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Direct Your Future™ Module 4: Embarking on a Voyage of Self-Discovery.

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Presentation on theme: "Direct Your Future™ Module 4: Embarking on a Voyage of Self-Discovery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Direct Your Future™ Module 4: Embarking on a Voyage of Self-Discovery

2 Module 4 Objectives At the end of this module, you will be able to:
Define self-concept. Depict and describe your self-concept. State relationships between your self-concept and career choices you may make. Select and describe the roles you currently play and wish to play in the future. Direct Your Future 4-2

3 Module 4 Self-Concept A picture you have of yourself.
Its development began at birth and will continue throughout your life. Affected by feedback from others and success in life experiences. Career theorists say that we seek to live out our self-concepts through work. Direct Your Future 4-3

4 Module 4 The Life-Career Rainbow
This graphic is adapted from Dr. Donald Super’s Theory. Direct Your Future 4-4

5 Module 4 Life Roles Son/Daughter – time and energy spent in relating to your parent(s)/guardians. Student – time and energy spent in school and doing homework. Friend – time and energy spent developing and keeping friendships. Worker – time and energy spent in paid employment. Spouse/Partner – time and energy spent in a marriage or other long-term relationship. Direct Your Future 4-5

6 Module 4 Life Roles, cont’d
Parent – time and energy spent raising and relating to children. Homemaker– time and energy spent caring for a home and other daily needs. Leisurite– time and energy spent in relaxation and recreation. Citizen – time and energy spent in volunteer activities. Direct Your Future 4-6

7 Module 4 Homework for Next Session Activity 11: Pairing Occupations
Put the 32 occupations into 16 pairs, not using the title of any occupation twice. Write down why you paired the two occupations. Activity 12: Setting the Clock Complete the activity and bring it to the next class. Direct Your Future 4-7

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