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Missouri’s Freight Plan

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1 Missouri’s Freight Plan
Cheryl Ball, MoDOT SCORT October 4, 2016 Freight is the economy in motion completely dependent on the connectivity, safety, reliability and condition of the transportation system. Missouri’s freight system transports more than 1 billion tons of freight >$1.2 trillion per year.

2 14% of cost for transportation = $280M annually for beef industry
Freight is personal, it is the office supplies in our businesses It is the medical supplies at the hospital It is the food and drink at our favorite restaurant It is the groceries, televisions, and clothes in our homes Supply chains are pathway from raw material to process and consumer Avg 9% of product cost attributed to transportation Sample of Major Missouri product, beef. 14% of cost is transportation due to low labor cost. Every product Missouri residents buy is created and delivered by these complex supply chain Using freight transportation network to deliver Input/output in timely manner Freight network breaks down = broken supply chain Efficiency of network SIGNIFICANT impact on how companies compete FEED PROCESS TO CONSUMERS

3 With the help of CDM Smith, Burns and McDonnell, and a steering committee of internal and external freight partners, MoDOT developed the state freight plan to meet challenge of planning for future investments in freight system Ensuring MO economy is strong today and in decades to come Used State Long Range Plan (2014) and State Rail Plan (2012) as starting points Plan includes 10 program recommendations Implementation Plan to guide us Identified Missouri Freight Network Project prioritization Process Freight Plan is a baseline – a starting point to provide guidance into the future When funds are available, we will use the prioritization framework & user input to Identify projects with strategic impact

4 Missouri Freight Network
1st Freight system map. Helpful when looking at the highway Primary Network, CUFC, CRFC for Fast Act Connecting modal hubs, statewide freight generators, focus on origin and destination.

5 RAIL is the 2nd most used mode in MO
6 CL 1 RR on > 4,200 miles of track lines 2nd and 3rd largest rail hubs in US 4th most rail intensive state in US Rail freight is expected to grow to more than 545 million tons of freight in 2030 Rail through movement is more than double the import and export combined To meet the growth, rail investments needed include: Reinforcements for Merchants bridge (100+ year old bridge in St. Louis) State and national freight significance safety improvements at 5700 rail crossings connect rail lines to freight businesses in MO Congestion and capacity improvements on the existing rail system

6 Trade & Industry Growth Institutional and Regulatory Trends
Emerging Trends in Freight Trade & Industry Growth Institutional and Regulatory Trends Population Trends Logistical Challenges Technology Trends People and technology are constantly changing So freight supply chains are changing too Identifying the trends helps Modot anticipate needs and develop programs and policies to address them. The 5 broad categories listed here include things like: Panama Canal potential COV on inland waterways HOS regulations on trucking E-Commerce Demographics of the population Shortage of labor in trucking, rail and water industries These trends lead to changes and potential growth in freight movement in MO Which leads to increased demands the transp. system

7 The measures build on the strong foundation of Tracker
Draft Freight Plan Goal Recommended Measures Maintain the freight system in good condition % major highways in good condition % structurally deficient deck area on NHS bridges Improve safety on the freight system # commercial vehicle crashes resulting in fatalities and serious injuries Highway-rail crossing fatalities and collisions Support economic growth and competitiveness. Goods movement competitiveness Job and economic growth by key sector Improve the connectivity and mobility of the freight system Freight tonnage by mode Annual hours of truck delay Truck reliability index PM long history at MoDOT Incorporate required ones into Tracker

8 Strategic Recommendations
Freight On The Move Goals Maintenance Safety Economy Mobility and Connectivity Work with MoDOT internal and external partners to improve multimodal connectivity Focus on maintaining a state of good repair Cultivate a long-term focus to develop comprehensive freight corridors Take a pragmatic approach to highway system capacity expansion Improve the availability of truck parking Enhance the resiliency of the multimodal freight system The 14 recommendations align with the freight and LRTP goals… Maintain Safe Econ dev tie to investment Connecting choices

9 Implementation Tactics
STRATEGY: INVEST IN FREIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE TO DRIVE LONG-TERM JOB CREATION Implementation Tactics Timeframe Ensure planning and project selection processes considers rural accessibility/just in time performance Intermediate Streamline and work to reinstate the Rapid Response Cost-Share program Study the feasibility of alternative funding sources for future needs Create statewide programmatic freight selection process and work with districts to supplement district processes Long-Term Continue to advocate for dedicated revenue for multi-modal investment Each of the recommendations has an action plan with short, mid, and long term actions to implement and support the overall goal. These were identified based on 30,000 foot review. FAC will look at each of these more in-depth, does or or how does it make sense to move Missouri forward. Some cost $$, some are free.

10 Status of MAASTO Freight Plans
MoDOT adopted in 2015 7 required elements in MAP-21, compliant This chart shows the status of the other 3 elements added in FAST Act.

11 Waterways & Freight Administrator
Cheryl Ball, MoDOT Waterways & Freight Administrator A good freight plan is good for economic development Public and private sector have a roadmap for future investment tied to the economy so both can make strategic choices. Thank you for your attention

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