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Bus Regulations and student parking

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1 Bus Regulations and student parking

2 Bus Regulations Safety is the priority when riding in the bus. Students should report directly to the bus lot; no loitering in the commons or bus lot. To ensure the safe ride on the bus, students shall obey the bus conduct rules. Students not riding for 10 consecutive days may be removed from the bus. Students shall not delay the bus schedule, damage the bus, distract the driver, or get off at an unauthorized stop.

3 Bus Regulations RIDING A BUS IS A PRIVILEGE - A STUDENT WHO FAILS TO FOLLOW THE RULES WILL HAVE HIS/HER RIDING PRIVILEGES REVOKED PROGRESSIVELY at a minimum of 3 days. Depending on the severity of the offense, the administration has the right to invoke a more serious consequence as deemed necessary, including suspension or revocation of bus riding privileges. Bus assignments are made based on NC State Statute. Students will be assigned a morning and afternoon run. Students will not be permitted to ride home with other students due to the regulations of North Carolina Torts Claim Act and overcrowding on our buses. Students are not allowed to get off at another student’s stop. Any student providing false information to the bus driver will result in an automatic bus suspension. The school is not responsible for items left on the bus.

4 Bus Regulations Buses will load immediately after school and depart campus exactly six (6) minutes following the bell to dismiss school. Any student who is not on the bus at the time the school buses begin to depart will not be permitted to board any bus. Students who miss the bus due to their own negligence are responsible for finding their own transportation. Failure to follow bus rules can result in suspension from the bus and/or school.

5 Bus Conduct Rules 1. BE Safe at ALL times
Remain seated, facing forward in your assigned seat. No eating or drinking. Keep your body and all other objects to yourself inside the bus. Use appropriate noise levels. 2. Be Respectful at all times Follow the School Bus Driver and/or Monitor’s directions the first time given. Be respectful with words and actions.

6 Bus Conduct Rules 3. Be Responsible
Ride only your assigned bus; get on or off at your assigned stop. Maintain cleanliness and appearance of the bus. Do not damage the bus in any way. Personal electronic devices must be used responsibly.

7 Bus Safety

8 Student parking regulations
Driving to school and parking on school property are privileges. Students must adhere to student parking regulations in order for us to maintain a safe parking environment. All automobiles parked on campus must have a CMHS student parking permit visible. To purchase a parking permit. Students must bring a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, and car registration. In addition, students must have a completed and signed CMHS Parking form and RU Buckled form.

9 Student parking regulations
Driving to school and parking on school property are privileges. All student vehicles parked on school property must be registered with the school office. All parking passes must be purchased within the first 10 days of school or when a student first begins to park at school. Students owing any school fees will not be allowed to purchase a parking pass without first having paid all school fees. A $25.00 fee is required to register a car for parking on school property. To purchase a parking permit. Students must bring a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, and car registration. In addition, students must have a completed and signed CMHS Parking form and RU Buckled form. ing

10 Student parking regulations
All vehicles parked on school property are subject to search by the school administration. Speeding and reckless operation of a motor vehicle are prohibited and will result in a Saturday School and/or the loss of driving privileges for an amount of time deemed appropriate by the school administration. A valid school parking pass must be displayed in the lower left driver’s side windshield in any student vehicle parked on school property. Students must report to the building immediately upon arriving at school and leave immediately upon dismissal.

11 Student parking regulations
Consequences for violating student parking privileges are given at CMHS Administrative discretion. Students who receive a warning for parking on campus without a sticker are assigned ASD and cannot park on campus until they purchase their parking pass. Students can also receive ISS and lose their parking privileges indefinitely for failure to follow parking regulations and driving safely while on campus.

12 Thank you!

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