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Dragon Boat Festival Fire Oct. 10 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Dragon Boat Festival Fire Oct. 10 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dragon Boat Festival Fire Oct

2 Dragon boat festival is a Chinese conventional festival
Dragon boat festival is a Chinese conventional festival. It is very important. It tell us must love our country.It is Chinese want to in memory of patriotic poet Quyuan.

3 He Jump into the river and commit suicide after he lose his country
He Jump into the river and commit suicide after he lose his country. China is not complete in the past. It’s from some small countries constitute. Quyuan’s country is one of these countries. These small countries all want to unify China. So they will have warfare. Quyuan lose his country in that time. He was so sad. Then he jump down river. People want to memory him. So we will row dragon boat and eat Zongzi every year.

4 Chinese peoples do something for in memory of him this day every year.
Dragon Boat Race


6 Zongzi




10 That’s it .thank you!

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