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NASA Data Center Consolidation

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1 NASA Data Center Consolidation
Tony Anania Kennedy Space Center AFCEA, SunComm 2011

2 Consolidation Basics Trend to Data Center consolidation is industry wide Data Center modernizations and consolidation are key initiatives for IT Infrastructure and Operations Managers Data Center Consolidation is the process of physically and logically co-locating computer systems Consolidation aims to reduce overall business costs by optimizing expenditures associated with: Energy Consumption Operational Support Facility Utilization Physical System Security Hardware Utilization System Maintenance

3 Federally Mandated Work
Presidential Memorandum – June 2010 “…in order to address the growth of data centers across the Federal Government, agencies shall immediately adopt a policy against expanding data centers beyond current levels, and shall develop plans to consolidate and significantly reduce data centers within 5 years.” OMB Agency Consolidation Plan - Feb 2010 “…Data Center Consolidation and the Cloud Computing Issue Areas will be government-wide priorities for all agencies beginning in FY2010.” FDCCI NASA Lori Garver Memo – Aug 2010 “…The objective of this initiative is to reduce the overall cost of data center services by leveraging newer and more efficient technologies, reducing power consumption and consolidating locations to increase space usage densities, and decreasing the real estate footprint of Federal data centers….Mission Directorate Associate Administrators and Center Directors shall direct their staff to cooperate fully and openly with these discussion initiatives.” NASA OCIO Priorities Consolidation of Data Centers NASA tasked by OMB to prepare a plan outlining the approach to reduce IT energy consumption by a minimum 30% over a 3-year period (FY ) Security & Efficiency of Data Centers In April 30, 2010, NASA provided OMB with the list of all data center construction, expansion and/or consolidations activities currently planned or underway as of June 30, 2010, the Agency integrated the approved data center consolidation plan into the FY 2012 budget In Sep 2011 NASA updated it’s “Long Term Data Center Consolidation Plan” addressing agency-specific strategic consolidation goals, consolidation approaches, risk management, acquisition strategies, governance, schedules of closures, and planned data center savings From the new Fed CIO Steven VanRoekel – Oct 2011 "I basically told the team when I came on board that I wanted to scope it so everything is game. We also are expanding the project to more aggressively consolidate our data center footprint. First, we are widening the scope of the project to include even the smallest data center

4 Consolidation Strategy
NASA’s Data Center Consolidation Strategy Promote at least one healthy Data Center for each NASA Center Focus on increasing IT efficiency: Fully utilize existing Data Centers for initial consolidation efforts Implement strategic improvements to strengthen health and availability of objective Data Centers Employ best practices Eliminate underutilized facilities, systems and applications Aggressively work to eliminate rouge “server rooms”

5 NASA’s Data Center Environment

6 Data Center Architecture
Future Environment Public Cloud When Applicable NEBULA Cloud NEBULA Cloud Standard Data Center Architecture Consolidated Data Centers at Each Center 6

7 OMB Data Center Consolidation Goals
Broad reductions of 10% in each of FY12, FY13 & FY14 in each of the various measurable Data Center areas: Total # of Data Centers Aggregate gross floor area Total number of racks Total number of servers Total energy use

8 More than Just Consolidation
Consolidation alone will not provide the savings required by future budgets Reshape Data Centers to Gain Full Economies of Scale Colocation may exacerbate, rather than diminish, the cost of technology The Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiatives (FDCCI) should meet the following additional requirements: Tactical: improve energy efficiency, increase utilization and availability, and support disaster recovery Strategic: increase standardization, leverage virtualization and scalability and improve governance Innovative: where appropriate, incorporate cloud services, develop shared-service models and leverage centers of excellence

9 Data Center Consolidation Management
NASA established an Program Executive position within OCIO to lead Agency Data Center consolidation efforts NASA established the Agency Data Center Consolidation (ADCC) Project Office at KSC to: Coordinate Data Center consolidation activities Deploy and manage an Agency-wide automated IT discovery and application mapping capability Implement a real-time dashboard to monitor and track NASA Data Center consolidation progress

10 Domains of Data Center Consolidation
RESULTS Facility Room/Sq Ft Reduction Energy Reduction Application Rationalization Platform Consolidation Consolidated Data Centers Efficient Reliable Available IT Infrastructure Servers & Storage Reductions Virtualization Cloud Services

11 Compute Services Stack

12 Hosted Service Categories and Characteristics

13 Host Computing Service Environment

14 Strategic Preference

15 NASA Host Computing Strategy

16 Data Center Discovery Semi-manual inventory of server class IT assets Agency-wide Used NASA Property Database (NPROP) to identify servers and network equipment by location and mapped onto GIS floor plans from each Center to identify rooms/facilities that could qualify as potential Data Centers

17 Automated IT Asset Discovery
Deployment of an enterprise discovery tool to automate the collection of IT asset data and conduct application mapping

18 Data Center Consolidation Dashboard
Discovered Servers Mapped Applications Discovered Server Trend Application Mapping Trend

19 Data Center Power Monitoring Service
Data center power monitoring and management solution, provided as a hosted on-site Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) offering Provides a web-based mechanism to allow users at NASA facilities to monitor the power consumption at designated NASA data centers Users can view current and historical power consumption data, and generate and export energy consumption and efficiency reports

20 Simulating Cooling Performance of Data Centers
CFD Modeling & Analysis Simulating Cooling Performance of Data Centers Rack temperature map - Determine and optimize the efficiency of data center cooling system Find additional capacity without modifying cooling infrastructure Faster, more practical and flexible “what-if” analysis for data center modifications than physical testing Show benefits of implementing best practices (hot/cold aisle, blanking panels, etc) Analyze impacts of adding/removing hardware BEFORE implementation and find “best fit” Avoid unforeseen infrastructure modifications as a result of consolidations or other changes Temperature fog - Pressure distribution under the raised floor -

21 Application Rationalization Analysis
Identified candidates for consolidation, virtualization and Cloud potential, with focus on current inventory of applications Phase 1 - Identified system level information, utilizing FISMA related security plans information to create a list of systems that have applications that are believed to be candidates for consolidation, virtualization or the cloud Phase 2 - Gathered detailed application level data on potential system identified in Phase 1 to determine if they are candidates for consolidation/virtualization with minimal or significant effort

22 Consolidation Timeline
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 21,500 Physical Servers Reduce 10,000 79 Data Centers 54 Data Centers 22 Data Centers 50% Virtualized Servers Increase 10%

23 Virtualization Ratio IaaS SaaS Physical Servers Decrease
Virtual OS Increase 10% per year 10 % 50 % IaaS SaaS Cloud Services Physical Servers Virtual

24 Estimated Savings 1st Year
Work across the Agency to reduce Data Center facility space and IT power consumption Consolidation activities FY11 Eliminated 13 Data Centers and 19 rooms (Returned 22,289 sq ft of space) Estimated energy savings of $337,210 per/year Established goals for the next 12 month period Today Today

25 Next Steps Continue to aggressively pursuing Data Center Consolidation, local Center participation and support of NASA Mission Directorates is key to success Work with Centers to develop an Agency long term consolidation plan (through FY2015), to outline how Data Center consolidation will be achieved and to identify any significant budget augmentation or construction efforts necessary

26 KSC Data Center Consolidation
Goal: A successfully consolidated Data Center environment Exists in one physical location…ideally (some systems can’t move) Achieves optimization by employing a combination of physical and virtual servers Offers a standard set of defined services (Service Catalog) Provides a trained, dedicated support team Encourages business-wide platform standards for application development Kennedy Data Center

27 Initial State of Facilities
Much Inefficiency Power - Whole Bldg. sections powered 24/7 to accommodate one small room or a few rooms with a server etc Planned facility outages become a major challenge Presently 4 Buildings with significant Data Centers VAB , SSPF, CIF, O&C Many Admin areas in buildings utilized as IT type servers rooms (closets, server under desk etc.) (Some require portable generators to be installed) Our Current State is not a good picture. We run air handlers 24/7 in whole sections of buildings for small rooms with a server or a small number of servers. For example: Thousands of SF powered to support a room of 150 SF. Currently we are reporting 4 major Data Centers at KSC There are many Admin areas not intended as IT rooms being used all over the Center. From the Agency Data Center Consolidation Team They are telling us that KSC has NASA IT hardware in 307 rooms spread through 58 buildings. 307 Rooms in 58 Buildings

28 State of Applications Multiple instances of identical or similar applications and systems exist at KSC Duplicate functionality and capabilities across the Center Limited integration between services, systems and applications SharePoint A Windchill B Maximo A SharePoint C Windchill A Maximo B SharePoint B Maximo C Windchill C

29 Objective State All applicable KSC systems consolidated into a single Data Center facility by 2015 Infrastructure will support existing systems and be scalable to support new Program and Institutional needs Employ virtualization techniques for maximum optimization (more apps on less hardware) Data Center Capabilities Available as an IT Service In line with OCIO mission “…to increase the productivity of scientists, engineers, and mission support personnel by responsively and efficiently delivering reliable, innovative and secure IT services.” Will achieve this vision while maintaining compliance with existing and future IT initiatives Agency Data Center Consolidation (ADCC) “Cloud First “ philosophy (Migrating appropriate applications offsite) Enterprise Architecture (based upon common standards) “Green IT” (Reduction of carbon footprint) Green Data Center

30 End State Benefits To KSC as a whole
Cost savings stay on center, where they can be applied to other priorities New mandates are easier to adopt and require fewer resources across the various organizations required to support them World Class Data Center capabilities become a selling point in bringing new business and jobs to KSC Timely consolidation brings us into alignment with mandates from OMB and NASA OCIO

31 Inventory & Coordination
Approach Discovery - Where are the systems/applications? - What is their impact on their current facility? Inventory & Coordination What are the systems/applications? What are their consolidation requirements and constraints? Business Case justification? - Housing vs. Hosting Analysis Schedule Development What order should the systems move? - When? Execution Interim location Final location

32 Approach Inventory And Coordination
Inventory aggregates existing information and data obtained from system owners to build a baseline Discussion with system owners and IT Relationship Managers to understand the systems and the best options for consolidation (Housing vs. Hosting) Conduct Business Case justification (Cost, Impacts, Risk, Return on Investment) Coordination between IT, Facility Management and customers to determine where/when to move candidate systems and what changes must be made to the existing Kennedy Data Center to accommodate it While there may be impacts the goal is to ensure an efficient move End product is a prioritized list of discovered systems with a coordinated timeframe for consolidation

33 Approach Schedule Development
Refine prioritized list created during Inventory and Coordination Establish an order for system to move at a high level Coordinate key milestones for individual moves with stakeholders Identifies long term growth for new and existing Data Center Facilities

34 KDCC Approach to Schedule
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Older established Data Centers can now be consolidated C Shuttle Post T&R A Server Rooms in Admin Areas consolidated into KDC New KDC Scalable Facility can absorb the rest New Facility under construction nears completion Kennedy Data Center KDC E KDC NEW KDC Data Center A KDC nears end of life. Major consolidations will go to new facility D Agency Cloud (Federal) B Data Center B Apps moved to cloud will be on-going

35 Kennedy Data Center Conclusion
Data Center Consolidation is a required activity that will have a positive impact It saves local operational resources Reduces yearly power usage and frees up floor space Provides a managed and more secure IT environment It enables KSC to address IT mandates more efficiently Facilitates innovation through implementation of new technologies like virtualization and cloud computing Kennedy Data Center

36 Q & A So, Lets Go.

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