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Advance Academic Program (AAP)

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Presentation on theme: "Advance Academic Program (AAP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advance Academic Program (AAP)
Second Grade Testing Advance Academic Program (AAP)

2 When? October 24-November11
Testing will take about 5 days during the testing window. No longer than approximately one hour of actual testing per day. Specific schedule will come home in teacher’s newsletter.

3 Why? State law requires that students are given the opportunity to qualify for a gifted and talented program (AAP) by showing high achievement and aptitude through a battery of tests.

4 What Types of tests??? Aptitude—thinking and problem solving Achievement—reading and math skills

5 2. Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
Aptitude Tests 1. Naglieri 2. Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

6 Naglieri Thirty minutes—gets progressively more difficult
Has patterns with missing piece. Students determine the piece which will complete the pattern. Students use an answer sheet to write the letter of their answers.

7 Cognitive Abilities Tests
Cognitive Abilities Tests—CogAT—Form 7; Level 8 Three days Not timed; teacher directed. Students mark answers in test booklet. Three parts: Verbal ( picture analogies, sentence completion, picture classification), Nonverbal ( Figure matrices, paper folding, figure classification) Quantative (number analogies, number puzzles, number series)

8 What else? Achievement: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS)

9 ITBS Not timed except for math computation.
Students answer in test booklet. Reading: picture stories, sentences, stories Math: Parts 1-2—Problem solving and computation

10 Who will be tested??? Every 2nd grader takes all three assessments.

11 How will the data be used?
For placements in AAP English Language Arts and math in third grade through fifth grade. Additional AAP testing will occur again in fifth grade before middle school.

12 Will there be appeals for AAP?
Students must score at least in the 80th percentile in a tested subject to enroll in AAP classes.

13 TIPS If your child will cooperate with you to help them, google the name of the test (Iowa Test of Basic Skills, test prep) and you will find lots of things to try at home. I would sit with them and talk through hard examples. RAVEN matrices was a test we used in the past. If you google RAVEN matrices, you can find the exact test online. Working through these items helps students with Naglieri. Last year we had lots of folks who scored 99th percentile on this test. Talk with your child about the importance of these tests and how you want them to do their very best. However, you must be careful not to create undue stress on your child. So many children have such high expectations that they put upon themselves! Take a deep breath and or call

14 Is all of this information final???
No. This is what we know as of September 15, 2016.

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