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Building Community Introduce selves with pronouns

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1 Building Community Introduce selves with pronouns
Example My name is “e” and I go by pronouns “she/her or they/them” so for example you could say “ I met e today! They were so enthusiastic and they were wearing their favorite neon shirt” Share - we share our pronouns because we recognize that the dominant practice in our society is to make assumptions about how to refer to each other. Pronouns in English are associated with gender, and sometimes the pronouns we might assume are correct for others are actually incorrect and disrespectful.

2 Introduction to resources
Goals of the Session Introduction to resources Creating an inclusive & welcoming campus community Addressing hate & bias on campus Read the goals for the session

3 Principles of Community
The Principles of Community promotes and supports Right of freedom of expression Non-violent exchange Open expression of our individuality and our diversity We confront and reject all manifestations of discrimination, including those based on: race ethnicity gender and gender expression age visible and non-visible disability nationality sexual orientation citizenship status We recognize and cherish the richness contributed to our lives by our diversity. We take pride in all our achievements, and we celebrate our differences. We recognize that each of us has an obligation to the UC Davis community. veteran status religious/non-religious, spiritual or political beliefs socio-economic class status within or outside the university or any of the other differences among people which have been excuses for misunderstanding dissension or hatred Reference bold words/phrases Set tone for our campus Not a policy but an aspiration that we strive for and all hold responsibility for

4 Resources this video is an overview of community-based centers are campus.

5 What does community mean to you? What does community look/feel like?
In groups of 3 share (5 mins) with one another what community means to you? Share out—volunteers to share what came up in their group (5 mins)

6 What does respect mean to you?
How can others show respect for you? Take a moment to reflect and write on your note card “How can others show respect for me?” or “What does respect mean to you?” Exchange your card with someone near you. Ask for volunteers to read what is on the card they have. As you noticed, there are many ways to show respect. We are each, as a member of this community, responsible for treating every fellow member of the community with dignity and respect. Together we can create and maintain a sense of community that provides a respectful and inclusive environment that provides support and opportunity for each other to learn what respect means to each other.

7 “Community is about what we bring to it, and community is based in knowing.
I cannot really be with you in genuine community if I am not willing to know you.” -bell hooks The Beloved Community, Appalachian Heritage, Vol. 40, No. 4, 2012 Read quote. This quote illustrates what we’ve been talking about - in order to really show respect, we need to get to know each other. Has anyone heard of the Golden Rule? What is the Golden Rule?

8 Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Platinum Rule Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Versus Platinum Rule: “Treat others the way they want to be treated.” Examples here: At UC Davis we strive to create a community that values all individuals and communities. In the past we have had incidents that made some communities not feel welcome on campus (ie. themed parties that make fun of particular cultures). We want to be thoughtful about our actions and how they impact others.

Context RESPECT (PLATINUM-STYLE) SENSE OF BELONGING & COMMUNITY SOCIAL & HISTORICAL CONTEXT show respect, is necessary to creating a community/sense of connection Being aware and sensitive to issues of bias is essential to creating and sustaining the best possible environment for learning, scholarship, creative activity, and working together. We do not exist in a vacuum, but rather in the context of the world, society and history Social inequity exists Acts of bias and intolerance hurt both the person they are directed at and the university community as a whole. Some times our identities are valued and sometimes they are not. However, if we all engage in celebrating both our similarities and differences, we can make strides towards becoming the community we aspire to be.


11 Action Continuum Describe and provide examples
Use example of a racist theme party or other relevant campus event, walk through action continuum on how one may respond based on this example.

12 Report Hate & Bias
Report Hate & Bias website & Centers’ websites (5 mins) What to Report? Hate or Bias incidents & Hate Crime - examples below Other Examples The Centers are a resource for processing things that happen to you, and staff can support you in reporting hate and bias if you want Examples include: hate speech, treating someone differently in the work or learning environment because of that person’s legally protected characteristic, displaying offensive materials on one's property, distributing hate materials in public places and posting hate materials even if there is no resulting property damage. Examples of a hate crime could include verbal or written threats of violence directed at someone because of their perceived sexual orientation, Anti-Semitic or Islamaphobic graffiti spray painted on an office door, or a physical assault based on the race or national origin of the individual targeted.

Women’s Resources and Research Center: Cross Cultural Center: Center for Student Involvement: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Intersex Asexual Resource Center: Student Recruitment & Retention Center: AB540 & Undocumented Student Center: You can check in with the group at closing - how are you? What are your reactions/thoughts?

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