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Presentation to Chapter December 17, 2016

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1 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Lambda Phi Omega Chapter Strategic Plan 2017-2019*
Presentation to Chapter December 17, 2016 Recommended by Executive Board on December 6, 2016 Strategic Planning Committee: Sorors Romona Davis, Loretta Embry, Jean Johnson, Diana Jones, Robynne Sherrill, Belva Denmark Tibbs (chairman), Jackie Whatley, Deann Wheeler, Deborah Willis, and Wendy Batch-Wilson *Revised December 6, 2016 based on feedback from the Executive Board.

2 Background Information
The AKA Corporate Office has mandated that each chapter complete a three-year strategic plan (2017 – 2019), which is due by December 31, 2016; our submission deadline is December 17, 2016. Components of the Strategic Plan must include: Mission statement - organizational purpose Vision statement - aspirational; what will we look like if we achieve our goals Guiding Principles – the framework in which the chapter will achieve the vision. Strategic goals - long-term organizational targets Action plan - specific tasks, including accountable person(s), time frame, financial impact, interdependencies Follow-up - measurement/monitoring component that determines if the organizational has achieved what it planned to accomplish.

3 Our Mission Members of Lambda Phi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated: Serve the Greater Cleveland community, Support professional growth of women, and Promote sisterhood among college- educated women. Lambda Phi Omega Chapter fosters an environment which enables its members to serve the community, to support the professional and social growth of women who possess high ethical standards and to promote friendship, unity, sisterhood and mentoring a network of college educated women.

4 Our 2020 Vision Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will become the premier sisterhood of distinguished professional women in Greater Cleveland united to serve humankind. Lambda Phi Omega Chapter is the premier sisterhood of distinguished professional women united to serve humankind. We are unwavering in our dedication to fostering high standards in all of our endeavors, unsurpassed in our implementation of programs and projects which have a sustainable impact on our community members. Each Soror is zealous in her commitment to uphold the ideals and principles of the organization. We capitalize upon every opportunity to enhance Lambda Phi Omega Chapter so that it is always in a mode of continuous improvement and remains a progressive and dynamic organization.

5 Twelve core principles guide the work of Lambda Phi Omega Chapter
Our behavior cultivates an atmosphere of camaraderie in which women are encouraged to unite and fully engage in supporting each other toward achieving our goals and aspirations. We hold ourselves accountable for high ethical standards as evidenced by our commitment, integrity, professionalism, sisterhood, confidentiality and respect for each other. We value and respect the diverse perspectives of all members. We are totally dedicated to supporting financial goals, committee programs and chapter activities by collaborating across committees and actively contributing to the success of our chapter. We constantly strive to improve chapter operations by seeking internal/external feedback (e.g., evaluations, surveys, audits, etc.), setting S.M.A.R.T. goals to align with expectations and measuring our progress. The knowledge, skills and abilities of all members are fully utilized. We implement transformational programs by partnering with community organizations to address both long and short-term needs, conducting quantitative assessments to identify areas of opportunity, and integrating global perspectives. We fully support the economic empowerment of our members and the communities we serve. We focus on initiatives which enable high scholastic achievement. We offer development opportunities to enhance the leadership skills of all members. We leverage technology and adopt operational processes to ensure timely communication, organizational effectiveness and environmental sustainability. We develop and drive fundraising strategies to optimize our financial support for programs and scholarships.

6 Branding Membership Programming Fundraising Development Operations
Our strategic goals have six areas of focus, which serve as a framework for all that we do as an organization. Membership Programming Fundraising Development Operations Branding

7 Membership Growth Sustainable Financial Base
Transformational Programming Sustainable Financial Base By December 31, 2019, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will increase membership to at least 151 members by recruiting, retaining and reclaiming women who uphold the ideals and principles of the organization. By January 1, 2018, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will implement transformational programming, aligned with international program targets, that have measurable short-term (1-2 years) and long-term (3-5 years) impact in our community. By March 31, 2017, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will develop plans, which will yield a sustainable financial base that enables the chapter to fund transformational programs, and develop cash reserves for longer-term programming and ongoing scholarships.

8 Professional Development
Chapter Operations AKA Brand By November 30, 2017, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will create two tools, which will help develop members and strong leaders to ensure the knowledge, skills and abilities of all members are fully utilized. By December 31, 2018, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will maximize chapter operations by leveraging technology and adopting efficient processes to ensure timely communication, organizational effectiveness and environmental sustainability. By March 31, 2017, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will develop a vehicle that promotes and protects the AKA Brand.

9 Membership: By December 31, 2019, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will increase membership to at least 151 members by recruiting, retaining and reclaiming women who uphold the ideals and principles of the organization. No. Tactical Objectives Metrics Timeline Responsibility Interdependencies 1 Recruit at least 30 new members who uphold the ideals and principles of AKA and augment the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs)/demographics of current membership, esp. 20 and 30 year-old women Number of women who successfully complete the Chapter’s Member Intake Process during the three-year period December 31, 2017? December 31, 2018? December 31, 2019? Membership Sisterly Relations Individual Membership Dues National MIP guidelines 2 Retain at least 95% of the previous year’s chapter membership 95% of previous year’s membership [for 2017, goal = 123 members (129*0.95)] December 31, 2017 December 31, 2018 December 31, 2019 Bylaws? 3 Reclaim 5% of previous year’s membership by actively engaging inactive Sorors and targeting recent college graduates throughout the year 5% of previous year’s membership [for 2017, goal = 6 members (129*0.5)] Pearl Day

10 Programming: By January 1, 2018, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will implement transformational programming, aligned with international program targets, that have measurable short-term (1-2 years) and long-term (3-5 years) impact in our community. No. Tactical Objectives Metrics Timeline Responsibility Interdependencies 1 Based on community needs assessment, develop and implement a longer-term, transformational focus for programming (e.g., in one geographic area, one school) over multiple years Develop at least one, multi-faceted, multi-year transformational program for 2018 by October 31, 2017 October 31, 2017 for 2018 program year Program Standards Committee Chairmen Budget International Program Targets Local Community Needs Assessment 2 Develop a reliable measurement tool to monitor the effectiveness and impact of the transformational program(s) based on benchmarks Number of committees with projects in targeted area (e.g., geography, school) Number of people served in the targeted area Number of years of program Amount spent and/or budgeted on program December 31, 2018 3 Administer measurement tool (e.g., survey) annually and if needed, adjust program based on input Annual survey December 31, 2018 Annual Chapter Assessment (Standards survey)

11 Fundraising: By March 31, 2017, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will develop plans, which will yield a sustainable financial base that enables the chapter to fund transformational programs, and develop cash reserves for longer-term programming and ongoing scholarships. No. Tactical Objectives Metrics Timeline Responsibility Interdependencies 1 Using the 2016 Member Survey results, conduct a focus group to develop fundraising goals and metrics for 2018 and 2019 Agreed upon multi-year fundraising plan March 31, 2017 Fundraising Budget? Programming Scholarships 2 Develop a plan to transfer fundraising activities that generate a positive return on investment (ROI) and net-profit to the LPO Foundation Agreed upon transition plan for the LPO Foundation LPO Foundation LPO Officers LPO Foundation Articles of Incorporation LPO Bylaws

12 Development: By November 30, 2017, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will create two tools, which will help develop members and strong leaders to ensure the knowledge, skills and abilities of all members are fully utilized. No. Tactical Objectives Metrics Timeline Responsibility Comments 1 Develop Lambda Phi Omega Chapter specific “how-to” guidelines on member and leadership accountabilities and orient members/leaders on roles and responsibilities and standard operating procedures at chapter level Existence of “How-to” Manual Manual used during Leadership Development workshop Manual used during Member Orientation session November 30, 2017 Protocol Leadership Development Committee Chairmen Executive Board Standards Membership See verbatim comment to Member Survey Q 11: “recommendation for preparing future leaders” 2 Build a Lambda Phi Omega Chapter Skills Bank and use it when forming committees and seeking chairmen/officers LPO Member Skills Bank September 30, 2017 Technology Nominating Committee

13 Operations: By December 31, 2018, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will maximize chapter operations by leveraging technology and adopting efficient processes to ensure timely communication, organizational effectiveness and environmental sustainability. No. Tactical Objectives Metrics Timeline Responsibility Interdependencies 1 Incorporate the use of technology into more operational practices to make processes more efficient and "green" Implement at least one practice to improve efficiency Annual survey assessing the chapter’s operational effectiveness January 1, 2018 December 31, 2018 December 31, 2019 Standards Technology Annual Chapter Assessment (Standards survey) 2 Adhere to time limits for chapter/committee meetings Implement at least one practice to improve timeliness Annual survey assessing the chapter’s meeting timeliness Executive Board Leadership Development 3 Develop and administer an annual tool to monitor progress against the 15 tactical objectives in the Strategic Plan Dashboard to track progress on metrics Number of tactical objectives successfully completed each year 4Q 2017 4Q 2018 4Q 2019 December 31, 2017

14 Branding: By March 31, 2017, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter will develop a vehicle that promotes and protects the AKA Brand. No. Tactical Objectives Metrics Timeline Responsibility Interdependencies 1 Create an Ad Hoc Marketing/Branding Committee to develop and implement a comprehensive and cohesive marketing/ branding plan to enhance the image of the chapter Committee formed An agreed upon branding/marketing standard operating procedures (SOP) guide An agreed upon marketing/branding plan January 2017 March 2017 March 2017 Basileus Marketing/ Branding Committee No Budget implications No Bylaw changes 2 Increase number of articles/posts/ads about Lambda Phi Omega Chapter's programs and activities in local print media, social media and/or Ivy Leaf magazine compared to 2017 Number of articles/ads in print media per quarter Number of posts on social media Number of followers on Facebook, Twitter Number of hits on the chapter website December 31, 2018 December 31, 2019 Ivy Leaf Reporter Public Relations Committee Chairmen Budget

15 Implementation Time Line
Implementation Time Line: Complete Five High-Level Tactical Objectives Each Year Implementation Time Line 2017 2018 2019 Transition fundraising activities to LPO Foundation by March 31, 2017 Implement multi-year Transformational program(s) by January 1, 2018 Retain 95% of previous year’s membership in 2017, 2018 & 2019. Create an Ad Hoc Marketing/ Branding Committee to develop a plan by March 31, 2017 Evaluate impact of transformational programs annually by December 31, 2018 Reclaim at least inactive Sorors by December 31, 2019 Conduct focus group and develop Fundraising plan based on Member Survey feedback by March 31, 2017 Improve operational processes via technology by December 31, 2018 Recruit at least 30 women for chapter’s Member Intake Process by December 31, 2019 Develop LPO Skills Bank by September 30, 2017 Adhere to time limits for chapter/ committee meetings by December 31, 2018 Based on evaluation, adjust multi-year Transformational program(s) by March 31, 2019 Develop chapter “How-To” Manual for leaders and members by November 30, 2017 Increase articles/posts/ads about Lambda Phi Omega Chapter by December 31, 2018 Monitor progress against the 15 tactical objectives in the Strategic Plan by December 31, 2019

16 Primary Responsibility
Seven Committees and the LPO Foundation are primarily responsible for implementing the 15 tactical objectives between 2017 and They will be supporting by 11 committees, all committee chairmen, LPO officers and the Executive Board. Ultimately, successful implementation of this strategic plan will require support and commitment (ownership) by the full membership.

17 ONGOING FOLLOW-UP: Strategic Plan 2017-2019 Dashboard (A Monitoring/Measurement Tool)

18 2017 – 2019 Strategic Plan Summarized…
ONE Mission; ONE Vision THREE Years SIX Strategic Goals 15 Tactical Objectives 129 COMMITTED Lambda Phi Omega Chapter Members COUNTLESS Lives Changed in Greater Cleveland

19 Appendix A: 2016 Strategic Planning Process
The Strategic Planning Committee (an ad hoc committee) met in August, September, October and December in person and via teleconference. All members actively participated in the completion of documents via . The Committee reviewed the Chapter’s last Strategic Plan, which was completed in 2003; Soror Belva Denmark Tibbs participated on that committee. The Committee gathered input from chapter members at the August Chapter Retreat (chapter strengths and opportunities for improvement). The Committee also reviewed the 2016 issue of The Pulse, an external assessment of demographic and socioeconomic trends in Greater Cleveland produced by the Cleveland Foundation and Crains’ Cleveland Business. The Pulse uses extensive data to inform how Greater Cleveland is doing in different spheres of life, including education, housing, jobs, safety, health, transportation, population and the environment. Based on the internal and external assessments, the Committee refined the vision & guiding principles and identified six strategic goals. On October 15, the Chapter approved the Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles and the six Strategic Goals. To assist in the completion of the Strategic Plan, Lambda Phi Omega Chapter's Strategic Planning Committee designed an internal chapter survey to gather information about member demographics, knowledge/skills/abilities (KSAs), and engagement in programs/fundraising activities as well as chapter strengths and opportunities for improvement.  The survey consisted of 37 multiple-choice and 9 open-ended questions and was administered October 4 – 15, A total of 58 chapter members (or 46% of the total membership) responded to the survey. For the full survey results, please visit the Members Only section of the LPO website. Due to time constraints, we were unable to convene subgroups to develop action plans for the six strategic goals. Instead, the committee developed specific tasks under each goal based on survey results. Chapter members will provide input on the action plan at the December Executive Board and Chapter meetings. On December 6, the Executive Board reviewed the Strategic Plan, provided input and recommended the plan be presented at the December Chapter meeting for final review and approval. On December 17, the chapter will review and approve the final version of Lambda Phi Omega Chapter’s Strategic Plan. Annually, during the fourth quarter, the Standards Committee will monitor the chapter’s progress against the strategic plan via evaluations, surveys, audits, etc. and report its findings to the Chapter using the Dashboard. Based on the assessment, the Chapter will make adjustments as needed.

20 Appendix B: Excerpts from the 2016 Member Survey

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