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Freshmen information session

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1 Freshmen information session

2 Reagan counselors A-BEL Tammy Wickline BEN-CUL Kelly Quiroz
CUN-GIF Jennifer Peel GIL-KAI Matt Eidson KAL-MEE Cathy Jones MEG-P Michelle Tanner Q-SOU Stacy Blattner SOZ-Z Michelle Robinson STAN Counselor Niki Jackson

3 Tips for survival Adapting to 9th grade
Learn study habits that work well for you Learn what organizational skills make you successful Practice good note taking Get involved in clubs and organizations 9th grade is the foundation for GPA, so it is important to take this year seriously

4 Graduation requirements
Courses Foundation Program Foundation Program with Endorsement Foundation Program with Distinguished Level of Achievement (with Endorsement) English Language Arts 4 credits Mathematics 3 credits 4 credits (Algebra II Required) Science Social Studies Languages other than English (LOTE) 2 credits Physical Education 1 credit Health Education .5 credit Fine Arts Electives 4.5 credits 6.5 credits TOTAL 22 26

9th GRADE Promotion from 8th Grade/0-5.5 Credits 10th GRADE Credits 11th GRADE Credits 12th GRADE Credits OR The student is able to enroll in all courses needed to graduate at the end of the current school year. **If students do not pass a required class, they must retake that class until they are successful. There is no social promotion. **A student can receive passing grades for a class and not receive credit for that class due to lack of attendance in that class. STAAR/EOC The required EOC exams will be English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology, and US History. Students must pass these exams as part of their graduation requirements.

6 Exemption guidelines No exam exemptions will be allowed if:
Course Semester Grade Average Number of Absences Per Course Number of Tardies Per Course 95 or above 3 or fewer 90-94 2 or fewer 85-89 1 or fewer 80-84 No exam exemptions will be allowed if: It is an AP course (first semester only) It is a Dual Credit course (both semesters) The student has received a “U” in conduct for that course during the semester The student has received a “no credit” in any course for the semester The student has been suspended, assigned ISS II, or sent to AHS The student has failed to turn in the NEISD Exam Exemption form by the deadline Any additional questions should be directed to your child’s alpha Assistant Principal.

7 Options for endorsements
Multidisciplinary Studies STEM Business and Industry Arts and Humanities Public Services Endorsements *Students can choose one of these five endorsement options. Some of the basic credits may also count towards an endorsement, depending on which endorsement you choose. Please ask your counselor for more details. *Colleges do not require any specific endorsement, however many prefer the Multidisciplinary Studies-Academic Four Core. Refer to your university’s website for their preferences.

8 Course level and rank The WGA (Weighted Grade Average) determines the rank in class. The student earning the highest WGA is ranked number one, and all others take the following positions in increasing numeric order. Students will receive ranks during their second, fourth, sixth, and seventh semesters of High School. Each student’s weighted cumulative grade point average on required classes for graduation is used to assign a rank position. (Exceptions: CBE and courses taken in Middle School) Correspondence courses and classes taken in summer school before ninth grade year count towards rank.

9 COURSE AND RANK Course Level Rank Factor
Students are able to earn college credit by taking Advanced Placement Courses. Some of these courses include Dual Credit and On Ramps classes. The rank factor recognizes differences in level of difficulty between courses. It is not added to the grade earned. It is only calculated to factor GPA. With the exception of UT Austin, all public universities in Texas (once student applies) accept any student who graduates in the top 10% of their High School Senior class. Course Level Rank Factor Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Credit AP 1.29 Pre-Advanced Placement, Honors, GT non-AP, and Dual Credit non-AP 1.15 Regular 1.00

10 Parent portal A secure site that gives parents more information about their child’s daily performance at school. To register visit You can view information about your child’s grades, attendance, and food service. You can also teachers through the parent portal. For any login or technical issues with Parent Portal please call the NEISD Help Desk at or review the “Tips” column on the right side of every page.

11 Helpful resources for college
College Board is a not for profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Cafe College is a one stop shop for college access, advice, guidance, and workshops. All services are free of charge and available in Spanish to all. Located at 131 El Paso St., San Antonio, TX 78204 Kuder will help students learn more about themselves, their strengths, and what careers may be a good fit for them. Website for students to earn Micro-Scholarships as early as their ninth grade year for their achievements in high school.

12 Things to keep in mind The following items are good to keep track of throughout your years in High School. Resume Community Service Log Work Experience Extra Curricular Activities

13 Things to keep in mind Listen for announcements about Admissions Advisors visiting the Career Center. These will be posted outside the door to the Counseling Office. Sign up for our Remind 101 Text Messages to keep up with all the latest information! Freshmen to #81010

14 Thank you for coming!

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