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Presentation on theme: "OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY CLERKSHIP"— Presentation transcript:


2 ATTENDANCE Mandatory to all scheduled activities
Must be available for clinical experiences (surgeries, deliveries, on call, etc) Clinical duties end when student experience ends or student is dismissed by attending. Any changes to individual schedules must be approved in advance by Clerkship Director and/or Community Clerkship Assistant, failure to comply= Unprofessional Mark Tardiness and unexcused absences= Unprofessional Mark on CPE form Students must be available until 5:00 pm on Friday of the 4th week of the clerkship

3 ATTENDANCE 7. 1 Personal Time Off (PTO) full day of excused absence is permitted per LCE Guide specifications. 8. Time away from any scheduled clerkship activities must be requested in advance. Students must complete the CHM Absence Request form. This should be done 30 days in advance when possible. 9. Any time missed during the clerkship other than 1 PTO day will be remediated as assigned by the Community Clerkship Director. 10. Students can only attend conferences if they are presenting and notify the CD and CCA at least 30 days prior to the absence.

4 ROUNDING/CALL POLICY Specific expectations during call assignments are determined by the Clerkship Director in each community. Special care has been taken to assure that work-hour duties for students are comparable to students in other campuses. Students can be scheduled for night float or on-call during the final week of the clerkship. Overnight shift should conclude at least 12 hours prior to the student’s scheduled daytime oral exam. Students will not be scheduled for call starting the Thursday or Friday of the final week unless they have failed to complete their call requirements prior to that time.

5 Traditional On-Call System
On-call four (4) times during the clerkship including: EITHER one weekend 24-hour call OR two weekend 12-hour call shifts with at least one of those two shifts overnight. Weeknight calls are scheduled to occur on the same day as routine daytime clinical activities and do not replace a usual daytime assignment.  . Night Float System Night-float will consist of a minimum of 3 and no more than 4 consecutive weeknight (Sun-Thurs) calls*. These clinical hours are instead of usual daytime hours. Students are expected to be present throughout the shift and participate in patient report activities at the beginning and end of each night-float shift.   Students will also be required to do two weekend calls during the remainder of the clerkship. In fairness to all students, call assignments for each student will include EITHER one weekend 24-hour call (counts as two call shifts) OR two weekend 12-hour call shifts with at least one of those two shifts overnight. *Students may be responsible for participating in their two weekend shifts sequentially in conjunction with their night-float requirement, for a maximum of up to 6 consecutive nights total. (If this occurs, it comprises their entire clerkship call requirement within one week.) The schedule for NIGHT FLOAT is as follows: Sunday through Thursday – minimum of 3, maximum of 4 sequential nights; call starts at evening sign-out and ends after morning report. AND: EITHER ONE Saturday 24hr call -- call starts at morning report on Saturday and ends at morning report on Sunday OR TWO of the following weekend shifts, with at least one of them overnight: *Friday – call starts at afternoon/evening turnover. Ends Saturday a.m., after morning report *Saturday day call – call starts at morning report on Saturday and ends by 10 pm Saturday. *Saturday night call – call starts at afternoon/evening report on Saturday and ends Sunday morning after morning report. *Sunday – call starts at morning report and ends when the night-float team arrives for duty and patient report has been transferred to that team (no later than 7pm). ROUNDING/CALL POLICY Tradition On-Call System or Night Float System based on community Traditional On-Call System Required to be on-call four (4) times including: EITHER one weekend 24-hour call OR two weekend day- or night- call shifts with at least one of those two shifts overnight AND 2 weeknight calls until 10 pm – which are scheduled to occur on the same day as routine daytime clinical activities and do not replace a usual daytime assignment. Following weeknight call, students are expected to report for their normally scheduled clerkship activities the following day.

Traditional On-Call System On-call four (4) times during the clerkship including: EITHER one weekend 24-hour call OR two weekend 12-hour call shifts with at least one of those two shifts overnight. Weeknight calls are scheduled to occur on the same day as routine daytime clinical activities and do not replace a usual daytime assignment.  . Night Float System Night-float will consist of a minimum of 3 and no more than 4 consecutive weeknight (Sun-Thurs) calls*. These clinical hours are instead of usual daytime hours. Students are expected to be present throughout the shift and participate in patient report activities at the beginning and end of each night-float shift.   Students will also be required to do two weekend calls during the remainder of the clerkship. In fairness to all students, call assignments for each student will include EITHER one weekend 24-hour call (counts as two call shifts) OR two weekend 12-hour call shifts with at least one of those two shifts overnight. *Students may be responsible for participating in their two weekend shifts sequentially in conjunction with their night-float requirement, for a maximum of up to 6 consecutive nights total. (If this occurs, it comprises their entire clerkship call requirement within one week.) The schedule for NIGHT FLOAT is as follows: Sunday through Thursday – minimum of 3, maximum of 4 sequential nights; call starts at evening sign-out and ends after morning report. AND: EITHER ONE Saturday 24hr call -- call starts at morning report on Saturday and ends at morning report on Sunday OR TWO of the following weekend shifts, with at least one of them overnight: *Friday – call starts at afternoon/evening turnover. Ends Saturday a.m., after morning report *Saturday day call – call starts at morning report on Saturday and ends by 10 pm Saturday. *Saturday night call – call starts at afternoon/evening report on Saturday and ends Sunday morning after morning report. *Sunday – call starts at morning report and ends when the night-float team arrives for duty and patient report has been transferred to that team (no later than 7pm). ROUNDING/CALL POLICY Night Float System A minimum of 3 and no more than 4 consecutive weeknights (Sun-Thurs) calls Students are expected to be present throughout the shift and participate in patient report activities at the beginning and end of each night-float shift. In addition: EITHER one weekend 24-hour call OR two weekend day- or night- call shifts with at least one of those two shifts overnight Note: Students may be responsible for participating in their two weekend shifts sequentially in conjunction with their night-float requirement, for a maximum of up to 6 consecutive nights total.

Traditional On-Call System On-call four (4) times during the clerkship including: EITHER one weekend 24-hour call OR two weekend 12-hour call shifts with at least one of those two shifts overnight. Weeknight calls are scheduled to occur on the same day as routine daytime clinical activities and do not replace a usual daytime assignment.  . Night Float System Night-float will consist of a minimum of 3 and no more than 4 consecutive weeknight (Sun-Thurs) calls*. These clinical hours are instead of usual daytime hours. Students are expected to be present throughout the shift and participate in patient report activities at the beginning and end of each night-float shift.   Students will also be required to do two weekend calls during the remainder of the clerkship. In fairness to all students, call assignments for each student will include EITHER one weekend 24-hour call (counts as two call shifts) OR two weekend 12-hour call shifts with at least one of those two shifts overnight. *Students may be responsible for participating in their two weekend shifts sequentially in conjunction with their night-float requirement, for a maximum of up to 6 consecutive nights total. (If this occurs, it comprises their entire clerkship call requirement within one week.) The schedule for NIGHT FLOAT is as follows: Sunday through Thursday – minimum of 3, maximum of 4 sequential nights; call starts at evening sign-out and ends after morning report. AND: EITHER ONE Saturday 24hr call -- call starts at morning report on Saturday and ends at morning report on Sunday OR TWO of the following weekend shifts, with at least one of them overnight: *Friday – call starts at afternoon/evening turnover. Ends Saturday a.m., after morning report *Saturday day call – call starts at morning report on Saturday and ends by 10 pm Saturday. *Saturday night call – call starts at afternoon/evening report on Saturday and ends Sunday morning after morning report. *Sunday – call starts at morning report and ends when the night-float team arrives for duty and patient report has been transferred to that team (no later than 7pm). ROUNDING/CALL POLICY STUDENT WORK HOURS CHM policy per SDC Student Guidebook and LCE Guide: must be limited to 80 hours/week averaged over 4 weeks 1 day off in 7 averaged over 4 weeks maximum 28 hours continuous responsibilities 14 hours off after in-house call lasting 24 or more hours

Clinical Performance Evaluation- CPE Professional Behavior NBME Subject Exam- Written exam Oral Exam 2 Case Write-Ups 13 Online Modules/13 Online Quizzes on D2L LCE Online Module Evaluation on D2L continued →

6 Workplace Based Assessments Patient Encounter Logs (Diagnoses and Procedures) Handbook and Policies Acknowledgment Form Clinical Educator & CHM and Departmental End of Clerkship evaluations

10 PROFESSIONALISM The student should:
Be thoughtful and professional when interacting with patients, their families, clinical staff and faculty. Maintain a neat and clean appearance, dress in professional attire. Seek supportive services when appropriate through the faculty or other resources provided by CHM. Not use offensive language, gestures, remarks with sexual overtones or reflecting cultural disrespect. Be available during scheduled clerkship time by pager or other means per Community Clerkship Director contact requirements.

11 NBME EXAM ADMINISTRATION DATE: Friday afternoon of the 4th week of the clerkship GRADING: Honors-Eligible: >84 on first attempt (only) Pass: on first attempt or > 65 on second attempt Conditional Pass (CP): Arrive late to the examination OR score < 65 on second attempt REMEDIATION: ET: <65 on first NBME attempt, while second attempt is pending CP: remediate 2 weeks of the clerkship and take the NBME for the third time CP/P: > 65 on third NBME attempt and successful 2 week remediation of the clerkship CP/N: failure to remediate, e.g. <65 on 3rd attempt. Repeat the entire clerkship.

12 NBME EXAM continued NBME remediation exams must be requested in writing and scheduled a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the exam date and at a time convenient for the community, department and student.

13 ORAL EXAM ADMINISTRATION DATE: Thursday anytime and/or Friday AM of the 4th week of the clerkship If administered on Thursday, can be given as in-service exam. GRADING: Pass: Mean composite score of > 3.5 Conditional Pass: Mean composite score of < 3.5 on first attempt No Pass: Mean composite score of < 3.5 on 2nd attempt Unprofessionalism Mark: Arriving late for the exam REMEDIATION: CP: take the oral exam a 2nd time CP/P: Pass the oral exam (>3.5) on 2nd attempt CP/N: No Pass oral exam (<3.5) on 2nd attempt. Repeat entire clerkship.

14 ORAL EXAM Student is evaluated by 2 faculty preceptors
Exam lasts 30 minutes total during which time the student is questioned regarding 2 clinical cases requiring skills in differential diagnosis, problem-solving, and analysis of patient management. Cases: 1 LCE topic and 1 NBME review topic See handbook for full list of oral exam topics

Write-up #1 complete and submitted via D2L/Turnitin by 3:00 PM on Thursday of the 2nd week of the clerkship. Write-up #2 complete and submitted via D2L/Turnitin by 3:00 PM on Thursday of the 3rd week of the clerkship. If a re-write is necessary, it must be satisfactorily completed (meeting Pass criteria) and submitted by 8:00 AM on Monday of the 4th week of the clerkship. GRADING: Pass: Meet all deadlines to satisfactorily complete and submit BOTH write-ups, with a final grade of ‘Pass’ for both obstetric and gynecologic case write-ups. CP: Fail to submit 2 ACCEPTABLE write-ups by final rewrite deadline. Unprofessional mark: missed submission deadline or write-up only partially completed by deadline.

16 CASE WRITE-UP Students must satisfactorily complete and submit 1 obstetric and 1 gynecologic write-up to pass the clinical portion of the clerkship. At least 1 write-up must be on an inpatient and include a practice order set. Write-ups are to be completed on a patient evaluated by student themselves during this clerkship on this campus during this clerkship session. Turnitin tool is used to help assess originiality of student write- ups.

17 D2L MODULES-QUIZZES DUE DATE: by 3:00 PM on Friday of the 3rd week of the clerkship. Completed on D2L: GRADING: Pass: Complete ALL 13 online modules and all corresponding quizzes with a minimum score of 70% within 5 attempts. Unprofessionalism Mark: Students who do not complete all by the deadline will receive an unprofessionalism mark. Once all 13 lectures and quizzes have been completed on D2L, students must also complete the LCE Online Module Evaluation.

DUE DATE: by 12:00 noon on Friday of 4th week of the clerkship Submitted on Just In Time Medicine (JIT) GRADING: Honors-Eligible: Complete and submit 9 (of 12 options) by the deadline. Pass: Complete and submit 6 (of 12 options) by the deadline. Conditional Pass: Fail to complete and submit all 6 required WBA's by the deadline.

A single assessment type will only count one time. If one of the 12 WBA options is completed twice, it will only count once toward the requirement. REMEDIATION: CP/P: Student must complete the WBA (s) not previously completed by 2nd Friday following the end of the clerkship. CP/N: Repeat entire clerkship. Failure to complete the Workplace Based Assessments will result in a NO PASS grade.

20 PATIENT ENCOUNTER LOG DUE DATE: by 12:00 noon on Friday of 4th week of the clerkship GRADING: Pass: Log all the required procedures and diagnoses by the deadline. CP: Fail to log ALL the required procedures and diagnoses by the deadline. Unprofessionalism Mark: Procedures and diagnoses not logged within 5 days of encounter.

21 PATIENT ENCOUNTER LOG Students are responsible for logging every single patient encounter in the system by the end of every day. The Department has the right to not accept any procedures/diagnoses logged after 5 days. Frequent non-compliance to log will be noted at the Mid-Clerskhip Evaluation meeting with your Clerkship Director and can result in an Unprofessional mark. REMEDIATION: CP/P: Student must complete remediation log requirement(s) within 2 weeks following the last day of the clerkship. Requirement will be determined by Clerkship Director, with approval by Lead Clerkship Director. CP/N: Repeat entire clerkship Failure to complete the Patient Encounter Log will result in a NO PASS grade.

Evaluations by students of preceptors and required End of Clerkship (EOC) evaluations for College and Department. DUE DATE: 11:59 PM on Monday the week following the last day of the clerkship. GRADING: Pass: Complete ALL of the assigned evaluations by the deadline. Unprofessionalism Mark: Students who do not complete by the deadline will receive an Unprofessional Mark.

Evaluations of students by preceptors and Clerkship Directors. Mid-Clerkship Evaluation Standardized evaluation submitted by CD to give students formative feedback on their performance at mid-point in the clerkship. Can be based on input of multiple preceptors, including residents. Meeting occurs by Friday of 2nd week of the clerkship. Evaluation submitted by Wednesday of 3rd week of the clerkship.

Clinical Performance Evaluation Honors-Eligible: 100% “Met Expectations” and “Exceeded Expectations” categories, no unprofessional marks Pass: 80% or greater in the “Met Expectations” and “Exceeded Expectations” categories, with no more than 1 unprofessional marks from all evaluators. Conditional Pass: Greater than 20% but no more than 40% in the “Below Expectations” category OR 2-3 Unprofessional marks. No Pass: Any one of the following 3 conditions: Greater than 20% but no more than 40% in “Below Expectations” AND 2-3 Unprofessional marks. Greater than 40% in “Below Expectations”. 4 or more Unprofessional marks. A No Pass grade on the CPE will result in a No Pass (N) grade in the clerkship and require that the student retake the entire clerkship.

Professional Behavior on FCE includes Clinical (from CPE) and Non-Clinical Unprofessionalism Marks : Honors: No Unprofessional marks. Pass: No more than 1 Unprofessional marks for all clerkship components combined. Conditional Pass: 2-3 Unprofessional marks No Pass: 4 or more Unprofessional marks A No Pass grade for Professional Behavior = No Pass (N) grade in the clerkship = student will retake the entire clerkship.

CPE: 100% Met Expectations and/or Exceed, No Unprofessional marks AND WBA: Complete 9 (of 12) AND NBME: > 84 on 1st attempt AND ORAL Exam: Pass > 3.5 on 1st attempt AND Professional Behavior: 0 marks AND Other assignments: ALL Pass, completed by deadline PASS CPE: > 80% in Met and/or Exceeded, no more than 1 unprofessional mark AND WBA: Complete 6 (of 12) AND NBME: > 65 on 1st or 2nd attempt AND Professional Behavior: No more than 1 unprofessional marks AND Other Assignments: ALL Pass, completed by deadline CONDITIONAL PASS ANY of the following: CPE: >20% but no more than 40% in the Below Expectations OR 2-3 Unprofessional marks OR WBA: <6 completed OR NBME: < 65 on 2nd attempt OR ORAL Exam: <3.5 on 1st attempt OR Professional Behavior: 2-3 Unprofessional marks OR Other Assignments: failure to complete 1 or more by deadline NO PASS CPE: > 40% in Below Expectations OR > 4 Unprofessional marks OR 20-40% Below AND 2-3 Unprof marks NBME: < 65 on 3rd attempt OR ORAL Exam: < 3.5 on 2nd attempt OR Professional Behavior: >4 Unprofessional marks OR Received CP grade in any 2 or more clerkship components 17


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