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Published byLuc Dumais Modified over 6 years ago
Process Miscellaneous Pay Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Documents
Show Slide #1: Process Miscellaneous Pay (PPA) Prompt Payment Act Documents Title: Process Miscellaneous Pay Non Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Documents References: FM 1-06 Financial Management Operations DFAS-IN Regulation 37-1, Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation DFAS-IN MANUAL FY, The Army Management Structure GFEBS Performance Support Website (PSW) SECTION I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA Academic Hours / Methods 15 hrs / 00 mins Large Group Instruction 11 hrs / 30 mins Practical Exercises 26 hrs / 30 mins Total Hours SECTION II. INTRODUCTION: Method of Instruction. Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction 26 hrs 30 mins Media: Small or Large Group Instruction Facilitator Material: Each primary facilitator should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, course handouts, and practical exercise, DFAS-IN Regulation 37-1, Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation, 1 January 2000, FM 1-06, Financial Management Operations, 15 April All required references and technical manuals will be provided by the Schoolhouse. Learners Material: Learners should possess standard classroom supplies, course handouts, practical exercises, DFAS-IN Regulation 37-1, Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation, 1 January 2000, FM 1-06, Financial Management Operations, 15 April 2014. All required references and technical manuals will be provided by the Schoolhouse. Note: "All required references and technical manuals will be provided by the local Command Motivator: In today’s Army, we define ourselves as being the best trained, equipped and the best led Army that the United States has ever known. So to keep this image we as Financial Leaders and Managers have to become the best at financially supporting our Soldiers and being stewards of taxpayer dollars. Knowing this we have embraced Standard Financial Information System (SFIS) and the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) in that it provides our Army decision makers with accurate, reliable, timely business and financial information to keep our War Fighters within their fiscal responsibilities. 1
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Process Miscellaneous Pay Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Documents Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standard: With at least 75% accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Create Commitment Purchase Requisition Document Create Obligation Purchase Order Document Process Service Entry Sheet Communicate Invoice Receipt Process Show Slide #2: Terminal Learning Objectives Facilitator Note: Read/State TLO Inform the students of the following learning objective requirements. At the completion of this lesson, you (the student) will have an understanding and know the importance processing accounting documents for pay. There are many roles involved in the processing of procured documents and numerous transactions. We will cover each of the roles and the transactions involved with accomplishing this action. TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Process Miscellaneous Pay Non Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Documents Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standards: With at least 75% accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: - Create Commitment Purchase Requisition Document - Create Obligation Purchase Order Document - Process Vendor Invoice - Define Vendor Master Data Display Learning Domain - Level: Cognitive / Applying Safety Requirement: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 RISK MANAGEMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Risk Assessment Level: Low Environmental Consideration: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Evaluation: This lesson will test your ability to properly log into GFEBS, research given references, and properly make inputs into the training environment to process accounting documents for pay. Instructional Lead-In: Today, it is essential that all Soldiers (CVS Clerks assigned to specific roles) are able to log into GFEBS, research regulations and specific links to accurately input documents to receive and accept goods or services, to monitor the transactions for accuracy, and to input the documents in preparation for pay. Processing documents without error will prevent delays in accounts being settled and reconciled. This class will prepare you to successfully accomplish the tasks listed. 2. TRAINING AIDS This lesson is taught in a large group classroom setting with personal computer systems, Panasonic projection televisions, Mr. Podium MP42 Lectern, indoor speakers, Touch panel TPS-3100I Crestron, Ceiling mountable projector, internet access, and dry erase/white board. Appendix A: Assessment Plan Appendix B: Slides 3. CONDUCT OF LESSON Lesson Timeline: 00 hours 15 minutes Introduction, Learning Objective, Administrative Data 00 hours 05 minutes Concrete Experience: 00 hours 10 minutes Publish and Process 23 hours 00 minutes Generalize New Information: Introduce the lesson 01 hours 00 minutes Develop 04 hours 40 minutes Apply 00 hours 10 minutes Assessment Review 05 hours 40 minutes Break 35 hours 30 minutes TOTAL 2
Miscellaneous Pay Subject to the Prompt Payment Act (PPA)
Guidance for implementing the PPA is found in 5 CFR 1315, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 32.9 and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Part For definitions that apply in the implementation of the PPA, see 5 CFR and FAR Show Slide #3: Miscellaneous Pay Subject to Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Learning Step / Activity 1. Create Commitment Purchase Requisition Document Method of Instruction: DSL (large or small group discussion) Facilitator's to Learner Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 04 hrs. / 00 min. (3hrs. PE) Media: Printed Reference Material, Computer Assisted Instruction, Conference, Demonstration, Slides Facilitator’s Note: Depending on the level of expertise, the instructor can either have the students follow along in the system while demonstrating or demonstrate while they watch, and oversee the exercise. 3
Miscellaneous Pay PPA What is it?
Defined as a valid obligation of the Army containing one or more of the following attributes: - Payments for non-recurring, non-contractual purchases Ex. Payments for morale, welfare, and recreation functions when use of the Government Purchase Card (GPC) is not feasible - Payment per special authoritative arrangements other than formal contracting agreement Ex. Military services directives that are based on acts and executive orders - Payments and funding made by other federal agencies under special authority that necessitates special billing/reimbursement conditions Ex. Fees paid by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or per instruction from the DOJ Legal Fees Show Slide #4: Miscellaneous Pay PPA What is it? Facilitator’s Note: Defined as a valid obligation of the Army containing one or more of the following attributes: - Payments for non-recurring, non-contractual purchases Ex. Payments for morale, welfare, and recreation functions when use of the Government Purchase Card (GPC) is not feasible - Payment per special authoritative arrangements other than formal contracting agreement Ex. Military services directives that are based on acts and executive orders - Payments and funding made by other federal agencies under special authority that necessitates special billing/reimbursement conditions Ex. Fees paid by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or per instruction from the DOJ Legal Fees 4
Miscellaneous Pay PPA Examples
Code 1 (MCAV) – Military Clothing, Vendor Code 2 (BANV) – Government Card Services Code 3 (CHCV) – Child Care – (Non-Contractual) Code 4 (CONV) – Contingency Funds for Entertaining Dignitaries Code 5 (FIMV) – Funeral Internment, Mortuary Expenses Show Slide #5: Miscellaneous Pay Subject to PPA Examples Facilitator’s Note: These are PPA Examples, codes and Abbreviations used in SAP. Code 6 (MWRV) – MWR and Entertainment Expenses Code 7 (OREV) Official Representation Funds (entertainment) Code 8 (PSBV) – Purchase and transportation of special items (blood) 5
Miscellaneous Pay PPA Reports
You can run reports using various criteria to analyze PRs. Transactions used to run reports for PR analysis include: • General List Display of Open Purchase Requisitions (ME5A) • PR List Display by Account Assignment (ME5K) • PR List Display by Project/Work Breakdown Structure (ME5J) Show Slide #6: Miscellaneous Pay PPA Reports Facilitator’s Note: The reports available in GFEBS provide analysis in a fast and straight forward manner. Report information can be manipulated and the report layout can be modified to create customized reports that can be saved for future use. You must consider what information is needed and then restrict the report by entering the appropriate selection criteria. Facilitator’s Note: Inform the students that the ME5A will be taught in depth later in this instruction. 6
Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process
Create Service Entry Sheet Create Obligation Purchase Order Create Commitment Purchase Requisition ME51N ME21N ML81N Create Invoice Receipt MIRO FIRST The PPA requires DoD Components to pay their bills on time, pay interest penalties when payments are late, and take discounts only when payments are made by the discount date and the discount is economically justified. Show Slide #7 : Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process Facilitator Note: Read and facilitate discussion below. Cover each one of these blocks (general overview) You will inform the students that we will cover all of these areas throughout this instruction. 7
Create a Purchase Requisition
By The Numbers Transaction Code: ME51N Role: PR Processor Show Slide #8: Create a Purchase Requisition (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. A commitment is an administrative reservation of funds based upon firm procurement requests, orders, directives, and equivalent instruments. Or, requests which authorize the creation of an obligation without further recourse to the official responsible for certifying the availability of funds. Purpose: Use this procedure to enter a PR&C. 8
Create a Purchase Requisition
2a. For ‘Header’ information: Input key information of purchase or service. Finished, click ‘Header’ icon again Start 1. Doc Type: Select the dropdown to view choices: Select Misc. Pay 2 2a. 1 Show Slide #9: Create a Purchase Requisition Facilitator’s Note: Begin by stating: “Begin by inputting the T-Code.” then you can state step 1, step 2, etc. Ensure the students know the 3 sections of the PR: 1. Header- contains information relevant to the entire PR. For the Header information, add as much information as you can that is pertinent to the purchase: Cost, POC, location, etc. 2. Item Overview: contains items with important data and the items Specify the materials or services to be procured. 3. Item Detail: contains additional data on a particular item 2. Click the ‘Header’ icon 9
Create a Purchase Requisition
1. By clicking the ‘Header’ icon again, this closes the ‘Header’ window and auto-opens the ‘Item Overview’ window 1 2. Account Assignment: K 3. Item Category: D (service) 4. Short text Description 5. Quantity / Unit: 1 / AU Show Slide #10: Create a Purchase Requisition (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: Know that when the Header information is complete, the operator can do one of two things IOT open Item Overview. First, click the 2nd icon (item overview), or click the header icon down, this will auto-open Item Overview. Facilitator’s Note: For the delivery date (date of delivery or day the service is to start), choose 1 week out (Non-Weekend or Holiday). This is for training purposes. When the PR is for a Service, the Quantity will always be “1” and the Unit of Measure will always be “AU” for Activity Unit. For step 7, these are the last 4 of the GLAC. It is formally the EOR. For step 9, this is the contracting office for the installation in question. 2 3 4 5 ‘Item Overview’ section 6. Deliver Date of service 7. Material Group: 8. Plant / Installation 9. Program Group (MICC) 10. Purchase Org. ARMY 6 7 FSHA 8 9 10 10
Create a Purchase Requisition
3. ‘Account Assignment of Limit’ fill in: - G/L – Defaults in - Cost Center - Functional Area - Funds Center 1. Click the ‘Item Detail’ icon 1 2. Under the ‘Limits’ tab, enter both Overall and Expected limits Show Slide #11: Create a Purchase Requisition (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: Again, ensure the students are clicked on the correct icon. This should be the Item Detail section Facilitator’s Note: The system generated message (Delivery Date), have the students carry on. All of the LOA information can be gleaned from the supporting documentation. 3 2 System generated message: Caution only- Continue on 11
Create a Purchase Requisition
4 On the ‘Menu bar’ click check for a System generated Go/No message 5 On the ‘Menu bar’ click ‘Save’ for a System generated Document number (5a.) 5 4 1. If the ‘Customer Data’ is not visible on the tab-line, click the ‘Additional Data’ tab off to the right. Select 1a. Customer Data 2 Show Slide #12: Create a Purchase Requisition (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: The students may not see the customer data tab. They will need to locate and click, the ‘additional data’ tab located right side of the screen. This displays the rest of the tabs that are unseen. For step 3, the user will have to scroll down from the POC window to locate the SRN. If a Red-Flag is incurred, have the student click on that flag for any troubleshooting tips. After the Document number is issued, the student should annotate the number for audit purposes. 1a 3. Under the same tab, scroll-down to input the Standard reference Number (SRN) 2. From ‘Customer Data’ to the ‘PR Gen’ tab, input the POC name and number 3 4a 12 5a
Exercise Scenario #1 ME51N 13 Show Slide #13: Exercise Scenario #1
Facilitator Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions ME51N. The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. 13
LSA #1 Check on Learning Q1: T/F: Miscellaneous Pay PPA are payments for non-recurring and non-contractual purchases when use of the Government Purchase Card (GPC) is not feasible. a. True b. False Q2: Which T-Code is used to display open purchase requisitions? a. ME5K b. ME5J c. ME5A Q3: What are the three sections used when creating a PR? Header – contains information relevant to the entire PR. Item Overview – contains Items with important data and the items specify the materials or services to be procured. Item Detail – contains additional data on a particular item. Show Slide #14: LSA #1 Check on Learning Facilitator’s Note: Read and ask the following check on learning question and facilitate discussion on answers given. Note: The answer to each question will appear when you hit enter. Q3: What are the three sections used when creating a PR? Header – contains information relevant to the entire PR. Item Overview – contains Items with important data and the items specify the materials or services to be procured. Item Detail – contains additional data on a particular item. Q2: Which T-Code is used to display open purchase requisitions? a. ME5K b. ME5J c. ME5A 14
LSA #1 Summary 15 Show Slide #15: LSA #1 Summary
Facilitator's Note: In this lesson, we defined the miscellaneous pay Prompt Payment Act (PPA) process along with the different types of reports to view specific data. Also, how to create commitment purchase requisition documents using the miscellaneous pay PPA process. “Or” Facilitator, have each group as a group write down one major main lesson learnt from this LSA, allow a few minutes for them to interact. Once all groups have their one major learnt lesson written, pass it to another group to compare their answer. Facilitate a discussion on each major learnt lesson mentioned by each group. 15
Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process
Create Service Entry Sheet Create Obligation Purchase Order Create Commitment Purchase Requisition ME51N ME21N ML81N Create Invoice Receipt MIRO NEXT The PPA requires DoD Components to pay their bills on time, pay interest penalties when payments are late, and take discounts only when payments are made by the discount date and the discount is economically justified. Show Slide #16 : Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process Learning Step / Activity 2. Create Obligation Purchase Order Document Method of Instruction: Discussion (Small or Large Group) Facilitator's to Learner Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 04 hrs. / 00 min. (3hrs. PE) Media: Printed Reference Material, Computer Assisted Instruction, Conference, Demonstration, Slides Facilitator Note: Read and facilitate discussion below. Cover each one of these blocks (general overview) You will inform the students that we will cover all of these areas throughout this instruction. 16
Purchase Order Overview (Obligation)
The Purchase Order Processor manually creates purchase orders/funds commitments document directly into GFEBS as required. Purchase Order is a legal document “contract” issued by the buyer to the supplier, indicating specifications, quantities, prices and agreed terms and conditions. A purchase order can be created under two circumstances. When referencing a purchase requisition When processing a funds commitment document without a purchase requisition. Show Slide #17: Purchase Order Overview (Obligation) Facilitator’s Note: Read and facilitate discussion below. Purchase Orders is how GFEBS records obligations based on pre-commitment or commitment documents. After a PR is fund certified all PRs will require a purchase order to obligate funds. These obligations occur as a result of a contract award, MIPR acceptance or Misc Pay POs. In the case of AXOL PRs, the obligation is auto-generated after fund certification. 17
Purchase Order Overview (Obligation)
A contract buy involves a formal agreement between the buyer and the vendor. A obligation is not recorded in GFEBS until the contract has been awarded. The PO represents the financial obligation of a contract. Create Purchase Order (ME21N) Change Purchase Order (ME22N) Display Purchase Order (ME23N) Show Slide #18: Purchase Order Overview (Obligation) Facilitator’s Note: Read and facilitate discussion below. Once requirements are identified and funds are committed, funds can be obligated. In GFEBS, a PO represents an obligation. The PO reduces an existing commitment recorded by a PR. Examples of when POs are entered to represent financial obligations include, but are not limited to, the following scenarios: contracts (including grants), MIPRs, Stock and Supply Item Purchases Military Standard Systems (MILS), (also known as Defense Logistics Standard Systems (DLSS). Three key transactions used in the PO process: ME21N, ME22N, ME23N 18
Purchase Order Overview (Obligation)
Contract A legally-binding agreement between a buyer and a vendor over a specified length of time for the purchase of goods or services for a specified quantity or price. A contracting office must administer the contract to establish an agreement with the awarded vendor. Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) A unique, four-digit number that identifies a specific contract line item on a contract. Contracts identify the items or services to be acquired as separate contract line items. Funds Commitment Document A way to record an obligation in GFEBS, other than a purchase order (PO). It is used to commit and obligation in one step, for business processes in which a purchase requisition (PR) or PO is unnecessary (i.e., for obligations who payments are not subject to the Prompt Payment Act (PPA)). Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requisitions (MIPRs) MIPRs are agreements between two federal entities for the requisition of goods or services and are most often used to establish service orders between a requestor and a performer. Show Slide #19: Purchase Order Overview (Obligation) Facilitator’s Note: Read and facilitate discussion below. Examples of when POs are entered to represent financial obligations include, but are not limited to, the following scenarios: contracts (including grants) Stock and Supply Item Purchases (MILS/DLSS) from DMLSS Miscellaneous Pay POs subject to PPA Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requisitions (MIPRs) Examples of items normally procured with MIPRS are: administrative services civilian personnel services environmental compliance fire protection. 19
Purchase Order Overview (checks/balances)
Before saving the PO, GFEBS compares the quantity ordered and total amount obligated on the PR to the comparable values on the contract award. If the obligation amount on the contract award is less than or equal to the commitment amount on the PR, GFEBS saves the PO. For Purchase Orders created via interface from a contracting tool such as SPS, GFEBS compares the quantity, unit of measure and amount of the PR and Award Match prior to posting the PO and will post anything that is less than or equal to the amount on the PR. When errors occur between interfaces POs may need to be manually posted by the Purchase Order Processor. Like the PR the different PO types require different mandatory fields. Once the PO is created receipt of goods and invoice can successfully post in GFEBS. Show Slide #20: Purchase Order Overview (checks/balances) Facilitator’s Note: Read and facilitate discussion. 20
Create a Purchase Order
By The Numbers Transaction Code: ME21N Role: PO Processor Show Slide #21: Create a Purchase Order (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. An obligation is a legally binding agreement or action that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future. Since an obligation equal to or les than the commitment may be incurred without further recourse to an authorizing official, commitments are required for some appropriations and are permissible for others. Purpose: Use this procedure to enter a PR&C. 21
Create a Purchase Order Cont.
1 Start 1. On the menu bar, click the “Document Overview On” button 2 2. Click the ‘Variant’ button (Rainbow), select 2a. ‘My purchase requisitions’ Show Slide #22: Create a Purchase Order Cont. Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. Instruct the students that when they click the Document Overview On button, it will then read “Document Overview Off.” * Point out the rainbow (variant) button. Students will want to click the “My Purchase Orders” button. The PR listed can be double-clicked to generate the PO however, the screen will be different than when they single-click it, and click adopt. 3a 3. The system will generate your PR an then list it. Highlight it with a single-click, and then click the 3a. ‘Adopt’ button 2a 3 22
Create a Purchase Order Cont.
1 2 3 1. To the right of Vendor, input the Vendor ID 2. Click the ‘Customer Data’ tab 2. Click the ‘Header’ button 4. Input the ‘Contract’ number (PIIN) 4 6 Show Slide #23: Create a Purchase Order Cont. Facilitator’s Note: Continuing on: Students need to be familiar with the 3 main sections of this PO: Header Section Item Overview Section Item Detail Section. Facilitator’s Note: Step 5 is where the student will get a little confused. There are 2 customer data tabs. They will want to use the one under the header tab. Ensure they got to ITEM DETAIL. It will not be readily visible, they will need to click the additional Data tabs button. Facilitator’s Note: Step 4 is literally the Contract number (Block 1 DD 1155) The Procurement Instrument Identification Number. 5 6. Under the additional data tabs’ button (far-right), click this to reveal ‘Customer Data,’ 6a. click-it. 5. Click the ‘Item Detail’ button 23 6a.
Create a Purchase Order Cont.
5. On the menu-bar, click ‘Save’ 3. On the menu-bar, click ‘Check’ 3 5 1. Under ‘Item Detail,’ from the ‘Customer Data’ tab, 1a. go to the ‘Contracts’ tab 1 1a. 2 2. Input the Contract Line Item in which we are working with 4. System Generated Message, reads ‘error-free,’ 4a. Green check to continue 6. System Generated Message, reads ‘Save-doc?’ 6a. Click ‘Save’ Show Slide #24: Create a Purchase Order Cont. Facilitator’s Note: For step 2, we only have 1 Line Item (Septic Service), ensure the correct line Item is there in the event there are more than 1. Facilitator’s Note: Again, when the checks are being made and the user incurs a red-flag, double-click the flag and begin trouble shooting measures. 4 6 6a 4a 7. System generated ‘Document Number’ Annotate this number 7 24
Exercise Scenario #2 ME21N 25 Show Slide #25: Exercise Scenario #2
Facilitator Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions ME21N. The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. 25
LSA #2 Check on Learning Q1: After clicking the ____ ____ icon, choose my ____ ____ and then adopt (this pulls-in prior information) Selection Variant (aka-rainbow icon) Purchase Requisitions Q2: What does PIIN stand for, and where is it found? Procurement Instrument Identification Number, found in Block 1 of DD 1155 Show Slide #26: Check on Learning Facilitator’s Note: Read and select a student to answer the question. Q1: After clicking the ____ ____ icon, choose my ____ ____ and then adopt (this pulls-in prior information) A1: Selection Variant / Purchase Requisitions Q2: What does PIIN stand for, and where is it found? A2: Procurement Instrument Identification Number, found in Block 1 of DD 1155 26
LSA #2 Summary 27 Show Slide #27: LSA #2 Summary
Facilitator's Note: In this lesson, we discuss what documentation is required to create a purchase order (PO), along with appropriate steps used to create the PO. “Or” Facilitator, have each group as a group write down one major main lesson learnt from this LSA, allow a few minutes for them to interact. Once all groups have their one major learnt lesson written, pass it to another group to compare their answer. Facilitate a discussion on each major learnt lesson mentioned by each group. 27
Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process
Create Service Entry Sheet Create Obligation Purchase Order Create Commitment Purchase Requisition ME51N ME21N ML81N Create Invoice Receipt MIRO NEXT The PPA requires DoD Components to pay their bills on time, pay interest penalties when payments are late, and take discounts only when payments are made by the discount date and the discount is economically justified. Show Slide #28 : Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process Learning Step / Activity 3. Process Service Entry Sheet Method of Instruction: Discussion (Small or Large Group) Facilitator's to Learner Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 04 hrs. / 30 mins. (3hrs. PE) Media: Printed Reference Material, Computer Assisted Instruction, Conference, Demonstration, Slides Facilitator Note: Read and facilitate discussion below. Cover each one of these blocks (general overview) You will inform the students that we will cover all of these areas throughout this instruction. 28
Create a Service Entry Sheet (What is it?)
A Service Entry Sheet (SES) is nothing more that a Goods Receipt Document sheet. Instead of maintaining and receiving materials (goods), we maintain the services Performed and for which the vendor is to be paid. Created when the service is procured Services can be viewed in the Service Master Record via AC03 Ensure that ‘Item Category’ on the PR reads ‘D’ for service Show Slide #29: Create a Service Entry Sheet (What is it?) Facilitator Note: A lot of the information on the SES is repetitious. It’s nothing more than a tracking sheet, tracing the hours, days, progress, etc. of the service being provided. 29
Goods Receipt / SES (Roles)
Goods Receipt Processor is responsible for receiving goods and/or services and managing any exceptions that may arise; receipt, inspection, and acceptance may or may not be performed prior to invoice receipt from the vendor. For goods receipts and acceptances, the Goods Receipt Processor manually enters the goods receipt and acceptance in GFEBS. Key Activities: Create, change, and cancel Goods Receipt document. The Material Inspection and Receiving Report (DD 250) Goods Receipt Interface Processing Monitor is responsible for the interfacing from external goods receipt systems. This duty is also involved in the identification and resolution of any errors that may occur between GFEBS and the WAWF (IRAPT) interface. Manages the WAWF / IRAPT as well as other interfaces. Show Slide #30: Goods Receipt / SES (Roles) Facilitator’s Note: General knowledge for the lesson. Cover the two roles involved with the SES. Goods Receipt Processor is responsible for receiving goods and/or services and managing any exceptions that may arise; receipt, inspection, and acceptance may or may not be performed prior to invoice receipt from the vendor. For goods receipts and acceptances, the Goods Receipt Processor manually enters the goods receipt and acceptance in GFEBS. Key Activities: Create, change, and cancel Goods Receipt document. The Material Inspection and Receiving Report (DD 250) Goods Receipt Interface Processing Monitor is responsible for the interfacing from external goods receipt systems. This duty is also involved in the identification and resolution of any errors that may occur between GFEBS and the WAWF (IRAPT) interface. Manages the WAWF / IRAPT as well as other interfaces. iRAPT – Invoicing, Receipt, Acceptance and Property Transfer (formerly Wide Area Work Flow) iRAPT creates a virtual folder to combine the three documents required to pay a Vendor - the Contract, the Invoice, and the Receiving Report. The iRAPT application enables electronic form submission of Invoices, government inspection, and acceptance documents in order to support DoD's goal of moving to a paperless acquisition process. 30
Create a Service Entry Sheet
By The Numbers Transaction Code: ML81N Role: GR Processor Show Slide #31: Create a Service Entry Sheet (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. A commitment is an administrative reservation of funds based upon firm procurement requests, orders, directives, and equivalent instruments. Or, requests which authorize the creation of an obligation without further recourse to the official responsible for certifying the availability of funds. Purpose: Use this procedure to enter a PR&C. 31
Create a Service Entry Sheet Cont.
1 Start 1. On the menu-bar, click ‘Other Purchase Order’ 2. Wait a moment for the dialog box to appear, input Document number from ME21N (PO number) 2a. ‘Green Check’ it 2 2a. 4 4. On the menu-bar, click ‘Other Purchase Order’ Show Slide #32: Create a Service Entry Sheet (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. Notice: This transaction creates a “Material Document Number 3. To the left, single-click (highlight) your PO number to Orange. 3 32
Create a Service Entry Sheet Cont.
1 1. Click ‘Accept Data’ These may default in, if not, input today’s date 2. Click ‘Basic Data’ tab. Begin to fill in Line Item #1 information below 2 Show Slide #33: Create a Service Entry Sheet (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. Self explanatory. Reiterate to the students that for a service, a 1 is required for quantity, and that Activity Unit (AU) is required for Unit of measure. 3. On LI #1, under ‘Short text’ input brief description of services provided 4. Remember, for service. Quantity is ALWAYS 1, 4a. Unit of Measure is AU 5. Next, total price (for that month) and 5a. Cost Center responsible for payment 3 4 4a 5 5a 33
Create a Service Entry Sheet Cont.
2 1a 1 2. This is until the ‘Accept’ button on the menu bar is clicked 1. Instructor ‘Click’ mouse. NOTICE: This document defaults in as not being accepted. 5. Dialog box , click ‘Save Anyway’ 4. On the menu bar, click ‘Save’ Show Slide #34: Create a Service Entry Sheet (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. By following this in order, the student will not fail. 4 3 3. Notification that the document will now be accepted 5 34
Create a Service Entry Sheet Cont.
SES number 2. On the menu bar, click the ‘Back’ button 2 1 1. Notice: two separate numbers issued 3. 1 Material Document number 3. In order to view the status of the SES (as it relates to the PO), enter the t-code ME23N 1 Show Slide #35: Create a Service Entry Sheet (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. The students will ask which number to annotate. Let them know it is Material Document Number. Facilitator’s Note: Starting with step 3, the student has the option to view the status of the SES as it relates to the PO. It is just a useful tool for the students to know for future reference. 4. Enter the PO in question. Ensure the 4a. ‘Radio” button is checked. Finally, click 4b. ‘Other Document’ 4 4a. 4b. 35
Create a Service Entry Sheet Cont.
1. Entire PO information 2. Remember: Header Item Overview Item Detail 3. Under the ‘Item Detail’ button, click the additional Data button to reveal 3a. ‘PO History’ 3 Show Slide #36: Create a Service Entry Sheet (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. The students will ask which number to annotate. Let them know it is Material Document Number. Facilitator’s Note: Starting with step 3, the student has the option to view the status of the SES as it relates to the PO. It is just a useful tool for the students to know for future reference. 3a. 36
Create a Service Entry Sheet Cont.
1. Conduct a ‘drill-down’ by first clicking on the SES number (856) 4. Complete Material Document number information. This auto-records in GFEBS because it is in-line with the GR processor role. 1 3. Finished, click the ‘Back’ button on the menu bar and click 3a. ‘Material Document number to drill-down 3 4 2. Complete SES information. Note below: Line Item 1 complete and recorded in the GFEBS system Show Slide #37: Create a Service Entry Sheet (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. This is more of a Drill-Down exercise. First the Service Entry Sheet number. Note that Line Item 1 has been approved in the system. Click ‘Back’ when finished. Next Click on the Material Doc. Number. Again, just verifying information. The material doc. Copies into GFEBS because like Goods, the Services are Received and accepted as well. 5 5. Once finished, click ‘Back’ to close-out 2 37
Exercise Scenario #3 ML81N 38
Show Slide #38: Exercise Scenario #3 for ML81N Facilitator Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions ML81N. The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. 38
LSA #3 Check on Learning Q1: The ML81N transaction produces 2 document numbers, they are: The Service Entry Sheet Document number The Material Document number Q2: What T-Code allows the user to backtrack, drilldown, and verify information within these documents? ME23N – View PO Show Slide #39: LSA #3 Check on Learning Facilitator's Note: Read and ask the following check on learning question and facilitate discussion on answers given. Note: The answer to each question will appear when you hit enter. Q1: After clicking the ____ ____ icon, choose my ____ ____ and then adopt (this pulls-in prior information) A1: Selection Variant / Purchase Requisitions Q2: What does PIIN stand for, and where is it found? A2: Procurement Instrument Identification Number, found in Block 1 of DD 1155 39
LSA #3 Summary 40 Show Slide #40: LSA #3 Summary
Facilitator's Note: In this lesson, we discussed the purpose of the service entry sheet, along with the GFEBS roles required for this transaction. Also, how to create the service entry sheet using T-Code ML81N. “Or” Facilitator, have each group as a group write down one major main lesson learnt from this LSA, allow a few minutes for them to interact. Once all groups have their one major learnt lesson written, pass it to another group to compare their answer. Facilitate a discussion on each major learnt lesson mentioned by each group. 40
Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process
Create Service Entry Sheet Create Obligation Purchase Order Create Commitment Purchase Requisition ME51N ME21N ML81N Create Invoice Receipt MIRO NEXT The PPA requires DoD Components to pay their bills on time, pay interest penalties when payments are late, and take discounts only when payments are made by the discount date and the discount is economically justified. Show Slide #41: Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process (Invoice) Learning Step / Activity 4. Communicate Invoice Receipt Process Method of Instruction: Discussion (Small or Large Group) Facilitator's to Learner Ratio: 1:25 Time of Instruction: 04 hrs. / 30 mins. (2hrs. / 30 mins. PE) Media: Printed Reference Material, Computer Assisted Instruction, Conference, Demonstration, Slides Facilitator Note: Read and facilitate discussion below. Cover each one of these blocks (general overview) You will inform the students that we will cover all of these areas throughout this instruction. 41
Create a Vendor Invoice
Show Slide #42: Create a Vendor Invoice Facilitator Note: Explain to the students PPA as it relates to invoice requirements and introduces the user roles and associated transaction codes required for invoice processing. 42
Vendor Invoice Receipt (IR) (What is it?)
A bill, written document, or electronic transmission provided by a vendor that requests payment for property received or Services rendered A proper invoice must meet the requirements of SEC (b). The term invoice can include receiving reports and delivery tickets when contractually designated as invoices Show Slide #43: Vendor Invoice Receipt: What is it? Facilitator Note: Explain to the students that invoices are everywhere. From shopping to eating, to getting a ticket are all forms of invoices. Facilitator’s Note: Section (b) in the Code of Federal Regulation 43
Vendor Invoice Receipt (IR) (Roles)
Invoice Processor (IP) - Processes only invoices and invoice transactions which are associated with Misc. Payments. This role is responsible for the following: Creates / Displays / Changes IR Create/change PR/PO (Display Access) Payment Program (Display access) View withholding tax report Miscellaneous Pay Invoice Approver Removes the Misc. Pay document validation payment block Show Slide #44, Invoice Processing (Roles) Facilitator’s Note: Read the duties of the Invoice Processor and point out the key activities. 44
Vendor Invoice Receipt (IR) (Purpose)
The MIRO (Enter Invoice) transaction code is used for the following: Create a Misc. Pay invoice that references a PO and GR to complete the procurement process. The Processor can post the invoice with reference to the purchasing/material documents (PO/GR) in GFEBS for a specific vendor. The triggers for the MIRO is to perform this procedure when you need to manually enter a contractual invoice or a Misc. Pay subject to PPA invoice. The Prerequisites for the MIRO is the original invoice document and the purchase order(s) and goods receipt (SES) must exist in the system. Show Slide #45: Enter invoice user procedure (Purpose) Facilitator’s Note: Use this procedure to manually enter a contractual invoice if you are the Invoice Processor or a Misc. Pay Invoice Processor. The user procedures for t-code MIRO will appear in the PSW as Enter Invoice User Procedure (MIRO) and will show in the Training Data Base as Enter Incoming Invoice: Company Code 45
Create a Vendor Invoice Receipt
By The Numbers Transaction Code: MIRO Role: IR Processor Show Slide #46: Create a Service Entry Sheet (By the Numbers) Facilitator’s Note: By the Numbers. Getting ready to create a Vendor Invoice. Follow the numbers. 46
Create a Vendor Invoice Receipt Cont.
Start 2. Input both Invoice / Invoice Received date. Posting date will default to today 1 2 3 4 3. Reference is the Vendor number used in the ME21N transaction (step 9) Show Slide #47: MIRO – Create Vendor Invoice Facilitator’s Note: MIRO transactions are designed to be subject to the PPA (Prompt Payment Act). Whether or not the dialog box appears (step 1), the student will respond accordingly. Skip to step 2 in the event the Dialog box does not appear. Inform the students that the Original Invoice date will be on the actual invoice itself. Posting date, for training purposes will be today’s date however, it does not have to be. It can be in the future. Use the current FY on all inputs. Facilitator’s Note: Ensure that on step 5, to the left should read: Purchase Order / Scheduling Agreement 1a. 1. If the dialog box ‘Company Code’ appears, input ARMY and 1a. Green check-it. 4. Amount of the service 5 6. Finally, click ‘Enter’ to generate document 5. Input the PO number to be referenced for pay 6 47
Create a Vendor Invoice Receipt Cont.
3 3. Simulate the document IOT check for errors 1. Verify LI #1 information below for accuracy 2. Input the price if it did NOT default in 1 2 4. Dialog box shows an actual Debit / Credit transaction taking place in the system. 4a. System notifies user of Vendor tax status. 4b. Post when satisfied Show Slide #48: MIRO – Create Vendor Invoice Facilitator’s Note: There are animations on this slide. Practice to enhance the lesson. MIRO transactions are designed to be subject to the PPA (Prompt Payment Act). Once the PO number is input, only verification for accuracy is needed. In the event that simulating the document produces an error, have the student double click on the error and attempt to trouble-shoot. 4 5. System generated message; Annotate 4b. 4a. 5 48
Exercise Scenario #4 MIRO 49
Show Slide #49: Exercise Scenario #4 for MIRO Facilitator Note: The exercise scenario will consist of performing transactions MIRO. The students will work individually on this exercise. Instructor can walk them through as well. 49
LSA #4 Check on Learning Q1: What T-Code is utilized to create / post a vendor invoice? MIGO XK02 XK03 MIRO Q2: T/F: The “Invoice Receipt Date” reflects when the invoice was received and stamped in the billing office. True False Q3: By annotating the GFEBS generated MIRO document number on the original documentation, this establishes what? Redundancy An audit trail Legitimacy as a processor None of the above Show Slide #50: LSA #4 Check on Learning Facilitator's Note: Read and ask the following check on learning question and facilitate discussion on answers given. Note: The answer to each question will appear when you hit enter. Q1: What t-code is utilized to create / post a vendor invoice? a. MIGO b. XK02 c. XK03 d. MIRO Q2: T/F: The “Invoice Receipt Date” reflects when the invoice was received and stamped in the billing office. a. True b. False Q3: By annotating the GFEBS generated MIRO document number on the original documentation, this establishes what? a. Redundancy b. An audit trail c. Legitimacy as a processor d. None of the above 50
LSA #4 Summary 51 Show Slide #51: LSA #4 Summary
Facilitator's Note: In this lesson, we discussed invoice receipt procedures, which includes the users roles and purpose. Also, the associated T-Code used to create the invoice receipt in GFEBS. “Or” Facilitator, have each group as a group write down one major main lesson learnt from this LSA, allow a few minutes for them to interact. Once all groups have their one major learnt lesson written, pass it to another group to compare their answer. Facilitate a discussion on each major learnt lesson mentioned by each group. 51
Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process
Create Service Entry Sheet Create Obligation Purchase Order Create Commitment Purchase Requisition ME51N ME21N ML81N Create Invoice Receipt MIRO COMPLETE: What are your Questions? Show Slide #52: Miscellaneous Pay PPA End to End Process (Invoice) Facilitator’s Note: Miscellaneous Pay complete, field any questions the students may have. 52
TLO Summary Action: Process Miscellaneous Pay Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Documents Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standard: With at least 75% accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Create Commitment Purchase Requisition Document Create Obligation Purchase Order Document Process Service Entry Sheet Communicate Invoice Receipt Process Show Slide 53: TLO Summary Facilitator’s Note: Reiterate Terminal Learning Objective Action: Process Miscellaneous Pay Prompt Payment Act (PPA) Documents Conditions: As a new FM Soldier in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, self-study exercises, personal experiences, practical exercises, handouts, and discussion. Standard: With at least 75% accuracy learners must demonstrate proficiency with: - Create Commitment Purchase Requisition Document - Create Obligation Purchase Order Document - Process Service Entry Sheet Communicate Invoice Receipt Process “Or” In this lesson, we discussed how to create commitment purchase requisition document, create obligation purchase order document, along with processing service entry sheet and communicated the invoice receipt process. Facilitator's Note: Facilitator's at this time, have one learner from each group to explain the most important take away to them from this lesson. Facilitate a discussion on each answer. 53
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