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AP Psychology Review.

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1 AP Psychology Review

2 Content Percentages on Test
2-4% history and approaches 8-10% research methods 8-10% biological bases of behavior 6-8% sensation and perception 2-4% states of consciousness 7-9% learning 8-10% cognition 6-8% motivation and emotion 7-9% developmental psychology 5-7% personality 5-7% testing and individual differences 8-10% Social psychology

3 Use process of elimination in MC
Test Tips No penalty for wrong answers, only credit for correct answers. Leave none blank! Use process of elimination in MC FRQ- Read twice- underline key elements of dirctions. Use simple language, explain how the term relates back to the question.

4 Know your Perspectives!!
Behavioral Psychology Psychoanalytic Humanistic Biological Evolutionary Cognitive Socio-cultural An eclectic approach….

5 Research Correlation vs. Exp. IV vs. DV Exp. vs. control group
Random Sample / Random Assignment Confounding Variables Controls (placebo effect) Op. Def. of Variables Correlation Coefficient Measures of Central Tendencies Measures of variability Scatter Plot Statistical Significance Bell Curve Valid, Reliable Replication Statistical Significance APA guidelines

6 Neurobiology Neurotransmission(parts, action/resting potential, all-or-none, refractory period, reuptake, synapse) Sensory / Motor neurons / Interneurons Nervous System (CNS, PNS) Endocrine System Parts of Brain Brain hemispheres Brain imaging Plasticity Aphasia vs. Agnosia Split-Brain

7 Sensation & Perception
Bottom Up / top Down Absolute Threshold JND / Weber’s Law Trichromatic v. Opponent Process (theories on color) Feature Detection (H&W) Eye / Ear Audition / Olfaction Hue, pitch, intensity, amplitude Place v. Frequency theory Vestibular Sense Kinesthesis Sensory Adaptation Gestalt Binocular Cues Monocular Cues Perceptual Set Selective Attention Size / Color Constancy

8 States of Consciousness / Personality
Sleep stages Sleep Disorders Activation Synthesis v. Information Processing Lucid Dreaming Hypnosis Post-Hypnotic Suggestion Hidden Observer Response Dissociation Drugs: Withdraw, tolerance, Depressants, stimulants, hallucinagens Personality Psychoanalysis / Freud Psychodynamic Projective Tests Humanistic Trait (Meyers Briggs, Eyensecnk, Big 5, MMPI) Social-Cognitive Albert Bandura (Reciprocal Determinism) Aaron Beck

9 Learning / Memory Pavlov= Classical (acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, higher order, generalization, discrimination) Watson= Aversive Skinner= Operant Skinner Box Thorndike: Law of Effect Latent learning Bandura Observational /social modeling Encoding, Storage, Retrieval Three Stage Processing Theory Iconic v. Ehoic Short-term = working memory LTP Theory Explicit v. Implicit Amnesia (types) Interference (types)

10 Cognition/ Language Concept / Prototype Availability Heuristic Insight
Representative Heuristic Availability Heuristic Insight Trial and Error Algorithm Obstacles to Problem solving (Belief bias, perseverance, confirmation bias, mental set, mental rigidity, functional fixedness Phonemes v. Morphemes Linguistic Determinism Syntax v. Semantics Deep structure Chomsky = nature Critical period / LAD Skinner = nurture Observation, association, reinforcement

11 Testing / Intelligence
Stanford-Binet IQ = MA / CA x 100 ( avg=100, SD=15) Standardized Testing Reliability / Validity Pilot / norms of achievement Achievement v. Aptitude Savant Syndrome Flynn Effect Bell Curve Factor Analysis Theorists Spearman- G Factor / Factor analysis Gardner: Mult. Intelligences Goleman- EQ Sternberg: Triarchic theory (analytical, creative, practical)

12 Developmental Psych Teratogens Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Theorists Piaget
Attachment (imprinting) Critical Period Habituation Heritability Maturation Menarche / Menopause Longitudinal v. cross-sectional Fluid v. Crystallized Parenting styles Gender identity, role, typing Theorists Piaget Kohlberg Gilligan Erikson Harlow

13 Motivation / Emotion Drive-Reduction Arousal Incentive
Homeostasis Push / pull factors Arousal Incentive Maslow’s Hierarchy Hunger Lateral v. Ventromedial Hypothalamus Set Point / BMR Anorexia / Bulimia Nervosa Sexual Motivation (Innitial excitement, plateau phase, orgasm, resolution) Achievement Motivation Theory X vs. Y Emotions Facial expressions = universal Catharsis Feel good-do good James Lange theory Cannon-Bard Theory Schacter’s Two-Factor theory

14 Stress Type A personality Type B personality
Type A + negative anger = heart disease Seyle’s General Adaptation Syndrome Alarm, resistance, exhaustion Holmes and Rahe: Social Readjustment Rating Scale (numerical value on stress)

15 Abnormal Psychology DSM V & changes Psychiatrist v. Psychologist
2 weeks Neuroticism (neurosis) Psychotic (psychosis) Delusions / Hallucinations Disorders Anxiety Mood Disorders Somatic Symptoms Dissociative Schizophrenia Personality Disorders

16 Types of Therapy Psychoanalysis Humanistic Behavioral Cognitive
Key Figures / Terms Freud: Free association, dream analysis Resistance/Transference (talking therapy Rogers: Client-centered, UPR, Non-directive, active listening Classical / Operant conditioningCounter-conditioning, Systematic desensitization, flooding, aversive conditioning, modeling REBT, Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Triad, Rotter’s Internal v. External locus George Kelley: Personal Constructs Drug therapy: (somatic therapy) review specific drug treatments Types of Therapy Psychoanalysis Humanistic Behavioral Cognitive Biomedical Eclectic approach!

17 Depression Serotonin Seligman’s learned helplessness
Beck’s cognitive triad Explanatory Style

18 Social Psych Cognitive Dissonance Deindivuation Group Polarization
Foot in door / Door in Face Central / Peripheral R of P Attribution Theory Fundamental Attribution Theory Just-World Belief Frustration-Aggression Theory By-stander Effect Social Facilitation Social Loafing Deindivuation Group Polarization Group Think Milgram Experiment Robber’s Cave Asch Experiment Stanford Prison Experiment

19 Theorists Developmental Psych Piaget: Cognitive
Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational Kohlberg: Moral Preconventional, Conventional, Postconventional Erikson: Social (8 stages) Harlow: Touch and attachment Ainsworth: Secure, insecure attachment (Anxious-ambivalent / Avoidant)

20 Theorists Formation of Personality
Freud: Psychosexual Stages / Unconscious Adler, Jung: Psychodynamic Humanistic perspective Carl Rogers: UPR, Maslow: Self-actualization Trait Perspective (genes form personality) Personality Inventories (Myers Briggs etc.) Social Cognitive Bandura: Reciprocal Determinism, self-efficacy Julian Rotter: Locus of control George Kelley: Personal constructs Aaron Beck: Cognitive Triad

21 Theorists Intelligence Spearman Gardner: Multiple Intelligences (8)
Factor Analysis / G Factor Gardner: Multiple Intelligences (8) Howard Gardner: EQ (Emotional intelligence) Sternberg: Triarchic theory (analytical, creative, practical)

22 Theorists Therapy Psychoanalysis (Unconscious) Humanistic
Rogers: UPR, Active listening, non-directive Maslow: self-actualization, self-concept Gestalt: whole body Behavioral Systematic Desensitization Exposure Aversive Conditioning Cognitive Julian Rotter: locus of control / Seligman: LH Beck: Cognitive Triad / Bandura: Self-efficacy

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