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TWU Internal Funding Ms. Tracy Lindsay

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1 TWU Internal Funding Ms. Tracy Lindsay
Director of Operations Research & Sponsored Programs 

2 TWU provides funds through various programs to support research and scholarly activity. All internal funding programs through the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs are posted on the website at The various programs serve to enhance research in different ways such as to increase external funding, to enhance the visibility of research, and to develop and strengthen faculty in their respective fields. Support projects to obtain pilot data Increase publications Develop researchers and provide support for development and refinement of methodologies Enhance collaboration and visibility of research Train faculty to manage grant funds REMEMBER: Internal funding is an investment by the university in its faculty. There are expected outcomes and the faculty have a responsibility to see that the university’s investment is a good one.

3 Research Enhancement Program Deadline: Tuesday, October 2, 2018
The primary purpose of the Research Enhancement Program is to provide seed money so that faculty members will be able to compete more successfully for larger research grants from external sources for continuation of their research. All full-time tenured faculty, research faculty, and tenure-track faculty members at TWU are eligible to apply and serve as PI and co-investigators.  Tenured and research faculty will be evaluated separately from tenure-track faculty who are not yet tenured (thus considered a "new investigator") with funds being designated separately for each group. Competitions are held twice a year with deadlines typically in April and October. Budget maximum is $10,000. One-year or two-year project periods are allowed. Proposals are evaluated by the Research Support Committee and use similar criteria to NIH. An interim report is required for two-year projects and a final report for all projects. In addition, a research proposal for external funding must be submitted within 18 months of end date. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

4 Creative Arts and Humanities Grant Program Deadline: Tuesday, October 2, 2018
The Creative Arts and Humanities Grants Program supports TWU faculty projects in areas which ordinarily have very limited opportunity to receive external grant funding yet have the potential to enhance scholarship and TWU’s profile nationally and internationally.  Funds may be used for a wide range of projects such as performances, art exhibitions, documentaries, creative writing, archival research, pedagogical research, and the development of book manuscripts. In addition, a wide range of research methodologies will be considered. All full-time tenured faculty and tenure-track faculty members at TWU are eligible to apply and serve as PI and co-investigators.  Competitions are held twice a year with deadlines typically in April and October. This program runs in tandem with the REP. Budget maximum is $5,000 for one-year projects. Proposals are evaluated by members of the Research Support. A final report will be required as well as the expected outcome(s) as determined by the PI within the proposal. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

5 Hanover Grant Academy Deadline: September 10, 2018 and March 1, 2019
The Hanover Grant Academy seeks to discover and encourage individuals of outstanding talent with a keen interest in research. The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and Center for Research Design and Analysis plan to support two cohorts, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. Each cohort will include eight emerging tenure-track research professionals who will receive individualized mentoring on the grant writing process. Grant funding is an ever-increasingly competitive process in which guided expertise is critical to crafting the most fundable research proposals. The ability to describe one's research in a way that can be understood and valued is critical in the competitive selection process. The Hanover Grant Academy will include four group sessions which will have virtual capabilities. We will work with the chosen cohort members to identify the best times for these group sessions. Nominations may come from fellow faculty members, deans, or self-nominations. Nominations for Cohort I are due Monday, September 10, 2018 and the academy will run from September 24 – March 22. Nominations for Cohort II are due March 1, 2019 and the academy will run from March 25 – September 20, 2019. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

6 Travel Assistance Fund
The Travel Assistance Fund enables faculty to defray some of the travel costs associated with presenting scholarly outcomes at professional conferences and meetings that have been peer-reviewed, juried, or selected by the major associations or societies in their fields; it also supports travel where they will receive a major award from those organizations. Applicants must be full-time faculty of TWU with a teaching appointment for 2017 – 2018.  There is no deadline for this program; applications are accepted on a rolling basis until funds for that semester have been allocated. Funds are allocated on a semester basis. Check website for availability of funds. Only one trip per person may be funded in a fiscal year. Maximum award is $800. ORSP or department will prepare travel voucher (within 60 days of return date). A report will be requested upon return from trip. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

7 Chancellor’s Research Fellows Program
The Chancellor’s Research Fellows (CRF) Program provides support to promising scholars and their mentors to facilitate completion of a specific project.  The objectives are 1) to identify faculty with strong potential for obtaining external funding for research;  2) to provide additional research support that will help protégés and mentors succeed in their research agendas; and 3) to facilitate the building of internal and external partnerships. Protégé applicants must be full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members at Texas Woman’s University. They should have completed preliminary work and publication in their areas of research. Applicants must demonstrate a strong potential for research but need assistance to accomplish their research programs and be competitive for external funding. Mentors should be faculty members or researchers with successful records of research publication and funding and shared research interest with the protégé. The mentors are not required to be TWU faculty. Protégés receive $5,000 and mentors receive $3,000 for a one-year period (9/1 – 8/31). Protégés may apply for a second award (but not a third). Outcomes are determined by protégé and mentor. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

8 Program Officer Visit Travel Grant
The Program Officer Visit Travel Grant Program provides funds for TWU faculty to visit program officers. Faculty may request support for travel to attend meetings with sponsoring agency program officers in Washington, DC and other locations. The goal of the program is to improve the competiveness of proposals from TWU by facilitating interaction with prospective sponsors. Visits with program officers also provide opportunities for faculty members to provide general information about TWU. There is no deadline for this program; applications are accepted year round. Application will require a one-page concept paper. Applications will be reviewed by the Vice Provost for Research within two weeks of receipt. All travel funded through these programs must be conducted in accordance with TWU travel policy. Recipients of this grant must prepare a brief, one-page report on the trip within 30 days of the trip. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

9 Proposal Development Grant Program
The purpose of the Proposal Development Grant is to provide release time to a faculty member or research team for development and submission of a proposal for external funding. For fall and spring semesters, this program provides funds to support the cost of a replacement instructor for one 3 credit hour course. The amount of funding provided will be based on the actual cost of the replacement instructor. For the summer competition, no more than .25 FTE of the institutional base salary for any one faculty member will be provided. If funds are requested for summer support for more than one faculty member, the total amount requested should not exceed .25 FTE. All full-time TWU faculty are eligible to apply. Preference is given to research proposals and tenure- track, tenured, and research faculty. Requests will be reviewed by the Vice Provost for Research with input from the chairs, deans, and other administrators or staff as necessary. Considerations for review are: 1) Scientific, scholarly, and creative merit; 2) Evidence of appropriate preparation and planning; and 3) the outcome (proposal). The expected outcome is the proposal listed in the application. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

10 Small Grants Program Small Grants support research that could eventually become the basis for a proposal for external funding for a research grant. These funds are primarily intended to allow principal investigators to take advantage of unusual opportunities that arise, particularly to obtain preliminary or pilot data. Grants are not intended to support conference travel or travel to present research results. Typically, only one grant per investigator is awarded per fiscal year. Grants are generally for no more than $750, although exceptions can be made. Priority is given to full-time faculty holding tenured or tenure-track appointments pursuing an active research agenda and significant research funding. Students and adjunct faculty are not eligible to apply. Requests will be reviewed by the Vice Provost for Research. Funds must be expended by August 31. A final report is required. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

11 TARGET (Equipment) Program
The purpose of the Teaching and Research Grant for Equipment and Technology (TARGET) Program is to provide a mechanism for researchers at TWU to obtain research equipment, ideally for shared use, or faculty at TWU to obtain equipment to enhance the scholarship of teaching and learning in the classroom or lab in face-to-face, online, or hybrid teaching environments. Approximately $400,000 is allocated each year for equipment to support faculty teaching and research. Those who apply for teaching equipment must be full-time TWU faculty. Those applying for research-related equipment must be full-time TWU faculty who are tenured or in a tenure-track position. Proposals that promote faculty collaboration are especially encouraged. Deadline is usually in October and equipment must be purchased by August 31. Review committee consists of Vice Provost for Research, Executive Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence, representative from Office of Technology, representative from Teaching and Learning with Technology, and a representative from the Research Advisory Council. A final report will be required. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

12 Woodcock Institute Research Grant Deadline: February 1 (for summer and fall studies); August 1 (for Spring studies) The research topic must be related to the mission of the Woodcock Institute, which is the advancement of neurocognitive research and translation of neurocognitive research into practice. The Primary Researcher (PR) must have an earned graduate degree in an academic discipline or professional field (e.g., school psychology, clinical psychology, education), or have appropriate experience in an educational research profession. Alternatively, a PR can be a doctoral student working under the supervision of a PR who meets these qualifications. The PR must be affiliated with a 501(c)(3) organization such as a college, university, school district, or research entity that is willing to serve as the fiscal agent if the grant is awarded. The Woodcock Institute does not award research grants directly to individuals. A PR may hold only one active research grant from the Woodcock Institute at any given time. The grant request may not exceed $15,000, unless approved by the Executive Director of the Woodcock Institute. The award must be used to support expenses that are directly related to the research. ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

13 Office of Research and Sponsored Programs ACT 7th Floor – Denton (940) ORSP will work closely with PI to (1) obtain guidelines; (2) review proposal for adherence to agency requirements as proposal is prepared; (3) work with PI to prepare budget and budget justification; (4) compile required documents; (5) assist with the routing and approval of the proposal through TWU (including the authorized official); and (6) submit the proposal.

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