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What is a Bystander Intervention?

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1 What is a Bystander Intervention?
Bystander Intervention involves developing the awareness, skills, and courage needed to intervene in a situation when another individual needs help. Bystander Intervention allows individuals to send powerful messages about what is acceptable and expected behavior in our community. Green Dot is Iowa State’s comprehensive strategy to addressing all forms of power-based personal violence. Power-based personal violence, also known as red dots, can include sexual violence, dating violence, stalking, harassment and bullying. A green dot is single choice someone makes to use their words or behaviors to make it less likely a red dot occurs. Green Dot strategy equips everyone as a bystanders to think of reactive and proactive ways to reduce incidents of violence on our campus and in our community. There are barriers that exist, however, despite them there are things you can do to support the message of an intolerance of violence.

2 “The time is always right to do what is right.”
Be a green dot Active bystander! “The time is always right to do what is right.” Martin Luther King, Jr. Direct Directly inserting yourself into a potential red dot situation and stopping it by addressing those who are involved. Asking someone who seems uncomfortable or unsure if they are ok. Pulling your friend away from someone who keeps pushing drinks on them. Telling your buddies that you think their joke about sexual assault is offensive. Delegate If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable stepping in yourself, getting someone to intervene for you who might be more equipped or better able to handle the situation. Calling the Department of Public Safety when it looks like a verbal argument might turn physical. Asking your roommate to check on a friend who keeps missing class because they’re closer with that person than you are. Alerting your CRA or Commons Dean that a hallmate hasn’t been in class lately and you are worried. Distract Defusing a potential red dot by distracting those involved and interrupting the choice to make a red dot. Breaking up a heated argument by pretending you lost your key card and asking to borrow one from someone involved. Accidentally spilling a drink on the guy who keeps forcing your drunk friend to dance with him.

3 Learn More! Be an ACTIVE Bystander!
Green Dot Bystander Training is available between November to March. To request training, programming and get involved visit: Get

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