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Presentation on theme: "LIFE TO EAGLE SCOUT AND PARENTS PRESENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

National Capital Area Council Occoquan District Part 1 Project Proposal and Execution May 2018 Ver. 1.1 1

2 Why We Are Here? To learn about the “Life to Eagle” Process
To help Eagle Scout Candidates succeed To maintain the high quality of our District’s Eagle Advancement Program NOW...Let’s get going!!!

3 Steps- Life to Eagle Primary Requirements
Active Participation (Registered Scout) Requirement #1 – Earn 21 Merit Badges (13 Required) Requirement #2 - Eagle Scout Service Project Requirement #3 – Demonstrate Leadership Requirement #4 – Position of Leadership Requirement $5 – Active Requirement Eagle Scout Rank Application (ESRA) Package Scoutmaster Conference Coordinate with Scoutmaster, Advancement Chair or Eagle Advisor Eagle Board of Review (EBOR) Eagle Court of Honor (ECOH)

4 References 4

5 Remember, there are no dumb questions!
Feel free to ask a question anytime You may want to write them down and ask later Remember, there are no dumb questions! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5 5

6 District Advancement Committee Responsibilities
Follow national and local council procedures as prescribed regarding appeals, Eagle Scout and Quartermaster references, service project proposal approvals, boards and bridges of review support, and time extensions Help troops, teams, crews, and ships avoid pitfalls as qualified youth strive for Eagle Scout rank, the Silver Award, or the Quartermaster rank Enable Eagle Scout Candidates To Succeed!

Responsibility of the Eagle Candidate Find a Project Project should be the Scout’s idea Something he believes in, enjoys doing, and is potentially good at accomplishing There is no limitation as long as it meets service and leadership requirements Work with the Beneficiary and the Beneficiary’s Representative Share the information sheet for project beneficiaries (see last 2 sheets of Eagle Workbook)

8 Eagle Scout Service Project
Must plan, develop, and give leadership to others in service to the Community – Religious institution, school, community organization or a business’ operation provided as a community service Significant opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills and ability (scope and magnitude) the Scout must plan the work, organize the personnel needed, and direct the project to its completion A project that is only a fundraiser is not allowed GTA § 8

9 GETTING STARTED Set up a folder on your computer
Download the Eagle Scout Service Project (ESSP) Workbook ESSP = Eagle Scout Workbook 2015 Version (Latest Version) Download the Eagle Scout Rank Application (ESRA) ESRA = Version (Latest Version) NOTE: To review contents of this document, upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Reader from Get a 2 inch 3-ring binder and create 5 sections Eagle Scout Service Project Eagle Scout Rank application Pictures Record log of hour worked Miscellaneous Skim the ESSP Workbook and ESRA Read the “Message to scouts and Parents or guardians” Make contact with your Troop Eagle Coach and later with your District Eagle Adviser (DER)

10 Fillable and expandable PDF Must fill in all relevant
THE WORKBOOK Fillable and expandable PDF Must fill in all relevant Information Download the Eagle Scout Service Project (ESSP) Workbook ESSP = Eagle Scout Workbook 2015 Version (Latest Version) Must read and use Entire workbook

11 Message to Scouts and Parents or Guardians
EXPECTATIONS Message to Scouts and Parents or Guardians Establishes expectations for Scouts, parents (or guardians), and other adults

12 WORKBOOK About Eagle Project Workbook Meeting Eagle Scout
Requirement 5

13 WORKBOOK Message to Scouts and Parents or Guardians
Excerpt and Summaries From the Guide to Advancement


15 The Workbook Fillable and expandable PDF
Must fill in all relevant information Available online: NCAC web page Must use entire workbook

16 Keeping Track of Time From the time you begin looking for a project to completion, you should be keeping track of time A small pocket notebook, a spreadsheet on a laptop, a notepad on a smartphone, or a loose leaf page in the project workbook are all acceptable Each entry should include: person’s name, date, hours or fractions of hours, purpose Time includes such things as research, making phone calls, participating in meetings, completing the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook Record not only the time you spend on the project, but also the time others spend helping you on the project

17 Selecting a Project Responsibility of the Eagle Candidate
Find a project The project should be the Scout’s idea Something he believes in, enjoys doing, and is potentially good at accomplishing There is no limitation as long as it meets service and leadership requirements Work with the project Beneficiary and the Beneficiary’s Representative Share the information sheet for project beneficiaries Elaborate on “There is no limitation….” 18

18 Project Selection Considerations
Not routine labor Not BSA property or activities Not purely benefiting a commercial profit making business to make more $$$ Not a fundraiser Not routine maintenance (alone) How is the group going to benefit? What does the project involve? What are the safety risks? What are the challenges?

19 Information for Project Beneficiaries
Project Restrictions and Limitations Expect Approving Project Proposal and Scheduling Approving Final Plans Supervision and Safety Project Completion and Approval GTA § ; § ; §

20 Must Be Completely Filled In
Contact Information Scout’s Name Unit Unit Leader Committee Chair Advancement Coordinator Project Beneficiary Project Beneficiary Representative Council Service Center (see ESPG) District Approval Representative Project Coach Must Be Completely Filled In Expandable This is the new expandable PDF form. It is here so the scout will recognize they have the newer format. This page MUST be filled out completely. The large letters in the block on the right are the titles of the blocks on the page.

21 Project Proposal


23 Project Proposal - 1 Description & Benefit Pictures and Captions
Giving Leadership Materials

24 Project Proposal - 2 Supplies Tools Permits & Permissions
Prelim Cost Estimate Project Phases

25 Project Proposal - 3 Logistics Safety Issues Further Planning
Candidate’s Promise Approval Signatures

26 (Signed before approvals below are granted)
Candidate’s Promise (Signed before approvals below are granted) “On my honor as a Scout, I have read this entire workbook, including the “Message to Scouts and Parents or Guardians” on page 4-4. I promise to be the leader of this project, and to do my best to carry it out for the maximum benefit to the religious institution, school, or community I have chosen as beneficiary.” Should emphasis that the scout has read the entire workbook and that he is the Leader of the project.

27 Proposal Approvals Last
“*While it makes sense to obtain them in the order they appear, there shall be no required sequence for the order of obtaining approvals marked with an asterisk (*). However, Council or District Approval must come after the others.”

28 Project FINAL PLAN

29 WORDS ABOUT PLANNING - 1 Eagle Scout Rank Requirement #5 requires the Scout to plan and develop his service project Though this final plan is a tool for your use, and not approved or signed, it is important in helping show you done the required planning and development You should take this final plan with you to your Eagle Board of Review You are not required to provide more details than are necessary for the accomplishment of your project

30 PROJECT FINAL PLAN - A Comments From Your Proposal Review
Project Description and Benefit – Changes from the Proposal Will the changes make the project more, or less, helpful to the beneficiary? Explain: Present Condition or Situation Project Phases

31 Permits and Permissions
PROJECT PLAN PAGE B Work Processes Attachments Pictures & Diagrams Attachments Pictures & Diagrams Permits and Permissions Materials

32 PROJECT PLAN PAGE C Supplies Tools Other Needs Expenses / Revenue

33 PROJECT PLAN PAGE - D Giving Leadership Logistics

34 Comments Fom Your Coach About Your Project Plan
PROJECT PLAN PAGE - E Safety & Hazards Contingency Plans Comments Fom Your Coach About Your Project Plan

35 PLANNING SUMMARY The more planning and attention to detail you do at the beginning will help your project come together in the end Describe your project so you understand what needs to be done at every step Your plan should be in sufficient enough detail so that: You and the beneficiary understand what is being done You can explain it to everyone else Your project will be successful on the planned day 36

36 Conducting The Project
The Eagle candidate must be the project leader The project is about leadership and service to others Make sure others are involved so you demonstrate leadership Don’t let adults be too helpful – have everyone provide suggestions and comments to you for decisions Take note of changes from your original plan Work on the project is complete when: The work is finished The excess materials, supplies and tools have been cleared from the site, as applicable Scout and beneficiary agree it is complete. Enter the completion date on the Eagle Scout Rank Application at Requirement 5 and on the first page of the Project Report section of your workbook Expand on completion date with examples: Beneficiary is on sight when project is complete, the site is clear, the beneficiary is happy – completion date is that day. Beneficiary is on sight, work is down, but materials won’t be cleaned up for another three days, the beneficiary is happy with the work so the completion date will be when the site is cleaned up. 37 37

37 Risk Management All Eagle Scout service projects constitute official Scouting activity - subject to Boy Scouts of America policies and procedures Projects considered part of a unit’s program – must follow with regard to policies, procedures, and requirements regarding Youth Protection, two-deep leadership, etc Since an Eagle Scout service project is a unit activity, unit leadership has the same responsibility to assure safety in conducting a project as with any other unit activity GTA § 38


39 Contributions Fundraising is permitted only for securing materials, and otherwise facilitating a project Fundraising can be done without Council approval from: The beneficiary The candidate The candidate’s parents or relatives The candidate’s unit The unit’s chartered organization Parents or members of the candidate’s unit NCAC is the approving authority on the Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application Completed forms are faxed to or ed to: for approval

40 Project REPORT

41 PROJECT REPORT PAGE A Project Execution Project Description
Observations Changes

42 Materials, Supplies, Tools, Other Entering Service Project Data
PROJECT REPORT PAGE - B Leadership Materials, Supplies, Tools, Other Entering Service Project Data

43 Photos and Other Documentation
PROJECT REPORT PAGE - C Funding Smmary Photos and Other Documentation Candidates Promise

44 CANDIDATE PROMISE Scout Unit Leader Beneficiary
Sign below before you seek the other approvals. Beneficiary Unit Leader

45 Project Changes As projects are planned, changes usually are necessary. If major, it is important to confirm they are acceptable to the beneficiary. If any major change occurs in the project notify the project proposal approvers immediately, “…to be sure you [and the project] still have a chance of passing the board of review” Page 12: ESSP Final Plan 46

46 Final Project Approval
Board of Review members are the final approval authority that the project was properly carried out and meets standards The following must be answered: In what ways did you demonstrate leadership of others? Give examples of how you directed the project rather than doing the work yourself In what way did the group benefit from the project? Did the project follow the plan - changes? If changes were made, explain why the changes were necessary 47


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