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Websites, Computers, and Resources

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1 Websites, Computers, and Resources
NSO August 2018



4 Materials To place an order:
ext 111 If you order at the online store, enter ISI STAFF in the coupon code for your discount.

5 Material Info: Can charge it your account
When ordering Free Materials, you pay for shipping

6 ISI Displays To order,

7 Name Badge Contact
You have the option to have the “Sharing Christ’s love…” tag omitted It usually takes about a week

8 Stationery Contact Rebekah Miller–
Stationary orders are placed quarterly Needs to be in writing Charged to your ISI ministry account If special circumstances where security is an issue -- you have the option to omit the “Sharing Christ’s love with internationals…” tag

9 Prayer Cards
Charge it to your ISI ministry account, and ISI HO will bill you.

10 ISI Logos For ISI logos – go to: (pw: ISIJohn316)


12 ISI email 3 options
Use web portal – Use your mobile device Use Outlook

13 Office 365 ISI Staff and Min Reps will have the option to use O365 AND ability to download Microsoft Office to 5 devices. (Office is available for both PCs and Macs.)

14 With Office365, you can use:
Skype for Business (provides instant messaging, voice and video conferencing within the organization) OneDrive (Document Sharing – Sync online files with your devices (computer, tablet, smartphone) and with others

15 Web portal:
Use your to log in Unsure of your password? Contact Rebekah to have your password reset.

16 ISI training videos and instructions for Office365 – www. isiteam
ISI training videos and instructions for Office365 – (ISIJohn316) Office365 videos -- (url is in the handout)

17 Purchasing a computer:
Steps: Contact your RFD for approval Make sure you have funds in your account Go shopping! Have the sales person or Rebekah sign off Submit for reimbursement (along with the approval from Rebekah or the sales person)

18 Field Staff Computer Minimum Requirements and Recommendations
-Intel Intel® Core™ i5 Processor, or AMD equivalent CPU 4GB RAM for (Windows 7 or 8.1), 8 GB (Windows 10) 500 GB Hard Drive/250 GB SSD Hard Drive (highly encourage MORE) Internet/ Connectivity required

19 We HIGHLY recommend PCs for compatibility
We HIGHLY recommend PCs for compatibility! If you desire to have a Mac, you will need to use Microsoft Office for Macs. Some type of backup strategy (CD/RW, external hard drive. USB flash/jump/thumb drive, or online back up solution, etc.) Some type of Anti-Virus protection, updated at least weekly (CRITICAL; MUST HAVE!). Also need firewall and anti-spyware program.

20 We recommend you use a reputable vendor (Dell, Gateway, Compaq/Hewlett Packard, etc.),
Support Contract: We recommend at least a minimum of 1 year warranty for desktops. For laptops, we recommend a 3-year warranty on the support agreement. Internet Connection: High speed connection is recommended

21 We strongly encourage field staff to have a computer person to help with your computer needs
(a student, volunteer, paid support, etc.)

22 Media Release A Media release MUST be signed if you’re using photos/videos of students.

23 ISI is on Facebook!! “Like” ISI on facebook! (International Students)
Facebook is a good, safe way to connect with students. They are on Facebook, its good for us to be too!

24 IMPORTANT!!!!! When you are using pictures or videos of students, you MUST have a signed release. (even if it’s not on an “ISI” site – ie. Facebook, etc.) Do NOT include the words “ISI” in your description of photos – spell out International Students, Inc.

25 ISI’s National Websites

26 ISI TEAM website – this is for YOU. www. isiteam
ISI TEAM website – this is for YOU!! password: ISIJohn316

27 National site –
Audience: Donors, Volunteers, Churches (General) Staff Directory - Each staff and ministry representative will have a profile page

28 Student site –
Audience: Students Returnee site – Audience: Returnees

29 Donation forms All staff and ministry representatives have donation forms

30 Weebly websites Your ISI website: Each ISI staff member has a website

31 Weebly trainings:  Weebly’s Beginners Guide - this will show step by step how Weebly can be used! Online Weebly help (they have training videos and FAQs – these are short and easy.)

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