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Published byΔαμιανός Καραμήτσος Modified over 6 years ago
Gene expression testing in cardiac and lung transplantation
Banff Congress Jay Wohlgemuth MD July 16, 2005
Scientific assumptions
Gene expression profiling of the immune system may anticipate tissue injury Multiple genes from multiple pathways are required to overcome complexity and variability Complex multi-pathway signals can be reduced to simple, clinically actionable test result(s) Use of genomic information may enable proactive therapy, reduction in un-necessary immunosuppression and monitoring procedures Confidential, 11/3/2018
The transplant patient management challenge
Confidential, 11/3/2018
Clinical need for molecular testing in cardiac transplantation
Monitoring for rejection Rejection rates are very low (2-3% for Grade 3A) Biopsy has limitations for patients and physicians Reduction in burden of immunosuppression Complications of IS are a major cause of M & M beyond the 1st year post-transplant Minimization may be facilitated with molecular testing Clarification of uncertain clinical and pathological cases Mild rejection Need for augmentation or change in Rx Confidential, 11/3/2018
CARGO Clinical Study Goal: discover, develop and validate gene expression testing for rejection and quiescence in cardiac transplant recipients Multi-center observational study initiated in (centers represent 22% of US cardiac transplants) Followed 650 patients during > 5500 post- transplant encounters Microarrays used for gene discovery, real- time PCR for development and validation of a multi-gene, multi-pathway molecular test Prospective, blinded validation study of 20 gene algorithm demonstrated ability to distinguish rejection from quiescence Confidential, 11/3/2018
CARGO Study Overview Candidate gene selection Phase I Exploratory
Leukocyte microarray derived from 25K cDNAs and human genome information 285 CARGO samples used in microarray experiments Database and literature mining Identification of 252 candidate genes Phase I Exploratory Phase II Development Algorithm development Sensitive and reproducible real-time PCR methods Development of a 20-gene algorithm to distinguish rejection from quiescence (AlloMap) We have followed a rigorous development process which comprises thre distinct phases. During the exploratory phase we researched and identified gene candidates from the genome and over the course of a three year clinical trial with eight centers across the USA, which collectively represent more than 20 % of the heart transplants performed every year we collected over 5000 samples from more than 600 patients. We selected relevant biomarkers from about 8,000 gene probes that we had evaluated on microarrays and created a multi-gene panel quantitative kinetic PCR test system. As a consequence of this work we have filed for several patents for which some of the claims have already issued. Finally we have validated our complete system through a prospective, blinded, statistically-powered validation study which is more analogous to the pharmaceutical industry than to the traditional diagnostic. One of the challenges we encountered was the fact that the reference method, biopsy is less than perfect. Therefore we had to improve biopsy results by having all bipsy results read by three different pthologists to increase the consistency of the biopsy results. The results and findings of our development and validation have been summarised and a manuscript submitted to a major peer-reviewed medical journal. Validation Prospective, blinded, statistically-powered clinical study (n = 270) Additional samples were tested to further define performance (n > 1000) Phase III Validation Study Confidential, 11/3/2018
Rejection Associated Gene Expression Pathways
Of 252 PCR-assayed genes, 68 genes correlated with rejection (p < 0.01) and/or have a median ratio more than ±25%. Measuring both gene expression and shifts of cell populations CD8 T cell and NK markers Markers of hematopoiesis up-regulated with rejection Activated Macrophage / PMN Steroid responsive Megakaryocyte Hematopoiesis Cytokines, IFN induced T lymphocyte 68 genes were shown to correlate with high grade rejection. The major categories include: T cell regulation and migration including PDCD1 and ITGA4 that are known to upregulate with rejection. Quote from manuscript: “Genes involved in T cell regulation and migration (PDCD1 and ITGA4), were also increased in rejection. In the case of PDCD1 a role for this molecule in late events post-transplant in an animal model has been described36. “ Genes of the Erythroid lineage including WDR40A, MIR, and ALAS2 suggesting that rejection is associated with active hematopoesis A steroid responsive pathway was also identified. This pathway overlaps with one of the informational genes used in the rejection algorithm or AlloMap score. B lymphocyte Confidential, 11/3/2018
Monitoring Multiple Pathways Associated with Rejection
Platelet Activation Inflammation PF4, G6B IL-6 T cell Priming PDCD-1, ITGA4 Lymph node Mobilization of Hematopoietic precursors WDR40A, MIR Lymph and Lymphocytes Naïve T cell Dendritic cell Monocyte Primed T cell Rejection Rx IL1R2, ITGAM, FLT3 Confidential, 11/3/2018
AlloMap Diagnostic Algorithm
4 x Gene 1 + 1 x Metagene 1 – 2 x Metagene 2 – 3 x Metagene 3 + 5 x Gene 2 + 6 x Gene 3 + 7 x Gene 4 0 40 Q R 68 genes were shown to correlate with high grade rejection. The major categories include: T cell regulation and migration including PDCD1 and ITGA4 that are known to upregulate with rejection. Quote from manuscript: “Genes involved in T cell regulation and migration (PDCD1 and ITGA4), were also increased in rejection. In the case of PDCD1 a role for this molecule in late events post-transplant in an animal model has been described36. “ Genes of the Erythroid lineage including WDR40A, MIR, and ALAS2 suggesting that rejection is associated with active hematopoesis A steroid responsive pathway was also identified. This pathway overlaps with one of the informational genes used in the rejection algorithm or AlloMap score. Confidential, 11/3/2018
CARGO Study Results Summary
AlloMap distinguishes grade ≥3A rejection from grade 0 at all times post-transplant (p <0.0001) Grade 1B samples have high algorithm scores on average, grades 0, 1A and 2 are indistinguishable Patients with low scores have very low risk of moderate-severe acute rejection Confidential, 11/3/2018
CARGO Study Results Summary
AlloMap correlates more closely to centralized than local pathology Algorithm predicts future rejection and graft dysfunction in grade 0 cases Pediatric samples look qualitatively similar CMV signature identified which does not confound the AlloMap test result Confidential, 11/3/2018
AlloMap Score Increases with Decreased Steroid Dose
AlloMap score and steroid dose vs. days post transplant AlloMap AlloMap score, quiescent samples Prednisone dose [mg/day] The Allomap score increases over time and paralells the prospective reduction in corticosteroids that occurs. Note that these data are from quiescent samples only thus showing the presumed impact of “steroid responsive” genes on the AlloMap score Prednisone Days post transplant Confidential, 11/3/2018
Steroid Responsive Genes and Pathways
5 of 11 informative algorithm genes significantly correlate with steroids Steroid and rejection gene expression responses are opposite Predominance of monocyte and PMN expressed genes ITGAM and IL1R2 are most responsive to steroid dose Steroid Gene Rejection Response Description Cell Type ITGAM Integrin, alpha M Monos, PMN, NK IL1R2 Interleukin 1 Monos, PMN receptor G6b lg superfamily Hemotopoietic cell lines FLT fms-related lymphoid/myeloid tyr kinase progenitors ITGA integrin, alpha 4 Monos, PMN, lymphocytes Proposed text for this: 5 of 11 informative genes are also steroid responsive. ITGAM and IL 1R2 are quantitatively the most responsive to steroid dose. Note that the rejection response is opposite to the steroid response. Questions for clarification: I need to understand this process better: Red means increased expression of a gene so for REJECTION ITGAM, IL 1R2, G6b, FLT3 are all with decreased expression and ITGA4 gene is upregulated. For steroid response 4 genes are upregulated and only ITGA4 is down regulated. Please confirm. Quote from manuscript: The predominant genes showing increased expression with rejection were activation markers of T-cell/NK cells and CD8+ T-cells, (e.g., perforin and granulysin) and erythropoiesis markers (e.g., ALAS2, WDR40A, MIR). These results are consistent with up-regulation of CD8+ markers during rejection observed previously Additional genes showed reduced expression with rejection which may represent decreased gene expression, decreased proportions of cell types or migration of cells from the blood to the graft with rejection. Confidential, 11/3/2018
Individual Patients Have Varied Responses to Steroids: Steroid Resistant Rejection and Steroid Sensitivity Gene expression based estimate of steroid dose Quiescent gold Rejection blue Multiple linear regression model was utilized to fit gene expression values of the 5 algorithm steroid responsive genes with reported steroid dose . A functional gene response to steroid treatment is measurable (logistic models also tested, but largely linear Ct-dose relationship found); Regression coefficients derived from training sample set and applied to independent Validation samples; The rejectors are shown in blue. The episodes shown in the blue circle 7 epidsodes of rejection where the actual dose is much higher than the dose predicted by the 5 steroid responsive genes and may represent “steroid resistent rejection” Perhaps more importantly clinically, all of the quiescent episodes plotted to the left of the line of identity represent patients where the functional steroid gene response is greater than predicted by the actual dose; these patients may be candidates for a reduction in corticosteroids. More off-diagonal HR samples than Q samples, indication of inadequate response to steroids in HR patients? Confidential, 11/3/2018
Identification of Quiescence
Samples below threshold are unlikely to have 3A or higher biopsy NPV > 99% Samples above threshold are enriched for concurrent biopsy ≥3A 12X increased risk for 3A rejection vs. low scores Still, low PPV relative to biopsy – Why? Below threshold (high NPV) Above threshold (moderate PPV) 68 genes were shown to correlate with high grade rejection. The major categories include: T cell regulation and migration including PDCD1 and ITGA4 that are known to upregulate with rejection. Quote from manuscript: “Genes involved in T cell regulation and migration (PDCD1 and ITGA4), were also increased in rejection. In the case of PDCD1 a role for this molecule in late events post-transplant in an animal model has been described36. “ Genes of the Erythroid lineage including WDR40A, MIR, and ALAS2 suggesting that rejection is associated with active hematopoesis A steroid responsive pathway was also identified. This pathway overlaps with one of the informational genes used in the rejection algorithm or AlloMap score. Confidential, 11/3/2018
Molecular Testing: Correlation to Biopsy and Graft Dysfunction
Humoral Rejection Molecular Rejection Cellular Rejection Graft Dysfunction AlloMap Test (early) Biopsy (late) Graft Failure (too late) Confidential, 11/3/2018
Risk of graft dysfunction with high score, negative biopsy
Risk of graft dysfunction (PCW >20) within 45 days RR = 6.8 p = 0.03 Low High Confidential, 11/3/2018
Cardiac biopsy interpretation variability contributes to discordance between molecular and pathological results Pathology panel (Billingham, Marboe and Berry) re-read all biopsy slides for the study (n = 827) Marboe et al., JHLT 2005 The maximum concordance between two central pathologists for grade ≥3A rejection was 77% The average concordance between the local and central pathologists grade ≥3A rejection was 40% Local pathologists call grade ≥3A rejection 50% more frequently than central pathologists Quilty lesions cause significant uncertainty and overcalls for rejection Confidential, 11/3/2018
Quilty lesions cause over diagnosis of ISHLT Grade 2 and 3A rejection
Serial sections of 18 cases performed All cases involved local Grade 2 or 3A All cases had been identified as likely Grade 0-1 and Quilty B by centralized panel 17 of 18 confirmed to be Grade 0-1 12/12 Local Grade 2s 5/6 Local Grade 3As Confidential, 11/3/2018
Local Pathologist: Rejection
Confidential, 11/3/2018
Consensus: Quilty B Confidential, 11/3/2018
Discordance between molecular and pathological results
Positive biopsy, low molecular score >50% of Grade 3As after year 1 may resolve without therapy Quilty lesions or other causes of over diagnosis by biopsy Molecular test and biopsy measure different processes which may be discordant Negative biopsy, high molecular score Early, focal rejection, negative on biopsy Sensitivity of test for humoral rejection? Patients may have peripheral alloimmune activity, no cellular rejection Risk of vasculopathy? Confidential, 11/3/2018
AlloMap Scores by ISHLT Grade
472 samples ≥ 6 months post-transplant Grade 1B sample scores were significantly higher than Grades 0 (p=0.02) and 1A (p=0.002) Grade 1B scores were not significantly different than grade ≥3 Grades 0, 1A and 2 scores were not significantly different Mild rejection (0-2) with high scores have significant increased risk of progression to grade 3A on next biopsy (p = ) AlloMap Score Box plot showing 25% - 75% quartiles and line connecting medians Local ISHLT grade Confidential, 11/3/2018
Molecular response to rejection therapy
Confidential, 11/3/2018
Clinical uses of molecular testing in cardiac transplantation
Rejection surveillance Stable outpatients with low scores are low risk: biopsy reduction Access issues Immunosuppression titration Guide weaning of immunosuppression Follow after rejection therapy Risk stratification Mild rejection or possible Quilty on biopsy Uncertain clinical picture Confidential, 11/3/2018
CARGO – Ongoing Studies, CARGO II Study
Prediction of clinical outcomes Immunosuppression / Rejection Rx monitoring Humoral rejection Vasculopathy Pediatrics Infection Confidential, 11/3/2018
Endpoints: Acute rejection, BOS, infection
LARGO Study Ongoing 14 center international study of molecular testing in Lung transplantation Endpoints: Acute rejection, BOS, infection Infectious complications may be addressed with development of new molecular information Common relevant pathways for multiple solid organ transplant settings will be sought Confidential, 11/3/2018
Thank You Confidential, 11/3/2018
CARGO Centers and Collaborators
Transplant cardiology programs: Cleveland Clinic Randall Starling, MD, MPH Columbia University Mario Deng, MD, Helen Baron, MD Columbia University (peds) Seema Mital MD, Linda Addonizio, MD Ochsner Clinic Mandeep Mehra, MD Stanford University, PAVAMC Sharon Hunt, MD, Fran Johnson MD Stanford University (peds) Daniel Bernstein, MD Temple University Howard Eisen, MD UCLA Medical Center Jon Kobashigawa, MD University of Florida James Hill,MD, Dan Pauly, MD, PhD University of Pittsburgh Srinivas Murali, MD, Adrianna Zeevi, PhD University of Pittsburgh (peds) Steven Webber, MBChB Centralized reading of biopsy pathology: Gerald Berry, MD (Stanford) Margaret Billingham, MD (Stanford) Charles Marboe, MD (Columbia) Confidential, 11/3/2018
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