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Intercalibration excersice progress report Presented by Palle Haastrup Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Inland.

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Presentation on theme: "Intercalibration excersice progress report Presented by Palle Haastrup Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Inland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intercalibration excersice progress report Presented by Palle Haastrup Joint Research Centre Institute for Environment and Sustainability Inland and Marine Waters Unit

2 Issues Status and finalisation of the intercalibration register
Intercalibration process Guidance development and process planning

3 Numbers of sites submitted for final register

4 Intercalibration register

5 Timetable for finalisation of the register
April 28, 2004: Revised web-based metadata entry opened (4-week delay) 25 May 2004: deadline for adding/ revising intercalibration site entries to the register

6 Rivers (status 26 May 2004) 879 sites 24 countries

7 Rivers: numbers of sites by country (submitted though web interface in green)


9 “List of sites proposed for the final intercalibration register“
Overview of sites submitted by the agreed deadline (25 May): Submission through web interface Supplemented by tables where technical problems prevented MS from using the web interface Tables need to be checked – may contain errors

10 Lakes (status 26 May 2004) 389 sites 21 countries

11 Lakes: numbers of sites by country (submitted though web interface in green)

12 Coastal/ Transitional (status 26 May 2004)
204 sites 18 countries

13 Coast/Trans: numbers of sites by country (submitted though web interface in green)

14 Intercalibration register
Completion of metadata questionnaire before the agreed 15 September deadline

15 Timetable (1) June - Aug. 2004:
Member States submit remaining sites through web interface (JRC-EEWAI) Member States’ revision and finalisation of the draft register on the basis of the comments of SCG and WFD Committee – deadline 15 September

16 Finalisation continued..
Timetable (2) 30 September: Submission of final register for SCG and WFD Committee (meeting on Oct. 27/28) November-December 2004: translations January 2005: Meeting of WFD Committee, decision on intercalibration register (all languages)

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