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Michala E.F. Pedersen et al. JACEP 2017;3:

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1 Michala E.F. Pedersen et al. JACEP 2017;3:367-373
Protocol for Early Removal of Pericardial Drain Complicating Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation: Patient With Ongoing Bleeding Requiring Continuous Aspiration Needs Acute Referral From the Cardiac Surgeons If it is possible to drain the effusion to dryness, a period of monitoring should ensue. If there is no re-accumulation over a continuous observation period of at least 30 min, our findings suggest that the drain can be safely removed. The cycle may be repeated, but it is recommended that the drain is only removed after a minimum of 30 min to avoid re-accumulation. *Documented on transthoracic echocardiogram. **With prothrombin complex concentrate or Idarucizumab (Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals). Michala E.F. Pedersen et al. JACEP 2017;3: 2017 American College of Cardiology Foundation

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