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Tips for recording interviews Audio Interviewing.

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1 Tips for recording interviews Audio Interviewing

2 Location, location Pick a quiet place Avoid restaurants, coffee shops Avoid loud background noise – even air conditioners

3 Put your subject at ease Chat while you are setting up Tell them who the audience is Give them an idea of how long the interview will be Develop rapport before you turn the mic on Look them in the eye, instead of fiddling with equipment

4 The equipment Handheld microphones: Hold 4 to 12 inches from speaker, pointed at mouth Reporter should hold it steady Wear headphones to monitor sound

5 Be prepared Make sure your equipment works Know what you want to ask – do background research Remember to listen to the answers

6 Interview basics Avoid yes or no questions Encourage interviewee to speak in complete sentences Dont interrupt but try to keep speaker from rambling Ask them to repeat if its unclear or if there was a distraction Its NEVER OK to tell someone what to say, but you can rephrase a question

7 Starting the interview Ask for name (including spelling) and title while you have the tape rolling

8 Kinds of questions Describe for me … Give me a sense of … Could you tell me why… Could you tell me what it was like … What went through your mind… How does that affect you?...

9 Be quiet Remember the microphone picks up your voice Dont say uh huh, really. Try nodding instead

10 Its not about you Keep your questions short Dont answer your own questions

11 Avoiding pitfalls Dont be afraid of silence – give them time to think If you dont understand something, ask what do you mean by that? If the subject is long-winded, start questions with tell me briefly… If need be, remind the subject to answer in complete sentences or thoughts for audio.

12 The wind-up Thank them for their time Ask if theres anything they want to add

13 More interview tips If the subject says something you know youll want to use, mark the time on the recorder

14 Doing voice-overs Write a script Keep it short Use simple sentences Stay conversational Enunciate Remember: You have to hook your listeners quickly

15 Getting better Practice – interview friends and family Listen to good interviewers Ira Glass on storytellingon storytelling NPR: Soldiers cheer on football teamSoldiers cheer on football team

16 Ambient sound The continuous noise in the background Record at least a minute of it at each location – can use it to insert space in an edited interview

17 Natural sound The audio equivalent of sound effectssound effects Make sure the sound is authentic If you forgot to record a Husker band practice, you cant simply download a DVD of the Huskers music when the story is about the band practicing

18 Tips from NYTimes reporter Audio tips for print reporters

19 Why tell audio stories? It can give your story another dimension It gives your sources a voice Brandi Kruses award-winning audio

20 How to use it? Short clips that supplement a story Short clips Listen to an NPR story – Dr. JohnDr. John Sound matters – Home deliveryHome delivery

21 Its all about storytelling Scott Simon: How to tell a story Scott Simon:

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