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BP Amoco Finland Team 10: Compensation

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Presentation on theme: "BP Amoco Finland Team 10: Compensation"— Presentation transcript:

1 BP Amoco Finland Team 10: Compensation
Elina Laurila Iiro Paajanen Teemu Saxen Taija Tanskanen Soot Yin Yow

2 Agenda Taija: Introduction, Compensation objectives and policies and wage mix Soot Yin: Government regulations and other factors influencing compensation, job ranking table Elina: Compensation instruments, traditional compensation model Teemu: Recommended compensation model, additional benefits Iiro: Benefits for expatriates

3 Compensation Objectives
Match employees’ future performance with organizational goals Reward employees’ past performance Employ and retain most talented people Improve productivity Remain competitive in the labor market Control the compensation budget Maintain salary equity among employees

4 Compensation Policies
Pay for performance Competitive base salaries Incentives (merits, bonuses, stock options) Indirect compensation Salary ranges for each management level No pay secrecy - open policy

5 Wage Mix Internal factors: External factors:
Compensation policy of organization Worth of job Employee’s relative worth Employer’s ability to pay External factors: Conditions of the labor market Area wage rates Cost of living Collective bargaining Legal requirements

6 Finnish Government Regulations
Regulated working hours Paid vacation Minimum wage Occupational health service Retirement benefits Maternity benefits Right for paternity leave Insurance (accidents, unemployment)

7 Other Influencing Factors
High tax rates High cost of living Inflation Decrease in real wage Unemployment rate

8 Job Ranking Table

9 Compensation Instruments
Direct Compensation salaries incentives (merits, bonuses, stock options) Indirect Compensation benefits (company car, petrol, cellular phone etc.) retirement insurance relocation assistance flexible working hours self development program

10 Incentives Merits Bonuses - Goals set by superior
- Allocation by superior based on performance appraisal Bonuses - Goals set by superior - Based on the profit Stock option plan for top management

11 Traditional Compensation Model
CEO Country Functional Regional Facility Asst. Facility Base Merit Bonuses Stock Indirect Salary options compensation

12 Recommended Compensation Model

13 Salary Ranges for Each Management Level
CEO: FIM Country VP: FIM Functional VP: FIM Area Manager: FIM Facility Manager: FIM Ass. F. Manager: FIM

14 Additional Benefit Packages
Addition to base salary Value of package according to position Range: FIM Employee chooses the content of the package Country Club membership, Car, Pension plan, Household services, Holiday packages, etc…

15 Benefits for Finns Working Abroad
20 % premium on top of base salary Basic health care for the family Child care and school placement Housing arrangements

16 Benefits for non-Finns Working in Finland
Housing arrangement Basic health care for family Child care and school placement

17 Thank You! Questions?

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