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Introduction to Geothermal Comfort Systems. Defining Geothermal Energy Dictionary definition –Relating to the internal heat of the earth The Earth acts.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Geothermal Comfort Systems. Defining Geothermal Energy Dictionary definition –Relating to the internal heat of the earth The Earth acts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Geothermal Comfort Systems

2 Defining Geothermal Energy Dictionary definition –Relating to the internal heat of the earth The Earth acts as a giant solar collector, absorbing approximately 50% of the energy emitted by the Sun. Air temperatures may fluctuate as much as 50 F above and below the annual average. However, only a few feet below the surface, the changes in earth temperatures are much less severe.

3 Heat Pumps Heat pumps move energy from one location to another, instead of creating heat by burning fossil fuels, such as a gas furnace does. -- (like your refrigerator). Geothermal Heat Pumps use the earth or well water to provide heating, cooling and hot water for your home. A geothermal heat pump moves energy to/from the ground, eliminating the outdoor equipment associated with ordinary heat pumps or air conditioners.

4 The Basic Ground Source Heat Pump System The earth loop is placed in the ground either horizontally or vertically, or it can be placed in a pond. Water and anti-freeze is circulated through the pipe, transporting heat to the heat pump during the heating mode and away from the heat pump during the cooling mode. The heat transfer takes place inside the heat pump in a water-to-refrigerant heat exchanger.

5 Energy Source During the heating season, the earth serves as a heat source. (HE - Heat of extraction) During the cooling season, the earth serves as a heat sink. (HR - Heat of rejection)

6 Heat Pump Operation Geothermal heat pumps consist of four circuits: –Distribution circuit The system that distributes the conditioned air or water solution throughout the home or building and returns it to the unit. –Refrigerant circuit A sealed and pressurized circuit of refrigerant including compressor, expansion valve, water-to- refrigerant heat exchanger(s), air coil, reversing valve. The refrigerant is either R-22 or R-410A.

7 Heat Pump Operation Geothermal heat pumps consist of four circuits: –Ground loop circuit The piping system buried in the ground has fluid that is circulated by pumps to and from the geothermal unit. –Hot water circuit Domestic water can be heated in a geothermal unit with a device called a desuperheater. A piping connection is made from the geothermal unit to the water heater.

8 Heat Pump Operation Each of these circuits is closed and sealed from the othersthere is no direct mixing. However, heat energy does transfer from the refrigeration circuit to the other three circuits. The refrigerant flow will change direction when the unit changes modes (heating or cooling).

9 Heat Pump Operation The Four Circuits in a Geothermal Heat Pump Distribution Circuit Earth Loop Circuit Refrigeration Circuit Hot Water Circuit = Flow of Energy (Heat)

10 Heating Mode Operation

11 Cooling Mode Operation

12 The Basic Refrigeration Cycle Compressor CondenserEvaporator TXV High Pressure Vapor State High Pressure Liquid State Low Pressure Liquid State Low Pressure Vapor State

13 The Refrigeration Cycle Heating Mode Operation

14 The Refrigeration Cycle Cooling Mode Operation

15 Free Energy Geothermal Heat Pumps use only a small amount of energy to capture a large amount of FREE energy from the earth.

16 Equipment Performance Ratings ARI has designated the efficiency ratings for water-to-air heat pumps as: –Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) EER = BTU output divided by power watt input For cooling operation under steady state test conditions –Coefficient of Performance (COP) COP = BTU output divided by BTU input For heating operation under steady state test conditions

17 Geothermal Performance Comparison


19 Operating Cost Comparison Annual Heating, Cooling & Hot Water costs for typical 2,500 sq. ft. home, local weather, local fuel rates (computer analysis results) Geothermal$ 780 High Efficiency Nat. Gas & A.C.$ 1,497 Air Source Heat Pump$ 1,608 High Efficiency Propane & A.C$ 2,305

20 Return on Investment (Due to Energy Savings) New Homes: Typically positive cash flow from day one. – Added cost in mortgage is offset by reduced monthly operating cost. Existing Homes: Additional cost of geothermal system is usually recovered in about 5 years.

21 Loop Types Closed Loop (w/ antifreeze) – Horizontal – Vertical – Pond Open Loop – Well Water

22 Positive & Negatives Open well systems + can be cheaper initial install cost + constant supply of consistent btuhs -requires substantial water over life of system -if well fails no heating or cooling -not allowed in some local areas

23 Well Water (Open Loop) Uses existing well Requires 1.5 gpm/ton

24 Open Loop Systems Key Considerations –Adequate water supply (5-9 gpm in addition to household requirements) –Good quality water (low mineral content) –Adequate discharge location (drainage ditch, field tile, pond, etc.)

25 Positive & Negatives Closed loop systems + low maintenance + typical one time install, long warranty on pipe - higher up front installation cost - variable supply of btuhs so sizing is critical -requires dedicated space for wells or trenches

26 Horizontal Loop

27 2- Pipe Horizontal Typically 3-4 trenches, 250 feet long each

28 4- Pipe Horizontal Typically 2 trenches, 180 feet long each

29 6- Pipe Horizontal Typically 1 or 2 trenches, 120 feet long each

30 Horizontal 4 & 6 Pipe Loops

31 Typically 3 or 4 trenches, 100-150 feet long each 10 ft. 5- 6 feet 2-3 feet Slinky

32 Horizontal Slinky Loops

33 Horizontal Bore Loops Typically 3-4 bores, 200 feet long each

34 Vertical Loop

35 Typically 3 to 5 bore holes, 130 feet deep each

36 Vertical bore without backfill

37 Vertical Loop/Grouted Bentonite Grout backfill Geothermal pipe

38 U-Bend used for Vertical Loops

39 Vertical Loop Drilling Use drilling rig like ones used for water well drilling.



42 Pond Loop Minimum ½ acre, 8 ft. deep

43 Spacers allow for more circulation around pipes

44 Top View Side View Typically 3 to 5 coils, 300 feet long each

45 Horizontal Pond/Lake Loops Slim Jim Lake Plate Heat Exchanger

46 Racked Loops

47 Position, Fill & Submerge



50 Applications Forced air heating and cooling Supplemental water heating Forced Air Zoned Systems Dedicated water heating (radiant floor, snow melt, domestic purposes, pools) Add-on splits to fossil fuel furnaces

51 Limitations Water-to-Air units: Return Air temperatures Adequate Ductwork Water-to-Water units: Load-Side Flow Load-Side Temperature

52 Limitations All units: Loop Considerations Available Space Installation Costs

53 Typical Closed Loop Equipment and Accessories

54 Typical Installation

55 Water-to-Water Systems Homes with large hot water demands, radiant floor heat, snow melt and indoor pools can be ideal for water-water systems.

56 RFH with a Fan Coil Cooling System W 2 W Unit


58 Cornerstone Christian Academy Bloomington, IL 51,000 Sq. Ft. Annual Cost for Heating, Air Conditioning, and Hot Water Conventional System Geothermal System $32,618 $8,519


60 Amber Ridge Assisted Living Moline, IL Conventional System Geothermal System $15,199 / year $6,592. / year First Assisted Living Facility in US to receive Energy Star rating


62 Martin-Kroenke Implement Quincy, IL 29,225 Sq. Ft. Annual Cost for Heating, Air Conditioning, and Hot Water Conventional System Geothermal System $13,986 $3,581


64 Lincoln Towers Apartments Bloomington, IL 60,000 Sq. Ft. Annual Cost for Heating, Air Conditioning, and Hot Water Conventional System Geothermal System $38,380 $12,737


66 Trinity Lutheran Church Golden, IL 16,000 Sq. Ft. Annual Cost for Heating, Air Conditioning, and Hot Water Conventional System Geothermal System $12,926 $3,984





71 Marine Safety Station Chicago, IL Conventional System Geothermal System $9,650. / yr $3,827. / yr



74 Wheaton Christian Grammar School Wheaton, IL 86,320 Sq. Ft. Annual Cost for Heating, Air Conditioning, and Hot Water Conventional System Geothermal System $67,020 $33,340





79 Geothermal Dubuque Co. Courthouse Historics

80 30% Tax Credit The Energy Credit In October 2008, geothermal heat pumps were added to section 25D of the Internal Revenue Code. This created a 30% tax credit for costs associated with qualified geothermal equipment. - 30% of total system cost - No limit to credit amount for 2009 and beyond - Can be used in more than one year - Can be combined with solar and wind tax credits - Can be combined with energy efficiency upgrade credits

81 Whats Eligible Geothermal equipment that uses the stored solar energy from the ground for heating and cooling, and that meets Energy Star requirements at the time of installation is eligible for the tax credit. Covered expenditures include labor for onsite preparation, assembly, or original system installation and for piping or wiring to connect a system to the home. The structure must be located in the United States and used as a residence by the taxpayer, although primary residency isnt required. In fact, if geothermal is installed in more than one home, theres no limitation on the number of times the credit can be claimed

82 Questions?

83 Geothermal Heating & Cooling… Smarter from the Ground Up

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