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Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education

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Presentation on theme: "Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education
Faculty Meeting January 28, 2011

2 Announcements and Action Items
Faculty Council Update: Kathy, David, Christy Graduate Admissions Events: Bob & Anne Women in Leadership Conference: Faculty Nominations Faculty Recruitment Updates: Dottie, Steve, Bob

3 Business Items Priority #1: NCATE Preparations & Timeline

4 Some Future Directions
Organization Chart for 2011: “Scalability”

5 Establish AFTSOE “Norms” (Goal: Reach Consensus By Spring Break)
Suggested for consideration… I take issues or concerns to the source. I seek equity of voice. I take 100% responsibility. I listen for understanding. I am a professional and my actions reflect that role. I bring encouragement and positive energy to the group. I appreciate the strengths and contributions of others.

6 Enrollment Growth Plan (EGP)
GOAL: Increase graduate program enrollments to 300 students in the next three years. Strategies… “Satellite” Existing Programs Expand Offerings for Rank 1, MA/MS, PhD, Online Establish & Grow Study Abroad (UG & G) External Funding: Grants & Contracts New Programs (e.g., ABA, Preschool-Gr. 3, M.S. in Special Ed., Autism, Instructional Design, New Literacies, others?)

7 Other Priorities Faculty & Staff Work Audits (Goal: Work Smarter)
Assist Faculty in Gaining Tenure & Promotion Assist in Faculty Specialization Faculty Web Pages (Deadline: August 15) – Jim Welp Rework AFTSOE Web Pages- Ad Hoc Committee Needed (Deadline: March 15) – Jim Welp

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