40% of electricity today Germany to phase out nuclear power by 2022 Nuclear generates 23% of its power Worldwide Nuclear Power: Link Clean up: Link Nuclear power is a path to develop Nuclear Weapons.

5 Energy Fact for the next 30 years
Oil will continue to fuel WW energy needs Improved efficiency will prolong its use Over 20% reserves WW are in Arctic yet to be found Freight Transportation depends almost entirely on oil Natural Gas is growing faster than oil in reserves and production Coal will become more important in developing areas Too large reserves to ignore Environmentally risky then and now No new Coal fueled Electricity Plants in Texas planned New energies will slowly become relevant Energy consumption growing faster than new energies’ overall impact Summary US Video: 2030 (2:17 min) Summary World Video: (1:57 min)

6 The true near future energy source?
Petroleum (Crude Oil and Natural Gas) Coal (developing countries) Alternative Fuels must grow to 25% of energy use Where will we find more Oil?

7 Perspective and Incentive

8 Continental Shelf New Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): Link
Definition: Graph The extension of the landmass of a continent: Link UN changed definition of Continental Shelf in a Convention in force since Slowly countries are submitting. Process Map of the world with the EEZ.

9 China and Asia Perfect example of policy driven by Resources and Energy needs. Border Issues: Video (3 min) Japan uses EEZ to claim Islands: Link Methane Hydrate gas frozen under the seas (Japan & US): Link

10 The Arctic Ice melting at faster rates than ever
A large area of the planet that was vastly unpopulated and with inaccessible resources Melting of ice this past year: Video (2:25 min) How does that happen- Video (0:50 to 2:06 min) Change in Arctic Ocean Currents – Video (30 sec) Long winters we are having? (4 min) President briefed on effects of ice melt (Extra):Link

11 “Land” Grab in Arctic Border disputes: Video (4:05 min)
Arctic Boundary Map : Link Border: Russia and Norway: Link Why? Norway: Link Hans Island: Canada and Denmark: Link Russia Drilling in Arctic: Video (2:34 min) Greenpeace: Video (20 sec) US missing out?: Link Canada and NATO: Video (7:10 to 8:14)

12 “Land” Grab in Arctic– cont.
International Forum: Arctic Council for countries inside Arctic Circle Including Canada, Denmark (Greenland), Norway, Russia, US, Finland, Iceland and Sweden. Observers: France, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, UK, China, India, Italy, Japan, Singapore & Korea - Link Countries outside Arctic Circle can join “Arctic Circle”: Link China Claim “China as a "near-Arctic state" and a " Arctic stakeholder." (China's border and Arctic Circle is about 900 miles away.)” Iceland needs a financial recovery: Link Greenland Elections: Link Defense: Russia and Norway: Link Canada: Link

13 “Land” Grab in Arctic - cont
Transportation: Suez and Panama Canals: Link US & Canada Northwest Passage Video (8:55 to / 15:27 to 16:25) All present and future traffic, population, environment, in region: Link *** China builds Icebreakers: Link Risk of Collision: Link Nuclear Decommission Delays due to cost: Link Infrastructure: Nuclear Power Plants for Russia: Video (30 sec) Application of Nuclear Power Plants (Internal copy) Page 10, 14, 16


15 The Northern Crossing First ever winter Arctic crossing 2012: Link
Source of Natural Gas: Hammerfest at the Snohvit field, high above the Arctic Circle. Origin and Destination: Norway to Japan Why: 40% less fuel used 20 days less of travel No Pirates at sea: Video (2:30 min)

16 “Land” grab in Antarctica
Queen Elizabeth Land: Link Video (1:51 min) Australia reacts to Q. Elizabeth Land and “Welcome to China”: Link Antarctica without Ice: Link (Click on map below picture, expand) Resources Study (Page 10, 13): Link Islands help extend claims: Link Argentina: Link and Map Malvinas or Falkland Islands ? Link War of Photo Chile: Chile base in 1951 : Link President visit Antarctica: Link Map with Antarctica Claims: Link Map with EEZ Claims: Claims Map

17 History is Today Today is History Participate

18 Q and A

19 Backup Slides In case you did not had enough and want to explore more, follow me….

20 Energy is Drawing the Map
Freddy A. Mercado May , 2013

21 Why do we need energy? Electricity Transportation Manufacturing
Living and Working Government, Defense and Protection Food Water and Waste Water Health Care Education No energy: New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina

22 What kind of “energies” exist?
Oil – Fossil Fuels Coal - Regulation Natural Gas - Growing Hydroelectric Nuclear Wind Biofuels and Waste To eat or not to eat Solar All night Geothermal Very location limited

23 Hydroelectric Water is 800 times denser than Air Dams
Stored and used as needed Draughts Tides and Currents Potential up to 1/3 of current consumption in US Moon rules tides Very predictable Waves Varies with winds

24 Wind Onshore wind mills: Link Offshore wind mills: Link
Hot air power: Link Limited locations Unpredictable No appealing views

25 How Much Wind in the US

26 The Future….. What is the future source of energy? Oil: Link Coal
Natural Gas Hydroelectric Fusion ? Link Nuclear ? Solar

27 Arctic Issues Canada’s claims and concerns: Link
Who own the Arctic? Presentation Link Program Camp Century – Link – Video - Link

28 “Land” Grab in Arctic– cont.
International Forum: Arctic Council for countries inside Arctic Circle New Observers: China, India, Italy, Japan, Singapore & Korea - Link Sweden’s Point of view (extra): Link Countries outside Arctic Circle can join “Arctic Circle”: Link Organization’s site (Extra) China Claim “China as a "near-Arctic state" and a " Arctic stakeholder." (China's border and Arctic Circle is about 900 miles away.)” Iceland needs a financial recovery: Link How China became an “Arctic State” (Extra): Link China’s aspirations (Extra): Link Greenland Elections: Link Defense: Russia and Norway: Link Canada: Link


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