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Question 5.

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1 Question 5

2 question Elderly female from home unwell 24 hours Meds ARB
Presents –shocked, cold and low GCS T32 HR 60 BP Sats GCS

3 DDX 1 point Septic shock Cardiac event with shock Hypothyroid
Event with exposure hypothermia Ingestion if provided agent and comment that not her own medication Electrolyte abnormality if clarified rational

4 ddx 0.5 point PE ( unless with clarification)
Focal infection eg UTI, pneumonia CNS event if provided location Zero section score if sepsis not mentioned

5 investigation Ideally question would have included rationale – hard to fail 1 point Septic workup or part thereof Glucose Trop Echo CXR TFT ECG Specific electrolyte if related to DDx

6 investigation 0.5 points VBG/ABG with no clarification
CTB with no clarification

7 Mx 1 point Warm with method
Something logical about fluid with an endpoint Something about O2 with an end point Antibiotic broad spectrum Something about goal of care or referral to inpatient unit ( not a point for both) GCS – intubation not accepted unless qulaified

8 Performance of the question pass mark 9 90% pass rate

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