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School Direct Mentor Training
Key areas of focus Familiarisation with the TSs What does the SD training involve? School Based induction & early support How do you support trainees in writing an effective individual training plan for their TEP/ATS Initial? New PG Cert assignments Theme: How do we know trainees, and the pupils in your trainee’s classes are making progress?
Time Content 9:30-10:20 Familiarisation with the Teachers’ Standards & ATS level descriptors 10:20-10:30 What does the SD training involve? (Admin/paperwork/ ATS review points) 10:30-11:00 School based induction and support in the first few weeks 11:00-11:30 Break 11:30-12:30 How do you support trainees in writing an effective individual training plan for their TEP/ATS Initial?
School Direct & Apprenticeships
Full Mentor Training Mentoring Training Links with SBT Wednesday 19th September 2018 BA SBT3 School Direct & Apprenticeships Thursday 6th December 2018 PGCE SBT1 BA SBT2 Thursday 18th April 2019 PGCE SBT2 BA SBT1
Importance of mentoring
School-based route into teaching 159 days School Experience & up to 20 days Central Training Pedagogy- Mentors as Teacher educators- “targeted feedback can help novices develop more complex ways of teaching by trying out specific practices with sustained support .” (Stanulis, Brondyk, Little, & Wibbens, 2014, p128) Adaptability- No universal approach “mentoring (like teaching) can (and does, in different contexts) have a variety of purposes or goals, can (and does) involve a variety of practices and strategies to achieve these purposes and goals, and can (and does) take place at different stages of a mentee’s professional development and over different durations.” (Hobson, Ashby, Malderez, & Tomlinson, 2009, p207)
School Direct Mentor Training
Familiarisation with the TSs
Group Work Draw a trainee teacher AND a teacher on your A3 sheet and consider: What skills and attributes will be needed to be an excellent trainee AND an excellent teacher? Challenge Which skills/ attributes are similar for trainee teachers/ teachers? Can you decide on the top 3 indispensable skills/ attributes? Which skills/ attributes will be needed from the start and which might come later?
Group Work Now review the Teachers’ Standards
In a different colour pen cross reference the skills and attributes against the TS’s Challenge Which TS’s did you not cover, and how might they be covered? How might you support the development of these skills/ attributes over the year?
Trainees guided towards ‘Grade 1’
Using the ATS Levels - Trainee attributes/criteria for different levels of achievement. Trainees guided towards ‘Grade 1’ Target setting and progress.
The excellent trainee should…
Take initiative and be PROACTIVE BE REFLECTIVE Develop good professional relationships Observe excellent teaching Be organised Be flexible & adaptable Be positive and resilient
The brilliant mentor is…
approachable, flexible and committed fascinated by teaching and learning an expert open to new ideas reflective explicit about what they do a problem-solver realistic but not cynical creative well organised emotionally intelligent a good collaborator Wright, Trevor, 2010, ‘How to be a brilliant mentor’ This list is from Trevor Wright’s book ‘How to be a brilliant mentor’ and is available to mentors via their trainee. It is recommended reading for mentors.
National mentor standards
What are these? Why are they useful? personal qualities, teaching, professionalism self-development & working in partnership MDX- Mentor Self-Audit and Identification of Development Needs 06/11/2018
School Direct Mentor Training
2) What does the SD training involve?
What does the training involve? Overview of the year
Term 1: - ATS Initial/TEP & Subject Audits - School Induction - University induction (12th/13th Sept) - Module 2 (SBR-Jan 2019) - ATS Term 1 & Subject Audit (Dec) Term 2: - SBT2 for a ½ term (Sharing ATS targets, Report) - Module 3 (M&A-May 2019) - ATS Term 2 & review Subject Audits (Mar) Term 3: - ATS Term 3 & Subject Audits (June) - Mentor End of Programme Report - Transition to Teaching TTTP Mention the Term 4 will be the final assessment for the Apprentices Weekly Mentor Meeting Weekly Lesson observation Reviewing Lesson evaluations/Reflective Diary Using ATS Level descriptors to set developmental targets Up to 70% timetable, across full range of year groups
Key Points in Year: End of term progress and assessment reports (ATS Term 1, ATS Term 2 & ATS Term 3) Following University induction: ATS Initial- Self audit and Individual Training Plan confirmed End of Term 1: ATS Term 1 – 10th December End of Term 2: ATS Term 2 – 25th March End of Term 3: ATS Term 3- 3rd June End of Term 3 : ATS Final- MENTOR END OF PROGRAMME REPORT within ATS 3 17th June , SBT Second Setting- ½ term placement in a second setting (Term 2 –usually Jan-Feb)
Support from Middlesex
MDX Wiki- +Direct rect Key documents for mentors include: Mentor Guidance Summary ATS forms (Terms 1,2,3) ATS Level Descriptors Weekly Mentor Meeting form Lesson Observation form Cause for concern End of programme report- (within ATS 3)
Wiki Wiki SD page looks like this. Highlight other tabs.
ATS targets and review Review previous targets Set new targets Write a brief summative review Explain briefly that they review previous targets and set new targets at each ATS review. Remind them that they write a brief summative review of the term- to support the grades given
Trainee self assessment: evidence and claims
Talk about evidencing the Teachers’ Standards (at each ATS review) and explain that we ask trainees to update this form regularly 06/11/2018
Mentor End of Programme report
Completed by mentors at the end of the programme Final grade awarded for each TS (Blue arrow) along with summative comment Summative comment on Part 2 of the standards, personal and professional conduct over the year (Purple arrow) If all TSs are at least a grade 3 they confirm recommendation for QTS (red arrow)
Lesson observations One formal lesson observation per week should be completed, using the Middlesex form. Refer to the Teachers’ Standards when giving feedback. Link feedback to pupil progress (more on this in Session 4). The ATS level descriptors document are a great tool to use for this as key statements can be highlighted in the observation feedback, making it very clear where the trainee is at and at which grade they are working. Link feedback to weekly targets where possible. Informal feedback is fine – we encourage trainees to keep a book for informal and additional feedback.
Reflections on training
Weekly mentor meetings: BEFORE
BEFORE meeting: 1) Trainee completes reflection 2) Reviews tasks/strategies set from previous week A timetabled meeting, once a week. Exemplar on the wiki Reflect – review – set new targets (covered in Session 3) Tell them that they must complete the sections at the bottom of the form and tick one of the boxes. If trainees are not making progress – start a PSP at the bottom of the form the first time this happens.
Weekly mentor meetings: DURING
3) 2-3 new targets set 4) Clear strategies/tasks are agreed 5) Mentor reviews progress and trainees ability to reflect and evaluate A timetabled meeting, once a week. Reflect – review – set new targets (covered in Session 3) Tell them that they must complete the sections at the bottom of the form and tick one of the boxes. If trainees are not making progress – start a PSP at the bottom of the form the first time this happens.
One Drive- Core evidence
Cause for concern Has the trainee met the targets by the time indicated? Can the trainee make accelerated progress and meet the expected standard in the time available*? Issue a Progress Support Plan (PSP) yes no Issue a formal Cause for Concern with a Progress Support Plan (PSP) OR extend the PSP** Outcome 1 No further action is required; continue to support trainee progress with weekly targets Outcome 3 Trainee has failed SBT Outcome 2 Trainee has reached expected standard but PSP advised for next stage of training. or Weekly meetings have identified Trainee Progress as unsatisfactory Guidance on CfC in the SD handbook. They contact us if any problems materialise.
Central Training Central Training sessions on Wednesdays includes professional studies and Primary curriculum subjects
KEY POINTS Trainees: Weekly meetings (trainee prepares/records & mentor adds/verifies) Weekly observations (trainees provides lesson plan) Trainee updates OneDrive weekly Mentors: Use ATS levels to set targets (observations/ATS reviews) but add appropriate ‘tasks & strategies’ Weekly meeting & observations Support & review Subject Knowledge
School Direct Mentor Training
3) School Based induction & early support
Preparation for teaching
Pre-induction and induction Induction Summer Term Pre- Induction - Introduce pre- course tasks Pre-course tasks ATS Initial SK Audits Reading School Experience Term 1 Start of Sept 2018 School Induction Term 1 12th & 13th Sept 2018 University Induction
School Based induction & early support
Discuss the key tasks that trainees should undertake during school induction (1-2 weeks) regarding: - Schools - Year groups Classes Pupils etc. Challenge How can you facilitate these tasks? Which will need to be provided at a whole school level? Discuss and compile a list of the key tasks that trainees should undertaken or receive support/training with in the first 2 weeks of school experience
School Based induction- Key points
Setting up a Training Plan-documented on the Trainee Entry Profile (TEP) (aka ATS Initial) and Subject Knowledge Audit Facilitating observations Lesson planning- e.g. joint planning, or structured support to help trainees begin to understand the basics of planning a well-structured lesson. Sharing resources/ SofW etc. Safeguarding Access to data & school policies and procedures (eg Pupil data)
School Direct Mentor Training
4) How do you support trainees in writing an effective individual training plan for their Trainee Entry Profile(TEP)/ (ATS Initial)?
TEP/(ATS Initial) - Outlines the pre-course tasks trainees have completed to prepare for the training year. General preparation - e.g. School familiarisation visits, pre-induction, reading N.C Specific preparation (school or university) e.g. SKE courses, Core reading, Subject enhancement/reading (PG Cert reading (Reflective Practice)
ATS Initial/TEP Initial review against the TSs
Review ALL relevant evidence/experience (W/3/2/1)
ATS Initial/TEP Establishes targets (Term 1) and outlines training needs in their Initial Training Plan
ATS Initial/TEP Documents key information to support their training and development needs: Timetable Wider school responsibilities and training opportunities (TS8) Do we mention timetabling here?
How do you set sharp and effective termly, and weekly targets?
Written targets Should be SMART Allow you to set relevant tasks/strategies Using the ATS Level descriptors
How do you set sharp and effective termly, and weekly targets?
Use your level descriptors to consider what grade this trainee is targeted to achieve Targets Set - Develop an understanding of the school sanctions and rewards system and begin to apply rules and routines fairly in lessons. Show an awareness of the range of strategies that experienced teachers use to promote positive behaviour and start to use these in lessons. TS 7
How do you set sharp and effective termly, and weekly targets?
Targets Set - Develop an understanding of the school sanctions and rewards system and begin to apply rules and routines fairly in lessons. Show an awareness of the range of strategies that experienced teachers use to promote positive behaviour and start to use these in lessons. TS 7
How do you set sharp and effective termly, and weekly targets?
Briefly review the ATS Initial (TEP) document Using the level descriptors set the ATS initial targets for this student Use these to set a weekly Mentor Meeting Record target as well as possible strategies & tasks to meet it
How do you set sharp and effective termly, and weekly targets?
How do your targets compare to others? Are they related to the TS Are they SMART Have you set relevant strategies & tasks Is it clear how they relate to the ATS Level descriptors
Targeted Teaching: Strategies for Secondary Teaching (Baker, Brock and Evers 2017)
Key aims Trainee Self-help-Clear strategies, underpinned by research, for trainees - Quick Wins -Slow Burners Mentor Guidance: Provide clear strategies which relate to common targets set for trainees.
School Direct Mentor Training
5) New PG Cert assignments
PG Cert overview School-based Professional Development (SPD)
Module Title Semester Credits Level Assessment School-based Professional Development (SPD) Autumn, Spring & Summer 20 6 Ongoing Coursework Students compile a professional development portfolio (PDP) related to the Teachers’ Standards (3000-words equivalent) School-based Enquiry (SBE) Autumn 7 Coursework assignment 3000-word enquiry based project on an individually negotiated area, based on a school improvement priority. Monitoring and Assessment (M&A) Spring & Summer Coursework assignment Critically reflective account of teaching and analysis of pupil progress along with portfolio of supporting evidence (3000-word equivalent)
PG Cert: Module 1 Module 1: School-Based Professional Development September-May To enable students to develop and demonstrate their progress in the understanding and skills necessary to operate as an effective teacher. Professional Development Portfolio (PDP) -Weekly Mentor Records - Detailed weekly lesson plans & evaluations - Lesson Observations - ATS reviews -Class Context sheets etc. Assessment- ongoing & reviewed by mentors & tutors .
PG Cert: Module 2 Module 2: School-Based Enquiry September-January To allow students to reflect critically and analytically through research on developments in education related to a school level focus. Identify an appropriate research question (behaviour, grouping, questioning) based on school/departmental/ personal priorities Assessment- January word enquiry based project on an individually negotiated area .
PG Cert: Module 3 Module 3: Monitoring and Assessment January- May To enable students to operate in the complex and specialist context of a school, selecting and applying appropriate techniques for monitoring and assessing pupil progress. Monitoring and assessing pupil progress for a sequence of learning Assessment- May word equivalent. Portfolio and critical reflction will include evidence of monitoring and assessment of pupil progress. (Plans, Observations, pupil work etc.) .
PG Cert- Support from mentors
Ongoing review and support of PDP -Weekly observations, Weekly meetings, ATS reviews School Based Enquiry - Identifying suitable area for the SBE (SBE proposal- W/C 6th Nov) Monitoring & Assessment - Lesson planning and evaluations focussed on pupil progress & learning
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