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Social organization Pg 10- 11 of booklet.

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1 Social organization Pg of booklet

2 What could be found in a Mesopotamian city?
Description Mesopotamia Lots of people Fortresses made of clay Irrigation system A king and government Agricultural territory around it. A temple

3 Similarity and difference?
Mesopotamia Montreal

4 Why are Mesopotamian cities said to be city states?
The city was lead by a king and a government. Just like Quebec has a prime minster and a government.

5 Why did Hammurabi have a stele engraved with a code of law?
Description Stele code of Hammurabi Worlds first major code of law. Stated the strong must not oppress the weak. Laws covered all aspects of life and had consequences. Showed which behaviors were acceptable in society!

6 What aspects of Mesopotamian life did the codes affect?
Agriculture Craft work Property Business Family Theft violence

7 Who held power in Mesopotamia?
The King was at the top. Chosen by a council of Nobles. After a while it was hereditary, passed from father to son.

8 Complete the table Members Role King Supreme chief
High Priests/ officals/scribes Carried out kings commands Army Protected city Merchants Sold goods Crafts people Made goods Peasants Common people, farmers Slaves Owned by the ricj

9 Polytheist They worshipped hundreds to thousands of gods.
Gods embodied nature and were supernatural. They behaved like humans.

10 What religious practices did they engage in?
Description Temples Built the gods homes on earth, sanctuaries and temples.

11 Homes and temples

12 What monuments were built to please the Gods?
Ziggurats Pyramid shaped structures, reached 7 story's high. At the top there was a sanctuary dedicated to the god that protects the city.

13 Who did the Kings receive power from?
The Gods!

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