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PaPBS Implementers’ Forum 2018 Debrief

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Presentation on theme: "PaPBS Implementers’ Forum 2018 Debrief"— Presentation transcript:

1 PaPBS Implementers’ Forum 2018 Debrief
It takes ALL of us!

2 1818 Registered 15% Spec Ed Parent .23% 32% Gen Ed EC Educators 6.8%
Ed Admin EC Admin 15% Parent .23% 32% Gen Ed 15% Spec Ed

3 Who can name our 3 Keynoters?

4 Sessions vs. Keynoter We are very careful scheduling sessions that compete with the Keynoter

5 This slide highlights the variety of topics from basic how to---”kick off to Banner” , staff buyin to trauma informed care… our network is growing in its skills and it shows in the sessions we can now offer

6 825 This slide and the next is to illustrate that we maintained attendance –even with the lateness of break out session #4

7 Maintained Attendance 825

8 Sessions Feedback More session focused on advanced tiers
Coaches/facilitator strand Consistency with description in program and actual presentation Traffic Flow Improve target audience description (ie. EC vs SA) Slides hard to read Over Crowding Sessions Feedback



11 Glows Great networking opportunity
Appreciated learning from others—new to the process Program implementation Personal interaction Glows

12 Grows More food Shorten from 2 hours to 90 minutes
More HS and EC poster presentations Ways to increase attendance Move to lunchtime Handouts QR code with a drawing Grows


14 Recognition Glows Overall, we had many more people happy with the luncheon and banner and badge distribution. It was more organized and teams felt they were recognized. “Done beautifully this year. Just the right way to recognize teams without being too lengthy.”

15 Recognition Grows Recognition Grows
Longer opportunity Offer during off times PBIS Backdrop Directions for team picture access Photos Banners for 3 Tier Delineation Slide Show Schools/Programs in ABC order Reserved Tables Film Fest during Name each School/Program Luncheon

16 Credit Types


18 46% 740

19 2018 PAPBS Implementers’ Forum
Film Fest – Feedback from the Field

20 Film Fest Glows- things that WOrked
An overwhelming amount of attendees loved Film Fest and requested a longer Time Slot Teams LOVED seeing what overs were doing across the state and celebrating their PBIS success Teams loved the clappers and noise maker giveaways Teams loved the certificates and celebration when their clip was featured

21 Film Fest Grows- things to consider
Hosting Film Fest in a larger room to accommodate a larger crowd Featuring Film Fest at time that is not competing with other sessions- similar to Poster session Lengthening Film Fest to a longer time slot to permit more clips being featured and less editing/shortening of submissions Providing multiple opportunities to view Film fest (ex. Day 1 and repeat again on Day 2)




25 Recommendations for NEXT YEAR!!
Dr. Riffel challenged us! 791



28 Important DATES PW/SW Facilitators’ Institute: September 27, 2018
Proposals for Presentations Due: 11/1/2018 Recognition Applications including annual data Due: 10/26/2018 SET training for new SETTERS: November 8, 2018 SET Recalibration follow up: December 8 or 20, 2018 Poster Proposals Film Festival DUE: March 1, 2019 PreSET/SET scores DUE: March 30, 2019 BoQ scores DUE: April 19, 2019 TFI scores DUE: April 19,2019 Forum: May 14 and 15, 2019 Hershey Lodge Important DATES

29 YOU!! Film Festival Team: Kathryn Poggi Sielke Caparelli
Laura Rutherford Joel Thomas YOU!! Core Planning Team: Jim Palmiero Carol Good Kathryn Poggi Nikole Hollins-Sims Laura Moran Sue Zeiders Mike Minor Marie Bozelli Tim Knoster Danielle Empson Becky Millspaugh Kelly Perales Lisa Thomas Lisa Gragg Registration Team: Kristin Olszyk Carol Good Poster Session Team: Ron Logan Becky Millspaugh Funding Guru Donna Schnepp Recognition Team: Shanna Bradfield Nikole Hollins-Sim Tina Lawson Julia Slater Bob Shields Sandy Shack-Lady White Debra Jordan This slide is to demonstrate the Network at work… The different component appear: Core Planning Team—we meet to establish theme, Request for Proposals, Review of proposal, design of day (timeframe) and establish the agenda The Subcommittees of the other components to the Forum The folks who make systems works Aside form the schools and program ---the dedicated team of local facilitator do the day to day work to articulate the mission of the network and implement the theories into practice! How everything in the Network GETS DONE with Fidelity

30 2019 Here WE Come! May 14 and 15, 2019 Hershey Lodge and Convention Center Dr. Kathleen lane is confirmed for May 15th!!!

31 This opportunity is on a competitive basis and open to programs and schools currently part of the PaPBS Network. The planning committee for the 2018 PAPBS Implementers’ Forum is accepting proposals via the following google form link Deadline for proposal submission is 11/1/2018. Applicants will be notified as to the decision regarding the acceptance, declination or revision of the proposal by December 7, In some cases, due to the trend of topic submissions, acceptance may be contingent on the willingness of an applicant to partner with another applying school or program. Please read through the form carefully to review the required information to complete the application. This conference continues to grow, as does the quality of implementation across Pennsylvania, because of the willingness of programs/schools to share their experiences, knowledge and time. Please encourage your teams who are doing exemplary work in the field to complete a proposal. This conference is only possible because of the extraordinary dedication and hard work of our facilitators.

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