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Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down! Directions:

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Presentation on theme: "Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down! Directions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetic Traits: A look at Traits, DNA, Chromosomes & Genes How do we get our traits?

2 Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down! Directions:
On the next slide, we will read through 5 statements. After reading each statement, you will give a “thumbs up” if you understand the idea and “thumbs down” if you don’t. (Remember…we haven’t learned this yet, so it is perfectly ok if you don’t understand it yet!)

3 Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down Statements:
A gene is the same thing as a chromosome. Hereditary traits are passed through the blood. A single gene determines all traits. If you look like your mother, it is because she gave your more genes than your father did. If a father has 23 pairs of genes and your mother has 23 pairs of genes their offspring have 46 pairs of genes.

4 What are traits, anyway? *These go on the bottom of your notes sheet!* A TRAIT is a character or feature of an organism that may be inherited. Example: hair color, eye color They can be either dominant or recessive.

5 Traits can be either DOMINANT or RECESSIVE
Watch the video to see if you can decide what the difference is… (1:57)

6 Traits Survey: For each of the following traits, decide which describes you!

7 #1 I have detached earlobes

8 #2 I can roll my tongue

9 #3 I have dimples Dimples No dimples

10 #4 I am right-handed

11 #5 I have freckles

12 #7 I have a cleft chin

13 #8 I have allergies

14 #9 I cross my left thumb over my right when I clasp my hands together

15 #10 I can see the colors red and green in the picture below (I am not color blind)
Color Blindness Test: video

16 #11 The hairline on my forehead is straight across
Straight hairline Widows peak hairline

17 So…how do we get our traits?
Think back to when you learned about CELLS in 6th grade. It all starts there! Bozeman science explains! (5:34)

18 CELL Often called the “building block of life”, cells are the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently. (More on this later!)

19 NUCLEUS The “brain” of the cell, containing DNA and responsible for growth and reproduction of the cell. The nucleus of a human cell contains between 30,000 and 40,000 genes! This complete set of genes is called the GENOME.


21 CHROMOSOMES Chromosomes are a packet of coiled up DNA containing genetic information Do you know what DNA stands for?!? Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes contained in the nucleus of cells Each chromosome has a single strand of DNA which carries the code for a couple of thousand genes

22 DNA DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid and is the molecule that contains our genetic code. The DNA molecule is made from two single strands, twisted together in the shape of a double helix.

23 GENES Each DNA molecule contains many genes.
Genes are the basic physical and functional units of heredity. Your genes determine your traits!

24 Did you know? 99.9% of your DNA is identical to everyone else's! It’s the 0.1% that makes us unique! Environmental factors, such as lifestyle (for example, smoking and nutrition) also influence the way we look and our susceptibility to disease.

25 Vocabulary Add these words to your glossary:
Cell, Nucleus, Chromosome, DNA, Gene, Trait

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