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The Immune System.

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1 The Immune System

2 2 Divisions of Immunity in Humans and Other Mammals
I. Innate Immunity “Non-Specific” II. Acquired immunity “Specific”

3 A. Barrier Defenses

4 Skin

5 B. Cellular Defenses Microbes/antigens PHAGOCYTIC CELL Vacuole
Lysosome containing enzymes

6 There are different types of phagocytic cells:

7 Interstitial fluid Adenoid Adenoid Tonsil Tonsil Blood capillary Lymph
Fig. 43-7 Interstitial fluid Adenoid Adenoid Tonsil Tonsil Blood capillary Lymph nodes Blood capillary Lymph nodes Spleen Tissue cells Lymphatic vessel Spleen Tissue cells Lymphatic vessel Peyer’s patches (small intestine) Peyer’s patches (small intestine) Appendix Appendix Figure 43.7 The human lymphatic system Lymphatic vessels Lymph node Masses of defensive cells Lymph node Masses of defensive cells

8 D. Inflammatory Responses
Fig D. Inflammatory Responses Pathogen Splinter Chemical signals Macrophage Fluid Mast cell Capillary Phagocytosis Figure 43.8 Major events in a local inflammatory response For the Cell Biology Video Chemotaxis of a Neutrophil, go to Animation and Video Files. Red blood cells Phagocytic cell

9 II. Acquired immunity lymphocyte receptors provide pathogen-specific recognition

10 Fig. 43-9 B cells and T cells have receptor proteins that can recognize and bind to antigens Antigen- binding site Antigen- binding site Antigen- binding site Plasma membrane Figure 43.9 Antigen receptors on lymphocytes B cell Cytoplasm of B cell Cytoplasm of T cell T cell (a) B cell receptor (b) T cell receptor

11 B Cells Antigen-specific B cell receptor
Class II MHC and processed antigen are displayed Antigen Antibodies (Immunoglobins) B cell Cytokines (Lymphokines) Plasma cell B cells work chiefly by secreting soluble substances known as antibodies. They mill around a lymph node, waiting for a macrophage to bring an antigen or for an invader such as a bacteria to arrive. When an antigen-specific antibody on a B cell matches up with an antigen, a remarkable transformation occurs. The antigen binds to the antibody receptor, the B cell engulfs it, and, after a special helper T cell joins the action, the B cell becomes a large plasma cell factory that produces identical copies of specific antibody molecules at an astonishing pace--up to 10 million copies an hour. Antibodies belong to a family of large protein molecules known as immunoglobulins. Scientists have identified nine chemically distinct classes of human immunoglobulins, four kinds of IgG and two kinds of IgA, plus IgM, IgE, and IgD. Immunoglobulins G, D, and E are similar in appearance. IgG, the major immunoglobulin in the blood, is also able to enter tissue spaces; it works efficiently to coat microorganisms, speeding their destruction by other cells in the immune system. IgD is almost exclusively found inserted into the membrane of B cells, where it somehow regulates the cell’s activation. IgE is normally present in only trace amounts, but it is responsible for the symptoms of allergy. IgA--a doublet--guards the entrance to the body. It concentrates in body fluids such as tears, saliva, and secretions of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. IgM usually combines in star-shaped clusters. It tends to remain in the bloodstream, where it is very effective in killing bacteria. bacteria Activated helper T cell

12 Resting cytotoxic T cell Activated helper T cell
T Cells Resting helper T cell Resting cytotoxic T cell Cytokines Released by Helper T-Cells Granule w/ destructive enzymes T cells contribute to your immune defenses in two major ways. Some help regulate the complex workings of the overall immune response, while others are cytotoxic and directly contact infected cells and destroy them. Chief among the regulatory T cells are helper T cells. They are needed to activate many immune cells, including B cells and other T cells. Cytotoxic T cells (sometimes called killer T cells) help rid your body of cells that have been infected by viruses as well as cells that have been transformed by cancer but have not yet adapted to evade the immune detection system. They are also responsible for the rejection of tissue and organ grafts. Activated helper T cell Activated killer cell Activated when they encounter infected cells that are presenting antigens

13 Killer Cells: Cytotoxic Ts
Target cell Target-oriented granules Surface contact At least two types of lymphocytes are killer cells--cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells. Both types contain granules filled with potent chemicals. Both types kill on contact. They bind their targets, aim their weapons, and deliver bursts of lethal chemicals. To attack, cytotoxic T cells need to recognize a specific antigen bound to self-MHC markers, whereas natural killer (NK) cells will recognize and attack cells lacking these. This gives NK cells the potential to attack many types of foreign cells.

14 Infected cell Microbe Antigen- presenting cell 1 Antigen associates
Fig Infected cell Microbe Antigen- presenting cell 1 Antigen associates with MHC molecule Antigen fragment Antigen fragment 1 1 Class I MHC molecule Class II MHC molecule 2 2 T cell receptor T cell receptor 2 T cell recognizes combination (a) Cytotoxic T cell (b) Helper T cell

15 Activation of B Cells to Make Antibody Antigen-presenting cell
Circulating antibody Antigen Antigen-specific B cell receptor Class II MHC and processed antigen are displayed Antigen-presenting cell Antigen is processed Antigen Class II MHC The B cell uses its antibody-receptor to bind a matching antigen, which it then engulfs and processes. This triggers the B cell to become a large plasma cell producing millions of copies of the same specific antibody. These antibodies then circulate in the bloodstream in search of more matching antigens. B cell antibodies cannot themselves kill an invading organism, but they can use their antibodies to mark invaders for destruction by other immune cells and by complement. Cytokines B cell Antibodies Antigen-presenting cell Activated helper T cell Plasma cell

16 Animation: Role of B Cells
Fig Antigen molecules B cells that differ in antigen specificity Antigen receptor Figure Clonal selection of B cells Antibody molecules Clone of memory B cells Clone of plasma cells

17 Figure 43.16 An overview of the acquired immune response
Humoral (antibody-mediated) immune response Cell-mediated immune response Key Antigen (1st exposure) + Stimulates Gives rise to Engulfed by Antigen- presenting cell + + + B cell Helper T cell Cytotoxic T cell + + Memory Helper T cells + + + Figure An overview of the acquired immune response Antigen (2nd exposure) + Memory Cytotoxic T cells Active Cytotoxic T cells Plasma cells Memory B cells Secreted antibodies Defend against extracellular pathogens by binding to antigens, thereby neutralizing pathogens or making them better targets for phagocytes and complement proteins. Defend against intracellular pathogens and cancer by binding to and lysing the infected cells or cancer cells.

18 Helper T Cells Antigen- presenting cell Peptide antigen Bacterium
Fig Helper T Cells Antigen- presenting cell Peptide antigen Bacterium Class II MHC molecule CD4 TCR (T cell receptor) Helper T cell Cytokines + Humoral immunity (secretion of antibodies by plasma cells) + Cell-mediated immunity (attack on infected cells) + + B cell Cytotoxic T cell

19 Released cytotoxic T cell
Fig Released cytotoxic T cell Cytotoxic T cell Perforin Granzymes CD8 TCR Dying target cell Class I MHC molecule Pore Figure The killing action of cytotoxic T cells For the Discovery Video Fighting Cancer, go to Animation and Video Files. Target cell Peptide antigen

20 Antigen-presenting cell Bacterium
Fig Antigen-presenting cell Bacterium Peptide antigen B cell Class II MHC molecule + Clone of plasma cells Secreted antibody molecules Cytokines TCR CD4 Endoplasmic reticulum of plasma cell Activated helper T cell Helper T cell Clone of memory B cells Figure B cell activation in the humoral immune response 2 µm

21 Figure 43.21 Antibody-mediated mechanisms of antigen disposal
Viral neutralization Opsonization Activation of complement system and pore formation Bacterium Complement proteins Virus Formation of membrane attack complex Flow of water and ions Macrophage Pore Figure Antibody-mediated mechanisms of antigen disposal Foreign cell

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