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Presented By: Scott Hunter and Jim Hallford

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1 Presented By: Scott Hunter and Jim Hallford
Loss Control Visit Presented By: Scott Hunter and Jim Hallford don’t just insure. BE SURE.

2 AlaCOMP – An Overview AlaCOMP is your organizations workers’ compensation insurance provider. We insure your company’s most valuable asset. YOUR EMPLOYEES! AlaCOMP is made up of a Claims Department, Underwriters, Billing Personnel, and a Loss Control Department. Todays presentation will focus on our Loss Control Department and its interaction with our customers.

3 What is Loss Control? Loss control is a risk management technique that seeks to reduce the possibility that a loss will occur and reduce the severity of those that do occur. A loss control program should help policyholders reduce claims, and insurance companies reduce losses through safety and risk management information and services. Loss Control is only effective if your company’s upper management takes safety in the work place seriously and is willing to place a great deal of emphasis on it. Yes, this includes financial expenditures to keep its workers’ safe.

4 Loss Control Services Scheduled Loss Control Visits Webinars Seminars
Safety Library

5 Scheduled Loss Control Visits
Scheduling the visit Frequency of visits What we look for during the visits Length of visits Visit Reports

6 Webinars Quarterly webinars on various safety and compliance related topics Ability to attend from your own office Ability to interact with presenters Webinars are also archived for viewing at a later time We welcome suggestions from our members on future webinar topics

7 Seminars Seminars are planned to be held annually in Montgomery
2018 Seminar will be held on Wednesday, September 12th at AlaCOMP in Montgomery. An announcement will be made on all details in the near future. Speakers will give presentations in the following categories: Active Shooter OSHA Update Workers’ Compensation Legal Issues & Nurse Case Management Loss Control/Accident Prevention Q&A Session

8 Safety Library Easily one of the most valuable benefits our customers receive. Over 10,000 pages of safety and compliance related resources The library includes powerpoints, written programs, training handouts, and much, much more Safety Manager Software Password protected All at no cost to the customer

9 What can I expect from a Loss Control Visit
Administration/operational information questions to update the AlaCOMP database Review of written safety programs Safety walk-through of factories, shops, offices, job sites, etc. Written report of our findings Recommendations

10 Common Findings during Loss Control Visits
Absence of written safety programs Slip, trip, and fall hazards Lockout/Tagout programs and procedures missing Hazard Communication Program deficiencies Monthly Fire Extinguisher inspections not performed Machine guarding violations PPE use not enforced JSA’s not completed

11 Absence of Written Safety Programs
No written safety rules, policies, or procedures Lack or incomplete written OSHA compliance programs No drug/alcohol policy No injury reporting policy or medical protocol

12 Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazards

13 Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures Missing
Procedures not machine specific Authorized and affected training insufficient Procedures not posted on or near machinery Annual audit of LOTO programs not being performed

14 Hazard Communication Program Deficiencies
No written program Missing or mislabeled containers No SDS sheets on file GHS update training not performed

15 Monthly Fire Extinguisher Inspections

16 Machine Guarding

17 PPE Use Not Enforced Employees not wearing safety glasses
Hearing protection not properly utilized Ill fitting or improper respirators used No fit test or medical evaluations for those who wear respirators

18 Job Hazard Analysis Not Performed
A job hazard analysis should be completed for each task or job function at your facility JSA’s should also be performed for work being performed in the field


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