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Welcome to Government and Economics

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Government and Economics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Government and Economics
Mr. Rosenberg

2 Getting to Know You Game
Introduce yourself State one thing that you like that starts with the first same letter as your first name Exp: I’m Billy and I like Baseball


4 Syllabus/Class Norms Sheet
Go over Syllabus Go through Classroom Norms and Expectations Community Service Project Explain Grading System a. Extra Credit Policy b. Late Work Policy c. Quiz/Test Correction Policy

5 Homework Have Class Norms and Expectations sheet signed by both you and your parents/Guardians

6 Class Norms -RESPECT: Teacher and Classmates
-One Mic (No side Conversations) -Language: ABSOLUTELY NO RACIAL SLURS or anything else derogatory or demeaning -Classroom Engagement -Be here on time -No Phones/Electronic Devices -Effort: Give 110% Everyday

7 -Notebook- ALWAYS TAKE NOTES -Pen/Pencil
Required Materials -Notebook- ALWAYS TAKE NOTES -Pen/Pencil -Textbook- Bring it Everyday to Class

8 Power, Politics, and Government


10 What is the Homework for Next Class?
Warm Up What is the Homework for Next Class?

11 Homework: Get Class Norms Packet Signed
Have Class Norms and Expectations sheet signed by both you and your parents/Guardians

12 Homework: Survey Your Parents/Guardians
Ask your parents/guardians the following questions and record their answers: Why is it important for students to discuss politics? Why is it important to being open-minded to understanding other people’s perspectives? Why is government important? What would the world look like without government?



15 Learning Objectives Obtain Textbooks from the Textbook Room Interpret the Importance of Government and Economics Analyze “The American Dream”

16 Community Service Learning Project
Read through the Community Service Project Sheet When we are finished, sign it if you understand the Community Service Project Make sure to ask any questions that you have Hand in Your Sheet when You are done

17 Go get Government Textbooks

18 Government and Economics
Government: Institutions and officials organized to establish and carry out Public Policy Economics: The study of how people choose to use their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants Writing Activity: Write one Paragraph on the relationship between Government and Economics. How do they impact one another? What connections can be drawn between them? Why are they important to Study?

19 The American Dream Discussion
What is “The American Dream”? How is “The American Dream” connected to the American Government? Do you think “The American Dream” is still a possible and Realistic Idea in Modern Society?

20 Media/Real Life Examples of the American Dream
October Sky- Kevin Durant- Eminem-

21 Conduct your own research on your classmates
Find out: 1. How many people believe that they can accomplish their goals? Why do they think this? 2. What fraction of the class does not believe they can accomplish their goals? Why do they think this? 3. Categorize the main goals of each student in the class into different bubbles

22 Create a bubble-map of student dreams

23 Identify three ways in which the government impacts your life
Warm Up Identify three ways in which the government impacts your life

24 Homework: Survey your parents/guardians
Ask your parents/guardians the following questions and record their answers: 1. Why is it important for students to discuss politics? 2. Why is it important to being open-minded to understanding other people’s perspectives? 3. Why is government important? What would the world look like without government?

25 Learning Objectives Contemplate the purpose of government
Engage in Artistic Expression Analyze political language

26 1 Paragraph Writing Activity
Think about what your life would be like if from an early age, you were free to do whatever you wanted, and you didn’t have any parental oversight. What are the roles of parents? How are the roles of parents similar to the role of governments? Identify at least three similarities and be sure to explain the similarity

27 Lord of the Flies: What would life be like with no government???
What is the Conch a symbol for? What does Piggy dying represent? What does this clip tell you about human nature? Do you agree with this depiction of human nature? Why or why not? What does this clip tell you about the need for government Can you think of any examples of people/countries in which there is no government (anarchy)? How did this impact the people/country?

28 Government Public Policies: Things that a government decides to do
Examples of Public Policies: Taxation, Defense, Education, Crime, Healthcare, Environment, Civil Rights

29 Artistic Expression: Public Policies
7 Groups: Each group gets a Public Policy Each individual person will make their own picture/graphic that displays how they view this Public Policy Once you have created your visual of the policy, come together as a group and create a collage of your Public Policy Each group member should be ready to present their group’s collage to the class

30 Political Language Authority: The legal right or power to give orders and enforce rules Power: The ability to cause others to behave as they might not otherwise choose to do so Legitimacy: The quality of being accepted as an authority of those in power Sovereignty: The right to exercise supreme authority over a geographic region, group of people, or oneself

31 Check for Understanding
Why is Sovereignty important? How does someone gain authority? How can someone gain legitimacy Who has power at Liberty High School? How did they gain this power?

32 Classroom Experiment I’M NO LONGER THE TEACHER OF THE CLASS…THE CLASS NOW HAS TO DECIDE HOW TO RUN THIS CLASS! Rules: Everyone MUST FOLLOW THE CLASSROOM NORMS AND EXPECTATIONS Everyone needs to do some type of writing and reading Everyone needs to engage in the material Everyone needs to learn the material You have 15 minutes to tell me how this class will run! GO!!!

33 Which public policy is most important to you? Why do you think this?
Warm Up Which public policy is most important to you? Why do you think this?

34 Homework: Research the Government of a Country
You will be assigned groups today Each group will be responsible for one continent in the world Each person in the group will research the government of a country in that continent Your research should outline the kind of government, history behind this government in the country, the purposes of this government, and good and bad things about the country’s government Your group will be creating a presentation for next Monday for the rest of the class-HAVE 1 PARAGRAPH SUMMARY OF YOUR RESEARCH

35 Learning Objectives Analyze political games Engage in Collaborative Learning Interpret the Preamble to the Constitution

36 Three Minutes: Pick a country to research for homework
Figure out what country each person will be researching DON’T PLAN ON ING ME ANYTHING OR USING MY COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!

37 Retaining Prior Knowledge
Take a few minutes to think about what you learned in World and US History. What were some reasons that the people agreed to follow the rules of their government? What were some reasons that the people agreed to NOT follow the rules of their government? HINTS: A. GOOD and BAD RULERS B. REVOLUTIONS C. POLITCAL THEORIES AND IDEAS

38 Political Games People Play
-Horse Trading: Hard bargaining where people seek to get something by giving something -Walkout: Refusal go give something until the opposition gives -Power Struggle: Trying to get what you want through outsmarting or overpowering opponents -Demolition Derby: Wipe out the competition -Civil Disobedience: Using morals rather than violence to send some social or political evil

39 Check for Understanding: Political Games People Play
What examples throughout history can you think of when people/governments used these political games? Which of these political games do you think is most successful at gaining power? Why do you think this?

40 Group-work: Political Games People Play
Groups= 4 people maximum Each individual student is going to be given a political game Each person’s job will be to create an argument as to why their political game is best for gaining power and ruling (use real-world examples) Each person will present their argument to their group Each group will vote on who had the best argument That person will present their argument to the class

41 Thinking about the United States
Which political games does the US play in the modern day to gain power? How did the US gain the power to become a sovereign nation? What are the purposes of the US government?

42 Preamble to the Constitution
“We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain, and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”

43 Analyzing the Preamble
What was the purpose of the Preamble of the Constitution? What did it think the purposes of the government should be? Which of these purposes do you think is most important? Do you think our government continues to serve all these purposes in the modern day? Why or why not?

44 Re-Write the Preamble in your own words
Re-write the Preamble to the Constitution in your own words (words that make sense in “modern English”). Then, add three new ideas to the Preamble which you think should have been included in the original

45 Artistic Expression: The Purposes of Government
For each purpose of government, draw a picture that depicts what this looks like Purposes of government (as outlined in Preamble to the Constitution): -Form a More Perfect Union -Establish Justice -Insure Domestic Tranquility -Provide for the Common Defense -Promote the General Welfare -Secure the Blessings of Liberty

46 List three ways that government can benefit people
Brainstorming List three ways that government can benefit people List three ways that government can be dangerous or be an inconvenience to people

47 What was the Enlightenment?
Warm Up What was the Enlightenment? What theories about government were proposed during the Enlightenment?

48 Homework: Research the government of a country
You will be assigned groups today Each group will be responsible for one continent in the world Each person in the group will research the government of a country in that continent You can’t have two people research the same country Your research should outline the kind of government, history behind this government in the country, Geographic Distribution of Power, and good and bad things about the country’s government Your group will be creating a presentation for next Monday for the rest of the class-HAVE 1 PARAGRAPH SUMMARY OF YOUR RESEARCH


50 Interpret the ideas of John Locke
Learning Objectives Interpret the ideas of John Locke Analyze different kinds of governments Engage in Collaborative Learning

51 Journal 1: John Locke- The Second Treatise of Government
Treatise= Essay John Locke: British philosopher during the late 1600’s -Believed in limited government -Supported the idea of natural rights -Favored religious tolerance What do you know about Britain in 1690 that might have influenced Locke’s ideas Read the article on Locke’s Second Treatise of Government and answer the questions that follow in your JOURNAL SECTION OF YOUR NOTEBOOK

52 Connecting Material Do you see any of Locke’s ideas represented in The Declaration of Independence? If so, what are they? If not, do you think his ideas should have been represented in The Declaration? What does this tell you about where the American government gets its foundations from?

53 Democracy vs. Dictatorship
Democracy: System of government in which citizens exercise supreme power, acting either directly on their own or through elected representatives Direct Democracy- The people of the state directly make the public policy Indirect Democracy- A minority of people represent the majority in government Dictatorship: System of government in which a single person or group exercises supreme power by controlling the military and police Autocracy: Government in which a single person holds unlimited power Oligarchy: Government in which power is held by a small group of people

54 Check for Understanding
What type of government does the US have? Why does this work best for the US? In what kind of country do you think a Direct Democracy would work best? What examples of Dictatorships throughout history can you think of? How did these governments work out for the people?

55 You create the government-Small Groups
The class has crash-landed on a deserted island…WE NEED A NEW GOVERNMENT!!! I will put you in small groups and each group will explain the following: What kind of government you want and why The purpose for your government forming The functions that your government will perform How your government will benefit people How leaders will be elected Specific ideals that your government will be representing

56 Warm Up What are the six main purposes of our government that are outlined in the Preamble of the Constitution? Do you believe that the purposes of our government are being shown in the war in Afghanistan? Why or why not?

57 Homework: Research the Government of a Country
You will be assigned groups today Each group will be responsible for one continent in the world Each person in the group will research the government of a country in that continent You can’t have two people research the same country Your research should outline the kind of government, history behind this government in the country, Geographic Distribution of Power, and good and bad things about the country’s government Your group will be creating a presentation for next Monday for the rest of the class-HAVE 1 PARAGRAPH SUMMARY OF YOUR RESEARCH

58 Homework: Complete Study Guide
Complete Study Guide for Quiz on Powers, Politics, and Government by fully writing out all relevant notes and material for each term, word, concept, person on the Study Guide

59 I will be doing a Notebook Check
Looking Ahead Quiz Next Week I will be doing a Notebook Check

60 Learning Objectives Enhance Public Speaking Skills Analyze the history of governments Interpret different types of governments

61 Research Project Presentations
Present your research on the government of the country you chose for homework

62 Textbook Work: Chapter 2, Section 2
Read Chapter 2, Section 2, Pages 18-22 After reading the section, create a graphic organizer of the different governments that existed during the different time periods Your graphic organizer should have: Location Time Period Type of Government Explanation of Type of Government

63 Other Forms of Government in Today’s World
Monarchy: Rule that is inherited by one leader Dictatorships: One leader takes and holds power by force Theocracy: Government headed by religious leaders Single Party Elite: Power is in the hands of an elite group of people in the party

64 Check for Understanding
What examples can you think of for countries that have these types of governments? What is the difference between a monarchy and a dictatorship? What pros and cons do you see in terms of these different governments?

65 Examples of Different forms of government
Saudi Arabia: Iran: Venezuela: Vietnam:

66 Journal 2: Different Forms of Government Handout
You will be given a sheet that has 25 different types of government and for each type of government, there is an explanation of that type of government Read through the packet and for each government, draw a picture that symbolizes what each type of government means Then choose three types of government that you think you would like to live in and explain: Why you would like this type of government What are benefits of this type of government for you What are disadvantages of this type of government for you

67 Warm Up What are three different types of government? What is one pro and one con for each type of government, in your mind?

68 Homework: Complete Study Guide
Complete Study Guide for Quiz on Complete Study Guide for Quiz on Powers, Politics, and Government by fully writing out all relevant notes and material for each term, word, concept, person on the Study Guide

69 Looking Ahead: Quiz in 2 Classes from now
Quiz on Power, Politics, and Government in 2 classes I will be doing a Notebook Check going back to the definition of government

70 Interpret Geographic Distribution of Power Analyze the European Union
Learning Objectives Interpret Geographic Distribution of Power Analyze the European Union Enhance review skills

71 Brainstorming What is power? What does geography usually refer to?
What do you think geographic distribution of power means? What does unitary mean?

72 Geographic Distribution of Power
Geographic Distribution of Power: Where the power to govern is located within the government Unitary System: All power is concentrated in the central government Federal System: Power is divided by central and regional governments Confederal System: Power is in the different regions, and each region is an independent state

73 Check for Understanding
What countries can you think of that has each geographic distribution of power? What are some pros and cons for each geographic distribution of power? What type of geographic distribution of power do we have in the US? Why do we have this type of geographic distribution of power? Have we always had this geographic distribution of power?

74 Example of Confederation=EUROPEAN UNION
-Created in 1993 -Political and Economic Union -Contains 28 European Countries -Parliament of European Union=Strasbourg, France -Contains a Central Bank (produces the Euro)=Frankfurt, Germany -Turkey has been trying for years to join but will not be accepted -Great Britain will be leaving in 2019

75 Thinking about the EU Why do you think the EU won’t accept Turkey?
Do you think the British should be allowed to leave the EU? Why? Do all the European nations like the EU? Why? What do you think is good about the EU? What do you think is bad about the EU? Do you think the EU should have a military? What could be good and bad things about this? What do you think the US’s political stance to the EU should be?

76 Interpreting the British Perspective on the EU
Scenario: Jerry Brown decides that Discovery Bay, Brentwood, Oakley, and Antioch need to combine to form the new town of Confederationville. Each town will still be allowed to keep its own government, but the towns will have to give money to each other, support each other in politics, and all the towns must agree on a law in order for that law to be passed. Freedom High School is in the center of this new town, so therefore, Freedom will become the governmental capital of Confederationville. Do you like this idea of forming Confederationville? Identify 3 good things about this new town for you and 3 bad things about this new town for you. Explain why these things are good and bad in one paragraph

77 Interpreting the EU’s perspective on Britain
Scenario: Texas was once an independent country…pretend for a moment that they want to separate from the United States because they are unhappy with the government. Should Texas be allowed to separate from the union if they want? Why or why not? Identify three good and three bad things about this decision and explain why these things are good and bad

78 Check for Understanding
How does the scenario of the creation of the town of Conferderationville connect to the perspective of the British? How does the scenario of Texas separating from the US connect to the perspective of the members of the EU? During what war did we see this problem of states wanting to separate from the Union? How did this war impact people? What is the connection between this war and the rights of the individual? What concepts do you think are at the center of American Democracy?

79 Charades I have cards on them that will have a different vocabulary term that will be on the quiz Whoever volunteers to come up, has to act out the word (no speaking, noise-making, drawing) and the rest of the class has to guess the word If you come up 3x and get the class to guess your word correctly, you will get three extra credit points on the quiz If you guess someone’s word, you can either come up for the next word, or choose someone to go up and act out the word If you are called on to act out the word, YOU MUST GO UP

80 Write down three vocabulary terms that you think will be on the quiz
Warm Up Write down three vocabulary terms that you think will be on the quiz Don’t define them

81 Homework: Complete Study Guide
Complete Study Guide for Quiz on Complete Study Guide for Quiz on Powers, Politics, and Government by fully writing out all relevant notes and material for each term, word, concept, person on the Study Guide

82 Looking Ahead: Quiz Next Class
Quiz on Power, Politics, and Government NEXT CLASS Have your notes ready for me to check starting at Government

83 Synthesize Chapter 1 and 2 Enhance Review Skills
Learning Objectives Synthesize Chapter 1 and 2 Enhance Review Skills Engage in Collaborative Learning

84 Pair-Share Warm Ups Switch your Warm-Ups with a partner Have your partner define your vocabulary words Switch back and ask me any CONTENT- BASED questions you have for the quiz

85 Fill out Quiz Review Worksheet
Quiz Review Sheet Fill out Quiz Review Worksheet

86 Kahoot.IT This is the one time that you will be allowed to use your cell phone Go to Kahoot.IT and type in the Pin Code Enter your name (NO NICKNAMES) 1st Place= 10 points extra credit on quiz 2nd place=7 points extra credit on quiz 3rd place=5 points extra credit on quiz

87 Jeopardy Five Categories Each team has 45 seconds to answer
If the team gets the question wrong, it goes to the next team, and the next team has 30 seconds to answer the question EACH TEAM HAS ONE CAPTAIN (CHOSEN BY ME) AND THAT CAPTAIN IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN ANSWER THE QUESTION NO COMPLAINING or BREAKING CLASS NORMS- IF YOU DO= -100 points If your team ends up in the negative, everyone on your team will lose 3 points on the quiz

88 Have notebooks ready for me to check
Warm Up Get ready to take quiz Have notebooks ready for me to check

89 Homework: Complete Study Guides
Complete Study Guide by writing out all relevant and important information for each term/concept on the Study Guide

90 Enhance quiz-taking skills Synthesize Power, Politics, and Government
Learning Objectives Enhance quiz-taking skills Synthesize Power, Politics, and Government Transition into Origins of Government


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