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Disusun Oleh YULIANA ISNANI (H1F114089)

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1 Disusun Oleh YULIANA ISNANI (H1F114089)
PERENCANAAN TATA LETAK PABRIK (HMKB764) Perancangan Tata Letak Area Produksi Kue Pai di Pasar Banjarbaru Disusun Oleh YULIANA ISNANI (H1F114089)

2 STRUKTUR ORGANISASI Rektor Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Prof. Dr. H. Sutarto Hadi, M.Si., M.Sc. Wakil Rektor Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Dr. Ahmad Alim Bachri, SE., M.Si Dekan Fakultas Teknik Dr. Ing. Yulian Firmana Arifin, ST., MT Wakil Dekan I Fakultas Teknik Dr. Chairul Irawan, ST., MT Wakil Dekan II Fakultas Teknik Maya Amalia, ST., M.Eng Wakil Dekan III Fakultas Teknik Nurhakim, ST., MT Kepala Prodi Teknik Mesin Achmad Kusairi S, ST., MT., MM Dosen Pengampu Prof. Dr. Qomariyatus Sholihah Amd. Hyp, ST., M.Kes Mahasiswa Yuliana Isnani (H1F114089)

3 Definitions Layout The layout is operational facility layout arrangement of industries, both in the existing building and the outside. Layout the right shows the characteristics of their operational adjustment facility layout to the type of product and the conversion process. The influence of the right layout for the industry is the increase in industrial productivity. Subject is due to the flow of goods to be processed, and then goes into processing to the final product to run smoothly. Another aspect, the employees were directly involved in the processing can move about freely without fear of the possibility of accidents, so that they work quietly and safely.

4 Facility Facility is a building in which the human / workers take advantage of material, machinery and other resources to produce finished products or provide services. It is important to organize a facility that the main objectives can be achieved which are producing products or providing services at a low cost, high quality, and use of natural resources to a minimum.

5 Definition Design Facility
The design of the facility is an important term for the preparation of a physical element to warehousing, post office, shops, restaurants, hospitals, homes and even factories. Definition of the facility is designed to analyze, conceptualize, design and create a system for the manufacture of goods or services. This design is generally described as the floor plan, the arrangement of the physical facilities (equipment, land, buildings, and other means) to optimize the relationship between the executive officer, the flow of goods, information flow, and regulations as are necessary to achieve the right business, economic, and safe (James M. Apple, 1990: 2). Generally, the overall goal is to bring the facility design inputs (materials, supplies, etc.) via any facilities that enable the shortest time preformance at a reasonable cost.

6 The scope of design and amenities include a careful assessment of at least the following areas: (James M. Apple, 1990: 3) transport Reception Raw material warehouse Production assembling Packaging and packing Transfer of goods services employee Supporting production activities Warehousing Delivery office complex The outside facilities (Supporting) Building Land locations Security filth

7 Basic Concepts Layout The flow of goods is the backbone for production facilities must be carefully designed so that the production process becomes smooth, effective and efficient. Here is a comparison with the previous layout.

8 The author wants industry pie is placed in the market area, in order to facilitate the purchase of materials for production, and facilitate the sale of the production. Here is a picture layout created by the author:

9 Objectives Planning Layout
The purpose of planning layout / layout well: Maximize the utilization of plant equipment Minimizing labor requirements Ensuring that the flow of materials and products smoothly Minimize the effort to bring materials Lowering investment Save the use of building space To provide convenience, safety, and comfort of the employees

10 Conclusion Based on studies that discuss factory layout planning, the authors can conclude the following: Factory layout planning is how the arrangement of space, equipment, etc. in an industry are such that they can simplify and speed up the production process and can make the production process more effective and efficient and to minimize production costs. Factory layout planning is included major activities before the production process. The advantages are obtained in the form of increase in the amount of production, reducing the waiting time, reduce the time the process of moving materials, efficient use of the area for the production, storage, and services, and greater utilization of labor and production facilities.

11 Suggestion In the implementation of the plant layout, the location of where the industry should be utilized as much as possible in order to minimize the use of cost, effort, money, and others.


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