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Presentation on theme: "Polarization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polarization

2 Review of Lenses to tell whether an object is real or virtual, erect or inverted, enlarged or diminished – DO THE MATH Real image – di > 0 Virtual image – di < 0 Erect image – hi > 0 Inverted image – hi < 0 Enlarged image – M > 1 Diminished image – M < 1

3 Definition of Polarization:
The vibration of a wave in one geometric plane Only transverse waves can be polarized Eg) a wave within a rope Board with opening in the vertical plane

4 If the waves in the rope were generated in several different planes, the waves would be unpolarized and only the waves in the vertical plane would pass through the vertical opening Light is a special kind of transverse wave, 3-D

5 Polarization Ray of unpolarized light Polarized filter 2nd polarized filter – absorbs vertical vibration and blocks all light



8 When light reflects from a smooth surface the light is partially polarized
Car hood Vibration absorbed glare Eye with polarized sunglasses

9 White Light White light is made up of spectral colors
A prism disperses the light Spectrum Red refracts (bends) the least Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet refracts (bends) the most

10 Dispersion

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