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Chromosomes and inheritance

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1 Chromosomes and inheritance
How are chromosomes, genes, and inheritance related?

2 Chromosomes and inheritance
According to the chromosome theory of inheritance, genes bass from parents to their offspring on chromosomes Remember that alleles are different forms of a gene One comes from mom, and one comes from dad

3 The lineup of genes Body cells of humans contain 46 chromosomes that form 23 pairs Chromosomes are made up of many genes, joined together like beads Genes control traits

4 Homozygous vs. heterozygous
Draw a chromosome and label the gene pairs, centromere, and alleles

5 What are genes made of? Genes contain the genetic material that determine the inherited traits of individuals Genetic material is called DNA, and provides information for cells to make proteins

6 Chromosomes, Genes, and DNA
Chromosomes are made of tightly wound DNA that is found in the nucleus A gene is a section of a DNA that contains a specific code for a protein

7 Meiosis – not mitosis Mitosis happens in your toes – My Toes is
Meiosis is the process by which a chromosome pair, splits into two different cells Each daughter cell contains half of the information for a new organism

8 Comparing sexual and asexual reproduction
DNA transfer through sexual reproduction – meiosis - and asexual reproduction – mitosis – equip organisms in different ways for survival

9 Sexual reproduction During sexual reproduction, the female egg cell and the male sperm cell each bring half of the genetic material to the offspring

10 Asexual reproduction The new offspring is genetically identical to itself A Hydra reproduces through budding – a new animal grows out of the parent and breaks off

11 How Science affects pop culture

12 Comparing the two Most important advantage of asexual reproduction is that it is often quick and produces many offspring Most important advantage of sexual reproduction is that it produces more diverse offspring


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